biggest TinT Host circum. 4.3 mtrs Guest 1.15 mtrs
wilga in box south side
wilga in box south view
Wilga in box TinT
Wilga in a Bimblebox
wilga in bimblebox close
wilga in box south veiw
wilga in box tree Cumbul
Boonery in Bimblebox HP
Boonery/Rosewood in Box
boonery in box on billabong
Boonery in Box close
Bumble in a Bimble box
bumble in box close
bumble in box Antigar
bumble in bimblebox A
wilga in bimblebox P
Bimble in Box nth view
wilga in bimblebox close
wilga in box & looloo
wilga in box close P
wilga in box in pocket
wilga in dead box P
wilga in poisoned boxtree P
wilga in box in Priest
wilga in bimblebox Priest
wilga in box in Priest
wilga in box in priest close
unknown steel axe cut - vine planter?
Boonery in dead Box TB
Boonery in dead boxtree
boonery in scarred box TB
boonery in box close
Butterbush in boxtree FL
butterbush TinT east veiw
butterbush leaves TinT
butterbush in dead box
Wallangilla wilga in box
Wilga in Bimblebox WG
Wilga in boxtree with Cubby
wilga in box close up
wilga in dead box close WG
wilga dead box Wallangilla
dying wilga in dead box
wilga in dead box + cubby
Quinine in a boxtree TB
dead quinine in boxtree
dead quinine in box TB
Quinine guest close TB
TinT&Supplejack& Bumble combo
Boonery in dead box host
TinT boonery root system
dead TinT boxtree host
Wilga in Box on billabong
wilga in box on billabong closer
new Telinebone TinT
wilga in box on billabong
bumble(dead) in box W
dead bumble in box close
TinT with dead guest W
dead bumble in box close up
new TinT boonery/box
boonery in box TinT
boonery in boxtree TB
boonery in box close up
Bumble in box Telinebone
Bumble/Wild orange guest
bumble in box in TB
bumble/box junction TB
Jason Wilson on TinTs
Peach bush in boxtree TB
Peach bush in box close
Peach bush guest close
boxtree host peach bush guest
High Peach bush guest
P/bush growing out of box 10 mts up
very high Peach bush TB
emerging peach bush close
wtf peach bush guest ???
Quinine in box in Priest
Quinine TinT in Priest
quinine in box close P
new Q in B TinT Priest
TinT in Wailwun country
Wilga in bimblebox FW
wilga in dead boxtree FW
Wailwan wilga TinT
TinT in rung boxtree FW
steel axe cut TinT close FW
Whitewood joins guest list G
New whitewood TinT Goorie
Whitewood in dead boxtree G
Whitewood (Atalaya hemiglauca)
unknown dead TinT guest G
need to test the guest at UNSW
Coolabah? host & fallen Rosewood guest
poisoned coolabah host & dead boonery guest
dead host dead guest WG
dead rosewood guest revival WG
FW Wilga in a belah host
FW broken belah host
FW natural or anthropogenic ?
FW germinated or grown coolabah
FW tiny coolabah in fork
FW small wilga in box
FW wilga in box unknown
FW small wilga TinT
RT 4 coolamon chimera
RT Boonery in multiscarred box
RT Rosewood growing beside coolamon
RT 4xcoolamon TinT
RT new TinT guest Apophyllum anomalum
RT Currant bush guest close
RT Warrior/Currant bush TinT
Rt not sure what guests these are ?
RT Wilga & unknown hopbush?
RT unknown shrubby guest
RT wilga & unknown trunks
Cubby & boxtree - supplejack combo
RT box/supplejack reverse side
RT split boxtree/ supplejack
RT new currant bush TinT at old camp
Apophyllum anomalum in boxtree
RT new currant bush TinT
Peach bush TinT/Chimera
new high Peach bush chimera
Peach bush in box chimera
dead chimera unknown species
unknown dead chimera P
dead guest looks like Budda?
chimera with Bumble or Wait-a-while
Not anthropogenic chimera
bumble/box or Nepine/box chimera
Wilga in Box natural chimera
Wilga chimera & dead shoots P
young Wilga chimera in Priest
possible dead guest? chimera P
dead budda (Eremophila mitchellii) ???
unknown dead guest .. possible budda
new wilga chimera in Priest
Wilga chimera within 400 m of the other 2
Wilga chimera triangle in Priest
wilga TinT in Priest making it 3
new wilga TinT in chimera hotspot
boxtree host looks stone axe cut?
new wilga chimera side veiw
new wilga chimera in Priest
budda (Eremophila mitchellii) chimera
budda guest in boxtree host P
budda/box combo in chimera hotspot
club chimera welcomes new guest species
new currant bush chimera in Cumbul
Apophyllum anomalum chimera
aka warrior bush & broom bush
new chimera - natural by the look of it?
3rd peachbush chimera within 5 mts
Ehretia membranifolia hanging garden
new Bumble chimera near well
Wild orange in Box tree Telinebone
Capparis mitchellii chimera TB
Bumble TinT in Chimera chase
Bumble/Nepine? in Coolabah P
Wild orange? in Coolabah host close
Capparis mitchellii guest I think?
Only live Coolabah host Ive seen
Wild orange or Nepine guest P
new Wilga in Box TinT P
smallest Wilga chimera P
small Geijera parviflora chimera P
Wilga in box in Priest close up
dead unknown climbing shrub in box TB
dead shrub in stump in TB
Wilga in box tree in Priest
new wilga chimera Priest
wonderful wilga chimera close up P
new wilga chimera Priest
Wilga chimera distant P
Currant bush in Coolabah P
currant bush in Coolabah in Priest
new Wilga in box chimera in ration
Wilga/Boxtree junction R
Is this stump stone or steel cut?
Wilga chimera in Ration
Wilga in box TinT - Ration
FW medium Wilga chimera
FW wilga in a box TinT
FW wilga/boxtree junction
FW Wilga in Box TinT
FW wilga chimera in swamp
FW another wilga chimera
FW wilga chimera back view
FW small Wilga chimera
FW small wila/box junction
FW small wilga chimera far view
FW another Wilga chimera
FW Wilga in broken boxtree
FW wilga/broken box junction
FW wilga chimera close up
FW yet another wilga chimera
FW very small Wilga in box
FW wilga in box TinT
FW small wilga chimera east view
FW small wilga/box junction
FW tiny wilga chimera
FW tiny wilga in box TinT
FW tiny wilga chimera from above
FW tiny wilga in box tree
FW tiny wilga/box junction
FW wilga in a belar tree
FW unique wilga/belah combo
FW wilga living in broken belah tree
FW wilga chimera in different host tree
FW wilga/belah junction
smallest chimera in Ration
pointy ended coolamon associated with Chimera
tiny wilga & bumble in boxtree scar R
new quinine chimera in Priest
quinine chimera at base Priest
quinine/boxtree junction P
quinine TinT in Priest
Tiny wilga chimera likely to be natural
Wilga guest with small saltbush friend
small wilga chimera side view P
new currant bush chimera in Priest
Not natural currant bush chimera close P
Apophyllum anomalum in a box tree
currant bush/boxtree junction P
quinine in box close R
quinine in boxtree R
quinine in box at rubbish tip
wilga in box above P
Wilga in box in Priest
small wilga in boxtree P
Wilga in box side view P
small wilga chimera Priest
tiny wilga in box in Chimera chase
another wilga chimera too small for cultural R
wilga chimera R- whats with the stumps ?
GGS Leopardwood joins the guest list!
GGS 1st leopardwood TinT
GGS leopardwood in dead black box
GGS only known leopardwood TinT
GGS leopardwood chimera wailwun country
GGS Wilga in dead blackbox
GGS wilga chimera close
GGS wilga in box TinT
GGS new wilga chimera host dead
GGS wilga in broken blackbox
GGS wilga chimera with exposed roots
GGS small wilga chimera in dead host
GGS roots of wilga chimera close
GGS wilga chimera on coolamon tree
GGS coolamon opposite wilga guest
GGS wilga chimera close up
GGS chimera & coolamon
GGS wilga in coolamon blackbox
GGS wilga chimera both guest & host living
GGS wilga junction with steel axcut stumps
GGS wilga chimera mid tree
GGS mid tree wilga chimera with 3 stumps
GGS double chimera big wilga small currant bush
GGS double booked wilga & currant bush
GGS wilga & currant bush TsinT
GGS 3 in 1 - wilga & currant bush in blackbox
GGS smallish wilga in smallish blackbox
GGS wilga chimera in blackbox
GGS wilga TinT in blackbox
GGS wilga chimera just slotted in
GGS smallest wilga chimera in the swamp
GGS wee wilga in a blackbox
GGS smallest wilga chimera from above
GGS Wilga chimera with other small wilgas
GGS untidy wilga in blackbox TinT
GGS wilga guest/host junction
GGS wilga chimera in multilimbed blackbox
GGS wilga in blackbox chimera
GGS tiny wilga chimera
GGS tiny wilga TinT close
GGS tiny wilga in blackbox
GGS tiny wilga in blackbox TinT
Jen Silcock & rosewood TinT CB
rosewood/boonery chimera CB
Rosewood TinT close Cumbul
boonery chimera cumbul
Eremophila mitchelli chimera CB
Budda chimera in Cumbul
budda in bimblebox in Cumbul
Budda in bimblebox TinT CB
GGS old peach bush in blackbox
GGS close up Peachbush chimera
GGS peachbush in blackbox
GGS V.old peachbush chimera
GGS peachbush in blackbox in swamp
GGS unknown chimera killed by termites
GGS dead TinT - termite infestation
BPS wilga in dead box close
BPS wilga in dead box chimera
BPS wilga/ dead box chimera close up
BPS wilga chimera
RPS wilga in blackbox
RPS wilga in blackbox chimera close
RPS Wilga in box chimera
RPS wilga guest blackbox host
RPS wilga in box TinT
BPS smallish wilga chimera
BPS wilga /box TinT
BPS wilga in blackbox fork
BPS new wilga chimera
BPS smallish wilga TinT
BPS wilga chimera far
BPS spiny fanflower chimera
BPS scaevola spinescens in box
BPS spiny fan flower in a blackbox
BPS another wilga TinT
BPS close up wilga chimera
BPS wilga in blackbox chimera
BPS smallish wilga chimera
natural chimera Cedar in a gumtree
tiny wilga in bimblebox in Priest
new wilga in box TinT P
tiny wilga chimera P
tiny wilga in bimblebox in Priest
RPS wilga guest in dead boxtree host
RPS wilga boxtree junction
Ram Paddock Swamp wilga chimera
RPS coolamon on Wilga TinT
RPS small wilga chimera
RPS small wilga guest from above
RPS small wilga in blackbox TinT
RPS small wilga chimera
Mc Leafless cheery in dead box tree
Mc new guest species - Exocarpos aphyllus
Mc new leafless cherry TinT
Mc 1st Exocarpus aphyllus guest
Mc Wilga in box chimera
Mc new wilga chimera in McDonalds 2
Mc wilga in box TinT
Mc Wilga chimera in McDonalds 2
Boobialla in box, new guest species
Boobialla (Myroporum montanum) TinT
Boobialla in a boxtree chimera
new boobialla TinT in Priest
Peach bush in box in Priest
Ehretia membranifolia TinT
Peach bush chimera P
peach bush chimera close P
old campfire scar on currant bush chimera
small Apophyllum anomalum TinT
currant bush in bimblebox CB
Currant/Warrior bush chimera
Peach bush TinT in Stud
peach bush guest close S
Peach bush chimera cluster S
Currant bush in coolabah in Goorie
currant bush guest coolabah host G
Apophyllum anomalum guest G
Warrior/currant bush chimera G
currant bush in coolabah in Goorie
2nd small peach bush guest in same host
Peach bush guest in Stud cluster
smaller Ehretia guest of 2
Box tree full of Peach bush Stud
another Peach bush guest in Stud cluster
Tiny Peach bush guest close S
tiny Peach bush guest in Stud paddock cluster
Peach bush in coolamon in box S
currant bush in box in Stud
Apophyllum anomalum TinT in Stud
Currant/Warrior bush chimera in Stud
Currant bush guest in Stud
tiny Ehretia guest in crack S
regrowth Peach bush at Stud cluster
tiny Peach bush in box in Stud
another box tree full of Peach bush in Stud
Tree in Tree in Tree in Stud
Peach bush guest in double Box S
2 trees in one dead box tree
live box in dead box host S
Rosewood in poisoned Box revisited
Currant bush in blackbox SP
Currant bush Guest in black box host SP
Apophyllum anomalum Chimera SP
Currant bush chimera on Gingie rd SP
Currant bush in black box at Spillbury
biggish Peach bush in old broken box P
Ehretia membranifolia emerging from box P
another small wilga in box in Priest
wilga in box in priest
wilga TinT in Priest
birds eye view of wilga guest P
small butterbush in steel axe cut box tree P
butterbush/gumbie gumbie chimera P
butterbush emerges from steel cut box P
Butterbush in box in priest
tiny currant bush in chainsaw cut box tree
whitewood in coolabah at Spillbury
tiny rosewood chimera Stud
baby boonery in box in Stud
tiny Alectryon oleifolius guest
rosewood/boonery guest close S
currant bush chimera Priest
currant bush chimera close P
warrior bush TinT Priest
Apophyllum anomalum guest P
Rosewood chimera at warrambool gully
Boonery TinT in Warrambool
Boonery in box in Warrambool
small Rosewood guest WB
FW close up currant bush guest
FW tiny warrior bush chimera
FW tiny Currant bush guest
dual occupancy - high & low peachbush guests
Currant bush in dead box P
Currant bush in dead box with butterbush P
Apophyllum anomalum TinT P
Warrior bush TinT in Priest
double letting - coolabah & peach bush in box?
Old bimble box with 2 peach bush guests F5
eastern guest Peach box TinT
dual occupancy Peach bush chimera
root system of western Peach bush guest
western Peach bush guest in TinT F5
western peach bush guest/host junction
FW Denhamia cunninghamii ? TinT
Unknown guest- Denhamia cunninghamii?
FW possibly Denhamia cunninghamii
FW wilga TinT with Crackle
FW Wilga guest close up
FW medium wilga in box TinT
FW wilga in box TinT
Peach bush in box in F5
Peach in box chimera in Feed 5
Peach bush guest Bimblebox host F5
Ehretia membranifolia chimera F5
FW small wilga in broken box
FW wilga guest in broken box host
FW small Wilga in broken box
FW small wilga guest
FW tiny wilga in box on billabong
FW closer view of tiny wilga guest
FW tiny wilga TinT
FW tiny wilga in box tree fork
fallen peach bush TinT in Feed 5
Peach bush in dead fallen box tree F5
horizontal Peach bush TinT F5
FW bigger wilga TinT
FW bigger wilga chimera
FW bigger wilga guest
FW bigger wilga in box TinT
FW triple guest TinT
FW baby wilga in triple TinT
FW unknown dead guest in triple TinT
FW triple guest chimera
big whitewood in dead box F4
guest kills host? Whitewood TinT
biggest Whitewood TinT F4
whitewood/birah roots
T wilga double in steel axcut box
T wilga TinT steel axcut host
T double trunked wilga chimera
T wilga/ box TinT
T high whitewood TinT
T whitewood guest boxtree host
T 1 of 5 known whitewood chimera
T guest / host junction
T big wilga in steel axe cut box
T big wilga Tint
T like a wooden pot plant?
T big wilga guest in old bimblebox
T Peach bush in pine TinT
T big peach bush guest in Pine tree host
T weird combo chimera peachbush/Pine
T tiny Ehretia membranifolia in Pine
T smallish Wilga TinT
T smallish wilga TinT
T wilga / boxtree junction
T smallish wilga chimera
T big boonery in long dead box
T boonery/box junction
T rosewood chimera
Rosewood/Whitewood outgrow boxtree hosts?
T medium Wilga TinT
T medium wilga chimera
T think its stone axe cut boxtree host?
T medium wilga chimera
T multi trunked wilga chimera
T multi trunked wilga guest
T multi trunked wilga guest boxtree host
T medium multi trunked wilga chimera
T tiny peach bush in old coolamon
T Peach bush infiltration of box scar
T Peach bush in stone axcut boxtree stump
T Peach bush invades stone axcut stump
T tiny peach bush chimera
butterbush chimera Goorie
Pittosporum angustifolium TinT in G
butter bush guest in steel axcut box
butter bush in box in Goorie
T Peach bush in small live box
T Peach bush/ small box junction
T small Peach bush chimera
T Peach bush in small stone axcut box
T small wilga chimera near campfire double
T small wilga chimera near the campfire
T small wilga chimera in handy location
T small wilga guest - big box host
T Quinine in boxtree pockets
T Alstonia constricta chimera
T Quinine guest & stone axe cut stumps
T small Quinine guest big box host
T small wilga in stone axcut box
T small wilga/big boxtree junction
T small wilga in stone axcut pocket
T small wilga chimera far
T smallish wilga in box
T wilga guest boxtree host, both smallish
T another smallish wilga chimera
T junction point for smallish host/guest
T big scarred box small Peach bush TinT
T Peach bush growing in big scarred host
T junction between Peach bush & scartree
T Ehretia membranifolia scartree chimera
T Rosewood TinT in stone axe cut stump
T stone axe cut boxtree host
T rosewood chimera in stump prepared for it
T stone axcut box & rosewood guest junction
RT big scartree host, small Peach bush guest
RT Peach bush guest close up
RT interesting Peach bush scartree TinT
RT big double scarred boxtree host
RT steel axcut boxtree host- Wilga guest
RT medium Wilga chimera
RT wilga guest / steel ace cut box host junction
RT medium wilga tree growing in bimblebox
Peach bush chimera in Brigalow
cubby & peach bush cluster B
Peach bush / dead box tree junction
old Peach bush guest in dead boxtree host
RT Milgee trees 1 in boxtree & 1 out
RT Acacia oswaldii junction
RT milgee in boxtree TinT
RT close up of Milgee guest junction
RT Boobialla in dead box
RT Boobialla guest
RT old Boobialla chimera
RT Myroporum montanum TinT
RT Wilga chimera in a cage
RT smallish Wilga in multitrunked box
RT Wilga TinT in unusual boxtree host
RT wilga in multitrunked boxtree
RT dead currant bush TinT
RT Apophyllum anomalum junction
RT boxtree / currant bush junction
RT This TinT combo is really struggling!
tiny peach bush/ saltbush in big box P
B&TinT - thorny saltbush & peach bush guests
Peach bush guest emerging in Priest
tiny Peach bush big saltbush in box P
Currant bush in dead box TinT in Priest
currant / warrior bush chimera Priest
smallish Currant bush guest in dead box P
smallish currant bush in small dead boxtree
Boobialla on broken bimblebox branch TB
opportunistic boobialla or planted long ago?
baby boobialla TinT - seed dormancy or birds?
T big Rhagodia spinescens in box
RT Pine in Pine TinT
Tourists & Currant bush TinT
Boobialla in dead box in Cumbul
Boobialla / boxtree junction C
smallish boobialla in small dead box C
Boobialla guest in dead boxtree host
Peach bush growing in & around big box tree C
Ehretia in box in Cumbul
Ehretia suckers & Ehretia TinT C
Peach bush growing out of old scartree C
2 guests in 1 host in Cumbul
Pimelea microcephala lower guest
Boobialla upper guest in Box in Cumbul
upstairs downstairs guests in Cumbul
tiny peach bush TinT new cluster in Priest
tiny peach bush chimera P
peach bush in box in Priest
dead budda in box near big Ringtree TB
dead budda TinT in Telinebone
Biggest budda guest yet but dead unfortunately
dead budda guest live bimblebox host TB
stone axcut stump host close Priest
peach bush guest - bird poop or planted?
live peach bush chimera in dead box stump P
tiny wilga chimera in big box in new Priest cluster
tiny wilga TinT in new Priest cluster
how long ago was this Wilga planted ?
Was this wilga planted or not that is the question
New guest species - sandalwood or wild plum
This sandalwood chimera is in the too hard basket
sandalwood in box (sort of) in Priest
sandalwood guest in the base of a box tree P
wilga TinT in new Priest cluster
wilga guest in stone axe cut boxtree P
wilga chimera in 1 of 2 stone axe cut limbs
wilga guest boxtree host in new Priest cluster
small wild Orange guest in scarred coolabah P
Capparis mitchellii /Eucalyptus coolabah
wild orange in coolabah TinT in Priest
wilga/ coolabah junction P
tiny wilga/ coolabah TinT inPriest
Tiny wilga big coolabah chimera in Priest
tiny wilga guest in coolabah host P
wilga in Box in swamp in Stud
wilga TinT in Stud with 2 stone axe cut limbs
stone axe cut limbs on box tree host S
only one TinT in this swamp & its wilga
live wilga dead box TinT combo Priest
big old wilga outgrows its boxtree stump
was the wilga planted in a stump? Priest
I think this wilga was planted in a dead stump
currant/warrior bush TinT in Warrambool
currant bush guest/ coolabah host (I think)
currant bush chimera in Warrambool
Apophyllum anomalum in humus filled host WB
Currant/Warrior bush TinT - weird or what? P
strange little currant bush chimera in Priest
currant/ warrior bush - boxtree junction P
how did this currant bush get here if not planted?
double guest coolabah - thorny saltbush P
double guest coolibah - shrubby rice flower P
L strange TinT/ Ringtree combo
L ring in weird coolabah TinT combo tree
L currant bush guest in strange combo tree
L currant bush coolabah ringtree junction
L big wilga TinT with extra currant bush guest
L double guests big wilga tiny currant bush
L big wilga tiny currant bush in box
L wilga/ currant bush - bimblebox junction
L scartree with Pimelea microcephala guest
L Bush in tree - shrubby rice flower guest
L close up shrubby rice flower/ box junction
L big bimblebox scar small guest
L currant bush guest in coolabah host
L currant bush / coolabah junction
L mature currant bush / coolabah TinT
L coolabah / currant bush junction
small wilga TinT in Merrywinebah
small wilga guest box tree host junction MW
wilga in box in swamp MW
new wilga chimera Merrywinebah
medium wilga in box TinT in Goorie
wilga guest box tree host junction
medium wilga in box in Goorie
new wilga chimera in old Goorie cluster
L coolabah inside a coolabah on warrambool
open wide come inside its a coolabah TinT
CS coolabah regrowth not Tree in Tree
CS coolabah regrowth close up
RT small TinT in culturally burnt stump
RT guest? whitewood, rosewood or butterbush?
RT very small TinT - unknown guest
RT small whitewood TinT
RT whitewood guest in bimblebox host
RT small whitewood guest
RT stone axcut stumps with butterbush guests
RT butterbush (Pittosporum angustifolium) TinTs
RT butterbush guests in box stump
RT adjacent small butterbush TinT
RT small butterbush/ Gumbie gumbie TinT
RT butterbush TinT adjacent to stumps
RT peach bush TinT at sandhill
RT peach bush in box at sandhill
RT Ehretia membranifolia TinT
RT currant bush TinT
RT currant bush TinT close
RT Apophyllum anomalum in box tree
RT new peach bush TinT near warrambool
RT Pbush TinT between sandhill & warrambool
RT small but significant new peach bush TinT
RT high tiny boobialla TinT
RT high boobialla guest at sandy camp
RT low boobialla TinT at sandy camp
RT boobialla (Myroporum montanum) TinT
RT bumble TinT at sandy camp
RT Capparis mitchelli TinT
close up Wild orange TinT sandy camp
RT medium currant bush TinT at sandy camp
RT medium sized currant bush guest
RT warrior/currant bush TinT
RT currant bush / bimblebox junction
RT new currant bush TinT at warrambool tank
RT currant/warrior bush guest
RT currant bush TinT at warrambool camp
RT new currant bush TinT at new warrambool camp
Rt small peach bush TinT
RT peach bush/ box tree junction
RT peach bush in box near road
RT nepine/ Capparis lasiantha in box tree
Rt nearby peach bush TinT
RT Ehretia membranifolia TinT
RT nice currant bush TinT at warrambool camp
RT currant/warrior bush TinT close
RT currant bush TinT at warrambool camp
CV Wilga in a blackbox
CV wilga TinT on Wailwun land
CV mature wilga in blackbox
CV another wilga in blackbox
CV medium wilga TinT
CV Wilga blackbox junction
CV wilga in dead box
CV wilga in dead bimblebox or blackbox
CV medium wilga TinT
CV tiny butterbush TinT I think
CV I think this tiny guest is a butterbush
CV tiny butterbush in box
CV I think this tiny guest is pittosporum angustifolium
CV another tiny butterbush TinT?
CV tiny guest whose bark looks like butterbush
KW tiny wilga in box at sandhill
KW tiny wilga TinT
KW tiny wilga in mature bimblebox
KW peach bush guest boxtree host
KW peach bush in box stump
KW Peach bush in box stump
KW currant bush in bimblebox
KW currant bush guest bimblebox host
KW currant bush / box tree junction
KW wilga guest clinging to box bole
KW wilga guest almost uprooted
KW tiny wilga guest in box host
RT Butter bush / box tree combo
RT butter bush in box - TinT or not TinT?
RT butter bush engulfed by box - how?
Budda in box in Wallangilla
live budda/ Eremophila mitchellii in box WG
Budda & box junction - live guest & host
mature budda guest in dead box tree host WG
exceptional big budda TinT in wallangilla
big budda in dead boxtree WG
live budda dead box junction WG
revisit reshot boonery/ dead coolabah TinT
old climbing saltbush guest in dead host WG
currant bush TinT in wallangilla
currant bush / box tree junction WG
smallish currant bush TinT in WG
house-guests - 2 X burrs, 1 X grass + supplejack
RT revisit double scarred box / rosewood? guest
RT I think this guest is a small rosewood/ boonery
Rt exceptional CMT
duplex guests - currant bush & whitewood in box
currant bush/ whitewood TinT in wallangilla
Old TinT on Guiseley. Dead guest unknown
Guiseley TinT - dead rosewood guest?
peach bush TinT in Chimera chase TB
peach bush - box tree junction TB
peach bush guest box tree host Chimera chase
T medium rosewood TinT
rosewood TinT in Tungra
T rosewood has smooth bark when young
T rosewood boxtree junction
C Allan Tighe & Kerry Flint at peach bush TinT
Cumborah TinT guest host junction
C peach bush in firewood lopped box tree
C tiny wilga or butterbush TinT
C tiny guest meets host junction
Allan & Kerry with big wilga TinT at Cumborah
Cumborah big wilga in box tree
Cumborah dead guests in TinT 1
Cumborah dead guests in TinT 2
Cumborah dead guests in TinT 3
Cumborah small wilga in box crotch
C small wilga box tree junction
Cumborah unknown TinT guests ... lignum?
Bumble in Bimble - LOVE IT
tiny peach bush in stump in Telinebone
steel axe cut stump - peach bush junction TB
Supplejack vine in box crotch TB
Supplejack vines normally grow beside not in trees
tiny boobialla in dead box tree Telinebone
boobialla / box tree junction TB
platter scar beside small currant bush TinT TB
currant bush TinT beside platter scar reverse
currant bush box tree junction in Telinebone
wilga guest reshoot Chimera chase TB
wilga reshoot - why some guests are small?
peach bush in pine stump in telinebone
peach bush guest in dead pine stump TB
Peach bush elbow in TinT Telinebone
Avon totally unique Wilga in Leopardwood TinT
tree hugging - measuring the unique Wilga host
Russell measuring the Wilga in Leopardwood TinT
unbelievable wilga in leopardwood at Avon
wilga/ leoparwood junction - ASTONISHING
RT Russell & Jen measuring high boobialla TinT
RT high boobialla in box spotted by Russell Fairfax
RT high Whitewood (?) guest in box host
ecologists Russell & Jen with with high whitewood TinT
RT wilga in box crotch in fire box swamp
RT smallish wilga in biggish box TinT
RT box/ wilga junction with stone axe cut stump
ecologist Russell Fairfax with aged bumble in box
big bumble (wild orange) in v.old split box TB
Capparis mitchellii TinT in Telinebone
GGS Jen Silcock with new tiny wilga TinT she found
GGS new tiny wilga guest in blackbox host
GGS wilga blackbox TinT with stone axe cut stump
GGS high Nepine (Capparis lasiantha) guest
Native passionfruit guest IN boxtree not BESIDE
T Jen & stone axe cut stumps on rosewood TinT
Russell & Rowan measuring old rosewood TinT
Russell & rosewood TinT he spotted in Cumbul
big Alectryon oleifolius in long dead box or pine stump CB
smallish wilga TinT - spotted by chance G
difficult to see smallish wilga TinT in Goorie
wilga / box junction in boxtree crotch G
double guest TinT revisit - P.microcephala & boobialla
FW smallish wilga TinT on billabong
FW wilga boxtree junction
FW wilga in boxtree crotch near billabong
FW big bumble in blackbox near road
FW wild orange guest Blackbox host junction
FW bumble blackbox TinT south view
FW black box bumble TinT north view
FW Pimelea microcephala shrub in blackbox
FW small wilga guest in boxtree host
FW small wilga TinT junction
FW small wilga TinT
peach tree guest in box tree host Cumborah
C peach tree TinT in small deadish box
Reshoot or TinT ? First eucalypt guest or is it ?
C unknown eucalypt - guest or reshoot from host
C peach bush in dead boxtree
peach bush TinT at Cumborah
C peach bush growing in live box tree
peach bush TinT Cumborah
C peach bush box tree junction
C big old wilga in dead box tree
Big wilga in box at cumborah
Big wilga TinT Cumborah
small wilga TinT Cumborah
C small wilga TinT near dam
Allan checking out the soil in Cumborah TinT
big peach bush TinT in Priest ??
big peach bush in stone or steel axcut stump P?
quinine guest in closed crotch half dead box P
quine guest box tree junction - closed crotch P
Quinine twosome - closed crotch TinT P
Quinine guest in open crotch dead? box host P
quinine / open crotch box junction P
quinine TinT twosome - open crotch host
Jen Silcock checks out big box tree quinine TinT P
peach bush in box in Priest
peach bush in box tree crotch P
small wilga in box in steel axe cut box tree Priest
wilga boxtree junction - stump looks steel axcut
small wilga TinT with steel axe cut stumps P
tiny peach bush TinT in Priest
peach bush box tree junction
Peach bush pair of TinTs in Priest - steel or stone ?
P.B TinT pairs - is box stump steel or stone axe cut?
P.B pairs in Priest - same age same location
Peach bush pairs in Priest - who cut this stump?
P.B pars close up Ehretia membranifolia guest P
living camp construction with pair of peach bush TinTs
Peach bush in box tree in Stud
Peach bush Boxtree junction Stud
close by peach bush TinT in Stud
similar peach bush boxtree junction on this
medium wilga in dead box in Brigalow
wilga in dead box junction B
wilga in dead box TinT south side
medium wilga TinT with stone axe cut stump B
rosewood in blackbox on trade route /songlines SP
medium rosewood (boonery) TinT Spillbury
rosewood in blackbox beside road ex trade route
Current / Warrior bush in chain saw cut box stump SP
tiny currant bush TinT on trade route/ songline SP
peach bush TinT unknown location
peach bush in stone axcut box tree stump
typical peach bush TinT - cant remember where ?
currant bush growing in Belah tree in Keero
only 2nd known belar tree host - unusual combo
how does a current bush survive in a solid belah tree?
Apophyllum anomalum in Casuarina cristata K
bumble in dead box in Bimber
Bumble TinT at Bimber waterhole
Bumble / dead box tree junction - Bimber
Wilga in dead box at Bimber waterhole
wilga guest in poisoned box tree in Bimber
wilga/ box junction - hosts very similar & close
currant bush in old scarred box Wallangilla
old scarred box with currant bush in stump
scar & guest in different parts of same tree WB
currant bush guest - TinT at old camp in WB
smallish boobialla in box in Warrambool
boobialla & possibly another guest in box crotch
boobialla (Myroporum montanum) TinT in WB
steel cut stump? on box tree host I think WB
big Rosewood guest in stump -could be reshoot?
unknown host - TinT or rosewood reshoot? WB
dodgy looking whitewood TinT in WB
to be or not to a TinT-what is the relationship here?
multi shrub guests in box on warrambool channel
gorgeous Budda in box combo in Warrambool
Eremophila mitchellii TinT between camp & channel
budda guest growing out of boxtree crotch WB
budda not a common guest & not always successful
series of peach bush TinTs around Warrambool camp
peach bush /box tree junction on TinT 1
peach bush TinT 2 with guest emerging mid tree
same tree different angle showing branch tear scar
the boxtree host on TinT 2 is v.old -Warrambool
peach bush TinT 3 - all around same WB camp
peach bush in dead part of tree like Allan Tighe said
peach bush TinT 3 closer view - at WB camp.
Tiny peach bush guest in TinT 4 - could be reshoot
peach bush in box tree crotch - seed or reshoot?
sedge/ kidney weed all around the peach bush TinTs
high peach bush TinT 6 at Warrambool camp
TinT 6- peach bush emerging from broken branch
Did the peach bush guest grow up thru the box trunk?
tiny peach bush TinT 7 - seeded or reshoot guest?
closing coolamon scar on box tree host TinT 7
peach bush TinT 8 - guest growing out of old scar
peach bush /box tree junction at WB camp
Im over peach bush TinTs - lets move on ...
new house paddock TinTs -tiny wilga in box
new tiny wilga in box tree crotch in House paddock
Is this wilga guest new or is it a reshoot of an old guest
also newly discovered is this peach bush TinT
many limbed peach bush guest in old box stump HP
coolamon tree with some shrubby guests
old high currant bush TinT in Cumbul
This guest Apophyllum anomalum in CB is old
high up currant bush guest in medium box tree
old growth TinTs do not occur naturally ...
high up peach bush TinT in Telinebone
high peach bush guest close up
another high peach bush TinT at this TB camp
close up of 2nd peach bush TinT nearby
very high up peach bush TinT at this camp
this is the highest peach bush guest Ive seen
tiny peach bush guest in same cluster same camp
small peach bush guest - young plant or reshoot?
medium wilga TinT around same TB camp
wilga box tree junction-newly discovered TB camp
All these TinTs are clustered around the camp
wilga guest in box tree crotch close up view
another currant bush TinT in Telinebone
currant bush growing in boxtree crotch TB
Apophyllum anomalum TinT close TB
tiny quinine in box in Cumbul
tiny quinine guest - reshoot or new plant CB
small peach bush in dead eucalypt
peach bush in dead hollow in Nardoo
small peach bush in live box Nardoo
hollow boxtree crotch with peach bush guest
big currant bush in dead eucalypt
currant bush TinT in Nardoo
currant bush guest has squeezed out thorny saltbush
big guest small dead host like most farming paddock TinTs
Accidental whitewood TinT I think
small whitewood growing in gap left by fallen coolabah limb
whitewood in coolabah in Stud - possibly natural
tiny wilga in black box TinT FW
tiny wilga in black box crotch 5 ks from Cuddie springs
small whitewood in black box in back paddock swamp
whitewood in blackbox in Back paddock FW
back paddock swamp home to 3 TinTs & 1 ring
medium wilga in black box in swamp FW
medium wilga in big black box 5 ks from Cuddie springs
wilga guest clings onto almost vertical trunk FW
new tiny wilga TinT in Priest
tiny wilga guest in big bimble box P
mature bumble in box in Priest
big bumble growing low down on box tree host P
bumble/ wild orange guest host junction
bumble roots wholly within low box tree crotch
V.old Nepine/ Capparis lasiantha in V.old scar
mature currant bush in big old coolabah
currant bush (Apophyllum anomalum) TinT
kit fits comfortably inside the coolabah host in Bonbon
currant bush in very big coolabah near BonBon tank
small wilga big box TinT in Cumbul
small wilga / big bimble box junction CB
new budda TinT in cumbul
small budda in stone axe cut box tree stump CB
budda (Eremophila mitchellii) TinT in Cumbul
medium peach bush TinT in Mooroo
peach bush guest in big dead coolabah host M
Peach bush TinT in Mooroo
peach bush in dead eucalypt - Mooroo
medium peach bush TinT MR
small peach bush in dead coolabah I think
peach bush grows up through dead trees & stumps
tiny peach bush TinT in Mooroo cluster
peach bush not planted but suckering up thru stump
the one that got away - whitewood in stump somewhere
FW lovely old wilga TinT on billabong
FW medium wilga guest in live box on billabong
wilga / bimblebox junction
this billabong has 1 TinT & 1 Ringtree - important
tiny wilga TinT at big Brook hill camp
BH tiny wilga guest in big bimble box host
tall peach bush TinT in Brook hill camp
peach bush guest growing up thru broken box
dead wilga guest in live box LR-Wlg road
wilga guest recently dead in box LR-Wlg rd
tiny wilga TinT LR-Wlg rd
tiny wilga in box crotch close up LR-Wlg rd
small wilga in live box cut with cross cut saw LR-Wlg rd
the biggest of the LR-Wlg rd TinTs + Allan
tiny wilga TinT LR-Wlg rd
dead guest prob. boobialla in stump LR-Wlg rd
dead boobialla TinT foreground tiny wilga TinT background
dual occupancy TinT - big bumble medium currant bush - Stud
currant bush guest has layered thru termite nest & re- rooted
Bumble/ Bimblebox junction in 2 guest TinT in Stud
Flourishing currant bush guest re-rooted in whiteant nest
V. interesting double TinT in area with few CMTs & little water
tiny peach bush growing up thru coolamon N
coolamon / peach bush junction Newtons
peach bush in dead box in peach bush cluster - Newtons
small peach bush in dead box/coolabah Newtons
big bumble/ wild orange TinT - Newtons cluster
Bumble in scarred box TinT in Newtons peach bush cluster
Capparis mitchellii / scarred box junction Newtons
currant bush guest in big coolabah in Newtons
This currrant bush propagated itself into this coolabah crotch
this is the original currant bush trunk beside the coolabah
current bush guest propagated by layering not by seed
rosewood guest in dead coolabah stump in Newtons
medium Alectryon oleifolius TinT on billabong N
think the host coolabah stump cut with stone axe
medium rosewood/ boonery TinT crop side N
FW small rosewood in black box
FW back paddock small rosewood TinT
FW rosewood/ black box junction
1st leopardwood TinT found here Telinebone
tiny leopardwood guest in bimble box crotch TB
leopardwood in box in Telinebone
leopardwood TinT - why arent there more?
tiny wilga TinT in Telinebone
tiny wilga in bimblebox crotch TB
small wilga in box in Telinebone
small wilga / bimblebox junction TB
climbing saltbush (Rhagodia nutans) in box TB
small peach bush TinT Telinebone
another peach bush TinT Telinebone
small peach bush / box tree junction TB
double dead combo in Telinebone
double dead but the host was a bimblebox TB
dead unknown guest in dead box tree Telinebone
peach bush guest in scarred box tree TB
peach bush growing though bimblebox scar TB
double guests in scarred box - Nepine & Gargaloo
old Nepine guest (Capparis lasiantha) climbing shrub
Gargaloo guest (Parsonsia eucalyptophylla)
V.high peach bush guest in a box tree Telinebone
V.high peach bush guest magnified TB
another peach bush guest in bimble box scartree TB
axtrax on the bottom of box host scar - peach bush TinT
top of box scartree where peach bush emerges TB
young supplejack growing IN not ON its box tree host TB
small supplejack in box tree crotch - starts as a climber TB
small supplejack guest in box host in Telinebone
this box host has 2 guests - the upper is a weed & bottom a tiny wilga
tiny wilga guest in lower stone axe cut box stump TB
tiny wilga guest in stone axcut bimblebox stump crotch
big old Nepine guest in box tree crotch
Nepine / box tree junction Telinebone
FW small wilga gues in big black box host
FW small wilga TinT in back paddock swamp
FW small wilga / black box junction
FW tiny wilga & thorny saltbush in black box host
FW tiny wilga in black box in back paddock swamp
FW small wilga in bulbous bottomed black box
FW small wilga in black box crotch back paddock
FW small wilga / black box junction
FW small wilga in broken black box stump
FW small wilga / black box stump junction
FW another small wilga TinT in same swamp
FW small wilga guest in black box host in swamp
peach bush growing up thru old box - Cumbul
medium sized peach bush TinT in Cumbul
another close by Peach bush TinT Cumbul
peach bush inside old broken box CB
double guests - native jasmine & thorny saltbush in box
old Nepine inside box tree Cumbul
double guest TinT with stone axe cut stumps CB
Currant bush & Thorny saltbush share box tree crotch
double guest TinTs quite common in Cumbul & TB
tiny peach bush TinT Cumbul
tiny peach bush / box tree junction CB
lovely little budda TinT in Cumbul
budda (Eremophila mitchellii) in box CB
small budda in boxtree crotch CB
bumble guest in scarred box tree host - Cumbul
bumble / scarred box tree junction
very beautiful bumble TinT in Cumbul
mature bumble guest in smallish bimble box CB
2nd bumble TinT in same area - not natural no way
similar sized bumble guest in box tree crotch
bumble growing where fallen box tree bole was
2nd bumble in face fallen box close to 1st bumble in scarred box CB
small budda in box in Cumbul
bumble in box with steel axe cut stump Cumbul
small budda / box tree junction CB
bumble thru box - not a TinT but not normal TB
bumble branch goes thru the big box fork & out the other side
this is the bumble branch emerging from box tree fork TB
small quinine guest in box tree in Telinebone
small quinine / box tree junction TB
Quinine guest of the furry leaved variety TB
Quinine guest in box crotch with saltbush in box stump TB
tiny budda VIP (Very Important Plant) guest TB
tiny budda TinT - Budda is a very significant tree
nice neat Peach bush TinT south of boredrain TB
this peach bush guest is older than it looks TB
wilga thru box tree fork. Not TinT but not normal either
dead guest in live box tree in Telinebone
unknown dead guest in box tree crotch TB
big wilga in steel axe cut box tree stump TB
big wilga in steel axe cut stump Telinebone
wilga TinT in 1st TB sandhill - similar to Tungra wilga TinTs
mature currant bush TinT in 1st Telinebone sandhill
bimble box host is also scarred-currant bush TinT
big currant bush / big box junction TB
currant bush TinT in scarred box TB
small wilga TinT Telinebone
Pimelea microcephala between stone axe cut box stumps
big old double guest Tint - peach bush & boobialla -1st sandhill
very high small boobialla guest in double TinT TB
mid tree peach bush guest in double TinT TB
amazing high up currant bush guest in Cumbul
peach bush in box tree scar in cumbul
peach bush guest growing in behind big scar CB
peach bush guest in old box tree hole Cumbul
peach bush / box tree junction CB
another big peach bush growing in scarred box CB
peach bush guest & box tree scar up close Cumbul
small quinine in box in Telinebone
Quinine TinT - guest in box crotch
double guest TinT - boobialla & rosewood in Box TB
boobialla & rosewood living in box tree TB
double small guest TinT in Telinebone
supplekack in box in Telinebone
supplejack is a climber but normally grows BEside not INside
supplejack (Ventilago viminalis) TinT
tiny wilga TinT in 1st sandhill Telinebone
box tree /Peach bush junction
high peach bush guest at camp in 1st sandhill TB
peach bush emerging out of box tree branch stub TB
Big old peach bush TinT in 1st sandhill Telinebone
old peach bush guest in old boxtree with axcut burls
old peach bush / old boxtree junction TB
Very big sandhill box with dead guest in Priest
dead unknown guest / huge boxtree junction
dead guest could be Budda? -popular in Priest
cultural Currant bush TinT at other end of the sandhill
small peach bush guest in dead host P
small supplejack TinT near Brigalow patch P
double dead - host would be a bimblebox P
unknown dead guest/ dead boxtree host junction P
I think the dead guest may have been a wilga?
1ST ever Pine TinT - yay!!!
Pine guest is growing between central stump & epicormic shoots
the big boxtree host is much older than pine guest
I dont know why there arent more Pine TinTs?
top of the tall cypress pine/ Callitris glaucophylla guest
big old Peach bush TinT in Feed 2
old peach bush/ old boxtree junction F2
this is a cultural not accidental TinT F2
special currant bush in coolabah TinT in Priest
currant bush guest emerging beside a burnt coolabah stump
both coolabah host & currant bush guest are old
1st ever Ironwood TinT host (Acacia excelsa)
woody little wilga in a live Ironwood in Warrambool
wilga in ironwood TinT less than 200 mtrs from camp