Once we were GIANTS …
December 21, 2022  by Jane 

Christmas is coming & we are trying to finish harvesting chickpeas and drenching sheep. The cool...

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Mombarai – Gomeroi scarification
November 17, 2022  by Jane 

Mombarai  was the Gomeroi word used for the cicatrix/ cultural scars displayed on the upper body. It’s...

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Culture shock
October 26, 2022  by Jane 

You don’t have to go o/s to experience culture shock you know – it happens right here at home. If gossip...

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50 shades of Black
September 12, 2022  by Jane 

   When Aboriginal people come to visit we rarely discuss politics but now the personal has become...

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The shoulda beens
August 17, 2022  by Jane 

Although thousands of people are paid large salaries at our universities and museums & publicly funded...

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Bring Bums Inn
July 22, 2022  by Jane 

The anthropological Vs natural debate re trees growing in other trees is over – Jen Silcock’s soon...

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Coolamons & Kero tins
July 2, 2022  by Jane 

Since spending time hanging around old Aboriginal camps Ive noticed what is known as ‘post contact...

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Easter pilgrims
May 5, 2022  by Jane 

April is a very busy month here especially in wet years. The cultivation paddocks have to be prepared...

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You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one …
March 17, 2022  by Jane 

Ive had lengthy conversations with a farmer living on Wuradjuri land around Orange in the central west...

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From foragers to farmers – and all stops in between.
February 3, 2022  by Jane 

Raining here again so Im reading another interesting book and loading the new TinTs I found mustering...

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