Ringtrees & connected coolabahs
Mc extreme whitewood
Mc bent whitewood ring
Belah manipulation Goorie
Belah ring close Goorie
Bimblebox ring front NB
Bimblebox ring back NB
Rosewood branch ring NB
Rosewood high branch ring NB
Coolibah inosculation NB
inosculation kiss NB
Bimblebox ring NB
Bimblebox ring close NB
Boxtree breezeway NB
Boxtree breezeway close NB
Bimblebox ring low Goorie
see thru bimble box Goorie
toilet seat dead ringtree
fishing net coolibah FW
Ginghet creek fish trap FW
Coolibah for fish nets FW
Leopardwood ring A
Leopardwood ring reverse A
relaxing ring Warrambool
relaxing ringtree WB
dead Coolibah ring A
dead coolibah ring close A
Coolibah inosculation BR
Inosculation close BR
Ringtree on billabong NB
Billabong ringtree NB
Coolibah B/bong R/tree Mc
Billabong ringtree Mc
dead coolibah ring A
dead coolibah ring close A
Rosewood/boonery ring NB
Inosculation unknown tree NB
Inosculation close NB
Inosculation high unknown
Allan Tighe & B/bong R/tree
Looloo & B/bong R/tree
Bruce Pascoe meets L/wood R/tree
Leopardwood ringtree A
L/wood total branch ring A
Belar ring accidental ? G
Belar ring reverse G
Leopardwood ring A ?
Leopardwood ring close
Rosewood ring somewhere?
Rosewood ring & Cubby
manipulated Guri tree G
Guri/emu apple ringtree G
Rosewood/Boonery ring
Rosewood ring reverse
Ironwood branch ring RT
Ironwood branch ring close RT
L/wood ring & pointer? A
L/wood sap cascade A
Oldest coolibah ringtree G
Oldest ringtree reverse G
Bumble/wild orange ring RT
special Bumble ring RT
L/wood ring & bridge A
Leopardwood bridge A
tragic rung ring tree RT
rung ringtree close RT
WTF ring +pointer G
unique ringtree/pointer
Leopardwood ringtree A
leopardwood ring A
rare Bumble ringtree A
rare Bumble ring close A
leopardwood ring no 5 A
ring handles unknown tree
leopardwood ring Mc
Coolibah branch ring Mc
coolibah branch ring above
L/wood ring no 8 A
L/wood double ring? A
V.old coolibah ringtree A
coolibah ringtree apex A
new Blackbox ring Pocket
new blackbox ring close P
Box ring & high 3/4 scar WB
Box tree 3/4 scar face WB
Lep/wood ring Bottle camp
leopardwood ring close BC
Dr Who infinity ring BC
outrageous branch bow A
Branch bow diff. angle A
old L/wood centre ring G
L/wood centre ring reverse G
window in my heart ring WB
here forever Rosewood A
here forever Rosewood A
old coolibah ring unburnt A
old coolabah ring burnt A
double ring with pointer B
double ring with pointer
scrub cutting l/wood ring B
L/wood ringtree scrub cutting
coolibah ringtree G
coolibah ringtree close G
old coolibah inosculation M
inosculation in the Moonal
unique Beefwood ring
Beefwood ring close up
V.old leopardwood ring G
L/wood ring almost shut G
Coolibah ringtree G
coolibah ring close up G
lollypop branch ring CB
lollypop branch ring close CB
lollypop ring Cumbul
Boxtree breezeway S
dead Belar inosculation WG
Belah inosculation kiss WG
Original boxtree ring TB
big box ring tying point TB
original box ring reverse TB
Leopardwood ringtree A
Bumble/Wild orange ring WG
Bumble ring tying point WG
crazy whitewood A
unknown aged ringtree
unknown ringtree reverse
diff. species inosculation
coolibah & belar kiss G
leopardwood rings A
new box ring & Allan Tighe TB
new boxtree ring close TB
unusual boxtree ring CB
new Ringtree Wallangilla
new Ring reverse side WG
weld type Ring bridge close
burnt edged ring Nth veiw
burnt edged ring Sth view
old boonery ringtree Goorie
Rosewood ringtree Goorie
A 1st of 3 rings around billabong
A 1st of 3 billabong Ringtrees
A 2nd of 3 billabong rings
A 2nd of 3 Rings at billabong
A 3rd of 3 billabong rings
A 3rd ring all coolabah
A This is the Billabong
A dry billabong with 3 Ringtrees
A sandy camp Wilga Ring
A sandy camp wilga ring
Possible box ring Goorie
new boxtree ring ? G
Double ring 'handles' WG
Ring handles Wallangilla
RT new box Ringtree
RT branch merge site
RT see thru accidental coolabah ring
Chimera chase ringtree
G 3 ringed circus
possible Boonery Ring on billabong TB
A boonery double ring
A boonery single ring
A boonery Ringtree
FW leopardwood branch ring
new branch Ring in Priest
Rosewood Ring Priest
A Ringtree country
Redgum Ringtree in the marshes
Macquarie marshes ring close
back view Ringtree in marshes
unusual Belah ring tree
GGS blackbox Ring in swamp
GGS blackbox Ringtree
Marungle Ringtree no 1
M blackbox ring tree 1
M blackbox ringtree 1 reverse
Marungle ringtree no. 2
M ringtree 2 reverse
Marungle ringtree 3
M ring tree 3 close
M ringtree no 3
Marungle ringtree 4
M Ringtree 4 reverse
M V.important water hole with 4 ringtrees
dead ringtree Spillbury
unknown dead ringtree SP
manipulated Belah in Warrambool
back view of manipulated Belah
leopardwood ring in Goorie
leopardwood Ringtree close
leopardwood ring reverse close G
Coolibah Ringtree Goorie
Coolabah Ring close G
Coolabah ring reverse G
leopardwood ring tree Shed
leopardwood Ringtree in Shed
dead coolabah ringtree in Pocket
dead coolabah Ring P
leopardwood Ring Pocket or Shed paddock
leopardwood ring somewhere?
Box tree ring near huts near old well
box tree ring close up
dead coolabah ringtree in Pocket
leopardwood ring in Pocket or Shed
A bush tomato growing on a Ringtree
A hidden billabong with Ringtree indicator
G Ring & pointer revisit
leopardwood Ring revisit Shed
manipulated bimblebox S
tangled branched bimblebox S
leopardwood kiss - possibly natural
CS coolabah Ringtree nth side
CS coolabah ringtree close
T Boonery/boxtree Ring
T inosculation point
T whitewood Ringtree revisit
T boxtree Ring revisit
bimblebox ringtree Priest
bimblebox ring in Priest
small dead Ringtree unknown species P
Very very old Ringtree?
unusual Ringtree in Cumbul
when a Ring not a Ringtree WB
back view WB not Ringtree?
new Ringtree in Mooroo
Mooroo ringtree close
whitewood ring in Telinebone
big bimblebox Ringtree TB
Ringtree join Telinebone
L dead low coolabah ring
L dead coolabah ring looking north
L dead coolabah ring with thorny saltbush
L 4ring circus middle ring old
L 4ring circus old ring high
L 4ring circus - seeing is believing
CS rosewood ring most likely natural
CS boonery/rosewood natural ring
CS dead ringtree - possibly belah?
CS dead ringtree close
CS amazing high dead coolabah double rings
CS high up double rings dead coolabah
CS aged coolabah Ringtree
CS overgrown Ring close
RT 1 ring to rule them all ...
RT only known Belar Ringtree
RT Only fully functioning known Belar Ringtree
Rt only know belar Ringtree
RT Belar (Casuarina cristata) Ringtree
RT double box Ringtree at firebox swamp
RT new bimblebox double ring close
RT deep coolamon with manipulated branches
RT see thru box tree
RT new bimblebox Ringtree
Rt Bimblebox Ringtree
Rt 3 legged bumble revisit
RT bimblebox Ringtree
RT bimblebox Ringtree bridge
BR big old river redgum ringtree
BR reverse side redgum ring
BR redgum ring with river views
BR river redgum ring closer
BR artificial ringtree - coolamon removal
BR Allan inspects stolen coolamon
BR chainsaw theft
FW Ringtree junction
FW Wailwun boxtree ring
Tungra double ring box tree marking well water
whitewood growing thru leopardwood double ring S
leopardwood double ring with whitewood in Stud
leopardwood/ whitewood crazy ringtree
weird leopardwood / whitewood entwining S
Warren Mason under the wedding arch in TB
whitewood loop da loop branches in Pocket
whitewood loop da loops - natural or cultural?
deliberate boxtree mini ring in Pocket
whitewood ring in Warrambool - natural?
split trunk coolabah - unknown cultural reason WB
think this coolabah ring is natural too
natural coolabah ring reverse side
whitewood loop da loop - natural
rosewood manipulation - natural or cultural? SP
rosewood inosculation point Spillbury
Michelle Bowden with permanent camp box ring
coolabah ringtree in Mooroo
Mooroo ringtree close up
Ringtree in Cumbul
Cumbul ringtree inosculation point
black box ringtree in swamp 3 ks from Cuddie springs
black box ringtree showing 2 inosculation pts
leopardwood double ring in Stud
rosewood ring with gargaloo vine
BH Ringtree where the run off channels meet
BH Ringtree at the best available water source
FW coolabah ringtree with wilga TinT on billabong
FW Wailwun coolabah ringtree - dig here in drought
coolabah Ring in Cumbul - cultural
coolabah ringtree - cultural not natural CB
this ringtree is also double scarred TB
bimblebox forced inosculation point TB
Ring tree for the well at the shearing shed
reverse side of that ringtree shows coolabah inosculation
indecisive whitewood
old multi ringed bimblebox at Avon
same tree different angle Avon
whitewood ring possibly natural
This pine "ring" is too young 2B cultural
These bimblebox ringtrees are cultural !
Ring 1 needed to be tied together longer
Ring 2 needed a grinding stone inserted for longer
In my opinion this is a rudimentary Ring tree
double ringed Coolabah in Avon
coolabah "ring" looking east
coolabah ring looking west
another Avon Ringtree
another Avon Ringtree from different angle
branch 360 - human hands did this not nature
special branch 'ring' in Avon
leopardwood branch ring relocated
leopardwood branch ring Avon tank
leopardwood ringtree revisit A
Mc very old ringtree revisit
FW lovely Wailwun ringtree at camp
very high boxtree ring with burns & peach bush
2 branches have been tied together 4 generations
to make this special Ringtree - exquisite!
natural or recent Black box ring
leopardwood ringtree in cluster prob. natural
leopardwood ringtree close up - natural I think
inosculation (joining) point
rosewood switchback possibly cultural?
rosewood switch back from the side - unknown
when is a ring is not a ring - hole caused by scar decay
big old boxtree ring in Ration
Ration boxtree inosculation/ merge point
boxtree branches in double twist in Ration
fallen coolabah ringtree on Wailwun country
small fallen Wailwun ringtree
small fallen Gomeroi ringtree - Stud
fallen coolabah ringtree in Stud
carved burnt & rubbed semi circle - unknown
wood slab with half ring carved out - Why?
carved & burnt & rubbed smooth ?? for navigation?
dead coolabah ringtree in Telinebone
coolabah ringtree inosculation point
reverse side of dead ringtree in Telinebone
This Goorie TinT is also a Ringtree
inosculation point of TinT/ Ringtree
sentinel coolabah Ringtree Avon
sentinel ringtree east veiw - half a millennium old
sentinel coolabah - part of the songlines of this county
navigating by the trees not the stars. Directional Avon ringtree
more recent "rung" coolabah ringtree
Rung ringtree sad but true - Avon
Not a ringtree but a faceless coolabah coolamon
bumble/ wild orange branch ring
bumble ring possibly natural probably not
First ever Eurah ringtree - TB billabong
Eurah - Eremophila bignoniiflora Ringtree
Whitewood Ringtree looking more like a sculpture TB
this whitewood tree has been split & rejoined in the centre TB
The holey whitewood is an accidental ringtree caused by branch fall
This is a very old Tallowood Ringtree near Comboyne on the GDR
the Ring is deliberate but for Dunghutti? cultural reasons
this is a coolabah ringtree in Warrambool paddock
here is the inosculation point where the branches were tied
and here is the billabong where it lives. When the billabong you can dig for water
this is possibly a more recent coolabah ringtree in Cumbul
you can see how the branches are touching but not really joining
This coolibah at Cuddie springs may be a more recent ringtree
the branches aren't properly merged but the shape is typical
I call this old coolabah next door the 3 ringed circus
they have woven & attached a branch up through the centre
also has a very old trunk ring - has to be seen to be believed!
This coolabah ringtree was 1 of 4 around the waterhole in the background
the old natural catchment aka billabong. Was Important back then
prototype ring - the trunk & epicormic shoot are joined
reverse side - not a ring but not natural either T
ringtree with pointer in Tungra - very clever
reverse side - have only seen 1 other ringtree with pointer - on Guiseley 20 ks north
rosewood ring that could be the result of scrub cutting T
hard to tell if this junction is natural or cultural in origin
blackbox ringtree Boree
wailwun ringtree Boree
1 of those maybe/maybe not ringtrees Boree
the other side is also inconclusive Boree
bimblebox ringtree Tungra
reverse side showing broken limb
looks like this tree is doing a hand stand?
here is the reverse side
close up of the "Ring"
close up reverse side
coolabah ringtree on Spillbury tank
reverse side
coolabah ringtree showing where the water is
in drought this ringtree says DIG HERE
nearby ringtree at Spillbury
there are 4 ringtrees here & a TinT
another fire related ring at the same location
this is the reverse side ...
this ringtree is right beside a rosewood TinT
4 ringtrees & 1 TinT means this was a very important place!
this Ring points toward a large billabong on sandhill edge T
It was created by separating & tying the trunks together
this is NOT a Ringtree the hole its caused by opposing scarfaces falling out over time
This boxtree Ring may or may not be genuine
there is a definite inosculation point but it could be natural
This Tungra Ringtree is very old and has almost closed up
within a few decades this ring will be gone
This is a shame because the cultural information displayed will be lost
this is a redgum Ring in the sandhills but is probably natural
the inosculation point is not old. The redgums themselves prove there is underground water
Ringtrees were created to indicate the availability of water
the inosculation point here is hundreds of year old
this could be a deliberate "ring" - Ive seen this type before
they were adept at shaping trees - the original "treechangers"
Ringtree at bob's camp Tungra
the reverse scar is fire related - shame the top branch has broken off
rosewood ring - probably caused by branch drop
why were circles were made & their edges burnt - navigation aid?
wailwun ringtree
I think its a black box ring from memory
leopardwood ring also natural I think
NN big bimblebox Ringtree
the inosculation point or join has come apart with age
NN this burled old box has a small trunk ring
It may be the result of 2 opposing faceless coolamons?
this looks more like a natural ring..
leopardwoods seem to inosculate/ merge easily
coolabah also inosculate relatively easily
with bimblebox its more likely the 2 opposing coolamons are faceless
like this old box ringtree that isnt made by tying branches together
its caused by a faceless coolamon & big fire scar on the other side
I dont think this coolabah ring in Cumbul is man made either - too flimsy
this may or may not be a blackbox ringtree - the scarring is sus
same with this ring - possibly cultural?
coolibah ringtree on the warrambool
this WB ringtree has been rung but has survived
this crazy coolabah may have been dead awhile but is still awesome
they have taken a coolabah sapling & bent it over so it reroots
then they have made a ring using one of the branches ...
so much to learn from the 'old clever people' as Allan Tighe calls them
they also made Belah tree rings along the big Warrambool
belah tree inosculation points
another belah "ring" at the same billabong
artificial bridge created between the trunk & the branch
leopardwood ringtree on the neighbours place
looking north
looking south
not far from the unique coolabah branch ring
box tree ring in the sanctuary
bimble box rings are harder to create than coolabah & leopardwood
pine tree rings create themselves - gravity doesnt apply to them
not a traditional ring but a circular hole thru a box stump for navigation
leopardwood ringtree in Stud paddock
reverse side
redgum Ring tree at the Mammoth cave Margaret River W.A
I told the guide & she said "what's a Ring tree?"
the ultimate double ring at the moonal hole - extremely old
rosewood/ boonery ringtree (Alectryon oleifolius)
Ringtrees signify water - a reliable chain of billabongs in this case
this box tree is heavily scarred so the "ring" may be accidental
ie coolamons on opposite sides of an old hollow box tree
Ringtrees are sometimes found around very old tanks
Big dead double ringtree on neighbours RT
double rings were all the rage here on Murra-manaarr
Ringtree along the warrambool - seen before
my favourite ringtree - the bumble/ wild orange tripod RT
except for this classic dead coolabah ring
This is a deliberate whitewood (birraa) ringtree
the trunks are joined not just touching like other scrub-cut rings
coolabah ring revisited on Avon
I think this is a natural ring but given where its living I think its suss.
old coolabah ringtree on natural water catchment Avon - see the goanna tail?
old coolabah ringtree up the eastern end of Avon - love it!
Ringtrees mean water & water means life. Old trees - old culture
strange leopardwood ring - may or may not be cultural
Ginghet floodplain ringtree - blackbox or coolabah
I think this ringtree is cultural but not 100% convinced
this big old box ringtree is also scarred on both sides
living in the sandhill on Sparkes warrambool - here is the inosculation point
another bimblebox ring on the Barwon floodplains
the inosculation point is where they tied the trunks together
big unique box ringtree in Priest. Why settle for 1 ring?
here is where they tied the branches together - excellent climbers
belah ringtree in a group of 3 at the big warrambool camp
2nd belar ringtree at this camp
reverse side view looks better
beautiful Belah ringtree on the big warrambool - 1 of 3
here is the best of the 3 belah ringtrees - from a distance
1 ringtree can be dismissed as accidental but 3 in same area?
not a true coolabah ringtree but very manipulated none the less
this is a true coolabah ringtree living on the big warrambool
at the newly found camp with the rare leafless cherry TinT
here is the 2nd coolabah ringtree at this new camp in Warrambool
this coolabah ring is younger but its hard to know when they were created
this dead coolabah double looped tree is spectacular!
Arborists + Architects = Arbortects. Supreme tree manipulators ...
redgum ring tree down at the old wells in Telinebone
this may be the only remnant redgum ringtree in the world
rosewood double ring Telinebone
not naturally occurring - deliberate generational care
coolibah ringtree in a swamp just off Billybingbone rd
where the marra ck paleochannel intersects - Wailwun country
another coolibah ringtree along the Marra ck paleochannel
this next ringtree is a double with rings facing east/west & nth/sth
information contained in ringtrees was vital for successive generations
Priscilla & I found this new patch of belar (Casuarina cristata) ringtrees
and difficult to execute. I will call this Priscilla's place
some rings are incomplete because their creators are gone
The creators must have had plenty of time on their hands ...
These belar aka bilaarr rings are all in the same area
the odd man out is this dilapidated coolabah ring
priscilla photo bombed this pic taken from a different angle ..
unusual deliberate handle ring on a very old rosewood tree
close up you can guess the age of rosewood by the bark fissures
Bimblebox Ringtree on BillyBingBone rd
Bimblebox ringtree BBB rd
coolabah ringtree near the big billabongs in Cumbul
other side view - I dunno why I havent seen this one before?
Leon flick at a coolabah ringtree off Marra ck rd
Leon flick with most recent wailwun coolabah ring
big Gomilaroi whitewood ring tree in Kraka
whitewood ringtree & Wheatie
rosewood ring most likely naturally occurring
TCS Ringtree - broken reverse
seriously the maddest ever ringtree - dead currant bush thru leopardwood ring
but is so where is the rest of the trunk? Deliberate ringtree adjusted over time
but is so where is the rest of the trunk? Deliberate ringtree adjusted over time

100 mts or so away is a coolabah ring created by threading a branch up & around the trunk.

these 2 rings indicate the sandhill wells here at the homestead

There are 4 ringtrees here but others would have been accidently knocked over for buildings/ roads etc

this old box ringtree is out along the Merrywinebah boredrain

the ring has a better shape from the eastern side

I think they would have removed that lower branch had the people still been around

doomed Belar ringtree in Keero on its last legs ...

this is a songline ringtree from Gingie to Moramana

the branch/ trunk would have to have been tied together for generations.

this is a leopardwood ringtree with no obvious water catchment in Antigar

here is the join but where is the water source? I will explain all next blog ...wait

here is another "kiss" ring between a nearby leopardwood & whitewood

this ancient coolabah ringtree in Keero is hardly recognisable now

the "ring" is still just visible but has been unmaintained for a V.long time

this dead coolabah ringtree is nearby along the small Warrambool

lots of "rings" here indicating a good natural water catchment

there is also a plaited rosewood in this place - also doomed

reverse view - I will try to get this plaited rosewood conserved

I would have driven past this old coolabah Ringtree 100s of times.

redgums & coolabahs inosculate relatively easily

this is the reverse side looking south in this coolabah swamp

we are thinking of writing a paper on 'ringtrees' in 2024

this is another type of 'ring' created with fire - collage

I love random ringtrees moving sheep - one of the perks of the job

I think this is a songline Ring from the ceremonial grounds in Avon

this big old coolabah ringtree has grown out of shape over time

found between the neighbour's sand slice & nearby tank/ dam

this double ring coolabah has been adjusted over time

you can see the tank bank in the back ground for water storage.

this ring tree in the same area is also a scarred tree

here is the inosculation point where the coolabah branches were tied together

another scarred ringtree between the sand slice & the tank/ dam

close up you can see the gap between the trunks on this V.old ringtree.

another ring of sorts making it 5 ringtrees in this small area

about 3 ks away this old see thru rosewood may also be a ringtree

there are 3 holes in the trunk that seem to be deliberately made

this rosewood along the Avon songline is definitely a ringtree

here is the reverse side - no doubts in my mind about this ringtree

this one on the other hand could just as well be naturally occurring

double rosewood ring in Keero - the lower ring has grown over

open ring seen from the other side - possibly a whitewood?

there is a high ring on this old coolabah & a couple of scars

big old Coolabah ringtree on the neighbours place

2 branches merged seamlessly into one

this rosewood ring is less clear cut - as the join is still visible

I will give it the benefit of the doubt as its near the last coolabah ring

this Eurah (Eremophila bignoniiflora) has been manipulated

not inosculated but definitely manipulated -near the sand slice
this bimblebox is similar - not a true ring but a ring in progress
this bimblebox is similar - not a true ring but a ring in progress

here is the junction but trunks need to be bound tightly to join up

this Eurah on the sand slice water catchment is also manipulated

here is the front & back view of this Eurah - not natural no way!

here is quicker method for creating ringtrees but this trunk is dead

2 coolamons on opposite sides of a hollow eucalypt. WW

This is the most extraordinary threaded branch ring EVER

they threaded 1 branch thru another to create a fully functioning ring

also 2 varieties of mistletoe in 1 clump in the upper branches of this coolabah

Wee Wally coolabah ringtree - front & back view

the central ring has almost grown over

back in the day they would have inserted a grinding stone to prevent this

another coolabah ring not far away - probably the same age

this one looks more complicated as there are more branches

but its the same process of forced inosculation - showing the way to water

this looks like a ring but its not - the other side is a faceless scar

some ringtrees stand out like dog's balls as they say - Wilga vale

this old box tree ring has been dead awhile & ring has separated slightly

killed by artesian water inundation from an old leaking boredrain

this double box ring further down the ancient river is alive & changing

a branch has been dragged across & forced to inosculate twice

they have formed a branch bridge - dead now but still in position

very ambitious - easy with coolabah but difficult with bimblebox

possible Eurah ringtree in Avon - Nth & Sth view

there is a group of 5 rosewood Ringtrees within 50 mtrs of each other in Avon

some Ive seen photographed & up loaded before like this 1

And this 1 - Rosewood/ Boonery/ Bunbarr is a women's tree

having all these rosewood rings close together makes this a women's place

this 1 has a wooden insert & is more complex than the rest

There are also some Belar ringtrees not far away - possibly natural?

Belahs are also women's trees & groups of Belah rings are significant

this tree has scars on opposite sides of the trunk

not technically a ringtree but a see thru tree - Gali gurrunaa

leopardwood rings were also a thing on weilwun country

leopardwood ring tree near the GNR - looks better from this side

another weilwun leopardwood ring - its a songline indicator

as well as water here in the semi arid nth west of the state

the Gomilaroi of murra-manaarr liked belar ringtrees

harder to create I would have thought? Trees like plasticine ...

Micaela Hambrett spotted this whitewood 'ring' - got her eye in quickly!

Micaela's Ringtree near the Avon water catchment

I think this is a very old Gali gurranaa ringtree - the merge is massive

when is a 'ringtree' not a ringtree? When its a tunnel ..

collapsed or faceless coolamons on opposite sides of a box tree

whitewood Ring almost closed up - old Nth -- Sth songline

this is a Peach bush ringtree at the Culvert camp in TB

heres the opposite view - branches not inosculated but touching

very old rosewood ringtree in Telinebone sandhills

wilga ringtree at the old wells in Telinebone - will bury this dog here soon

remnant redgum ring at the wells TB - uploaded before

dead leopardwood ringtree in Merrywinebone

reverse - dunno why this ringtree is there. Cultural but unattached

This live leopardwood ring is attached to the WWWs in Boonery

There are a lot of Whitewood Water Wells (WWWs) here

this is another manipulated leopardwood tree here

reverse side - indicating the WWWs in Boonery paddock

Nepine vine assisted whitewood ring in same location

trying to create WWW & Ringtree on the same tree?

this ring is created by tying a whitewood to a supplejack - not merged

there is also a Nepine vine in there as well - same location as the WWWs

double leopardwood ring - small but old. Stud paddock

reverse side - need to get back here to look for WWWs

hard red country suits leopardwoods & whitewoods

manipulated whitewood here as well - dead unfortunately

not sure if I recorded this one before or not? Low leopardwood ring

without a vine or tree to keep open - ringtrees can close over

Not a true 'Ring' but a pretty awesome combo - Stud paddock

songline leopardwood ringtree Wallangilla

kept open by nepine vines - small but significant

leopardwood triple ring - Avon revisit

not a true whitewood ring - no inosculation

true whitewood Ring tree - with WWWs in same place

see how the branches have been forced to merge together -V.old

another true whitewood ringtree - inosculation visible

reverse side view - not naturally occurring no way

this is an old rosewood ringtree - a long time in the making

first divide the trunk into 4 & separate. Wait a century or so ..

bring the 2 sections together and knot. Wait another century ...

repeat that process for this old trunk - whitewood or rosewood?

in this case give the trunk a good whack to expedite the process

dead leopardwood ring in Avon not sure if Ive included before

low leopardwood bridge not previously recorded

rosewood manipulation - ring making I presume?

not a true ringtree but a coolamon scar broken from the trunk

Not technically ringtrees but crazy connected coolabahs

2 separate Ginghet coolabah trees have been joined (inosculated)

a feat of arboreal architecture unequaled anywhere else

how? looks like 1 trunk threaded thru the other & grown together over time

nearby the wailwun/ weilwan have created this tree sculpture

2 lateral trunks are also connected by re-rooting or inosculation

I think these are camp trees awaiting refurbishment with bark

2 views of a v.high box ring - def. cultural as box trees dont merge readily

interspecies ring - 2 views of a leopardwood/ whitewood kiss.

not natural but cultural - tied together - close up views

another interspecies ring from same place with same species. 2 views

note the merging here as leopardwood grows around the whitewood

the whitewood has been tied in place to achieve this interspecies join

whitewood ring tree from this place - 2 views

2 views of a 'clunky' leopardwood ringtree from this place

here is the inosculation point - forming its own mid tree leopardwood burl

another leopardwood ringtree from up the back of Boonery

reverse side - this "ring" is older than its size suggests

this whitewood ring may not be inosculated but it does hold water!

merging results if the multitrunked whitewood is tied together for a long time

I dunno if there is any inosculation in this rosewood but this aint its 'natural' habit!

leopardwood double ring in remnant scrub patch in Nardoo

here are 2 views inside the ring - tricky to photograph

this is a dead belar ringtree in Warrambool paddock

I think belar trees take a very long time to inosculate

here they have added a whitewood into the mix to create interspecies ring

2 views of a belar ring in the making - not naturally occurring

same again but this belar is dead

I can prove belar tree rings are a cultural manipulation ...

this smallish belar has been tied together in 2 places

here is another view of this extraordinary belar ringtree in the making

this is how the lower "tie" looks close up - undeniably anthropological

here is another view of the binding point - bound with what?

this is what the upper tie looks like - what more proof do you need?

This old belah ringtree shows the one of the desired results

whitewood ring not inosculated

rosewood ring I think possibly whitewood

not true rosewood rings but manipulated I suspect

you can see how these manipulated rosewoods line up

old whitewood ringtree - inosculated

reverse view of Birraa ringtree in Nardoo

there are not many ringtrees at gali guranaa camp

but this one is a cracker! Bimblebox dont inosculate easily

ringtrees with guests are more the go at GG - unusual

belar trunk weaving to create rings - old clever people

big box ring along the Ginghet not truly merged

reverse side - ring created when primary trunk fell out

This dead coolabah or black box in the Ginghet is not just a scartree

it's also an ancient ringtree - magnificent in its day I imagine

another dead coolabah / blackbox ringtree on the Ginghet

this one has been murdered (rung) 100 - 140 yrs ago

multi - ringed rosewood at Gulargambone station - hard to photograph.

a pair with the rosewood TinT about 50 mts away. The wailwun liked 'pairs'

scartree fancier Paul Underwood came to see the trees here recently

we found this double ring leopardwood tree in the Boonery patch I had overlooked before

this is a rerooted bimblebox camp tree a few hundred mts from the crazy coolabahs

bimble box are not into inosculation or rerooting so this is serious

also scarred - you can see it popping up along the arch

nearby is the joined up coolabah - the smaller tree has been rung & killed

this is where the wiley wailwun have connected the 2 trees

this is the 2nd half of this amazing coolabah camp tree

this is where the wiley wailwun have connected the 2 trees
from this angle you can see the where the 2 sections connect

this is the 3rd camp tree that is a rerooted work of art

flat out like a lizard drinking - tree sculpture at its finest!

another coolabah connection not far away from that trio

could be a reroot or they could have joined these 2 coolabahs as well?

I think this burl is where they 'tied' the trees together?

this black box ringtree is unique in its shape & its apparent age

unlike most rings which are round/oval in shape this is unsymmetrical

the join is complete with 3 live & 1 dead branch emerging from the inoculation pt

contrast that old black box ring with this more recent coolabah ring

only surface inosculation between these 2 trunks not vascular I think

same with this ring - half the tree is dead (rung) & half is alive

the inosculation process has been halted by ringbarking

this rerooted coolabah is in the Ginghet channel & has an unusual ring

the dead & living sections of the tree form a branch ring

like this previous connected coolabah - rerooting while dying?

If these coolabahs reroot while dying the living part must be relatively young?

this coolabah may have been rung as well but the tree has reshot & rerooted

theres a whole lot of rerooting going on here too!

here is a different view of this huge connected coolabah camp

just add bark & leaves & you have shelter the size of a town hall ...

these coolabahs all share the same lignotuber undergound

remember these connector coolabahs are probably younger than they look

many people could rest in the shade of these big old connected coolabahs

they are the same genetically just rerooted

or growing out of the same massive underground lignotuber

I think nets were strung between the branches of these prone coolabahs

just how much the wailwun people shaped these trees is unknown

extraordinary black box ringtree just east of the Ginghet in the GNR

rosewood ringtree McDonalds paddock - front & back views

this branch jam in the centre is not naturally occurring - no way

the rosewood ringtree is in the same paddock - not truly inosculated

but still a man-made ring undeniably - its the look that counts

This is a lovely Carbeen (Eucalyptus tessellaris - gaabin) ringtree I think

I think they have given the trunk a good whack to produce lateral shoots

this magnificent tree stands at the beginning of the big sandhill (QLD)

further in the sandhill near the TinTs is another stunning carbeen ringtree

this ring is inosculated and tells us there is underground water here

this is 2 views of an old coolabah ringtree along the big warrambool

here is the join from both sides. Signifying a good waterhole

I think this is a rosewood ringtree possibly whitewood?

small tree but unusual old connector. Think this Cumbul ringtree is dead

more of a tunnel tree than a ringtree with 2 opposing faceless coolamons

this is a true coolabah ringtree but its grown somewhat out of shape

a branch off 1 trunk has been pulled thru a fork in another trunk

This coolabah ringtree lives at a deep Warrambool waterhole

belar ringtree - possibly natural?

lots of belar 'rings' in along the Warrambool - not all are cultural

warrambool ringtree on billabong - seen before I think?

inosculation point - where these coolabah trunks were tied together

whitewood/birraa ring along the big warrambool

slightly different view of the inosculation/ join

this coolabah with horizontal coolabah ring was hit by lightning in 2022or23 & half the tree has died

these 2 coolabahs along the big warrambool are connected in 2 places

they appear to be separate trees but are really the same

that is why they are able to join (inosculate) with each other

they are genetically the same tree but have been separated over time

the 'old clever people' have joined these trunks together

for whatever reason? The joins have lasted a very long time ...

which is why Allan Tighe calls them the "old clever people"

This is a mad manipulated rosewood/ boonery/bunbarr

absolutely astonishing what the 'old clever people' did to trees

how long did it take to create this 'interconnector' ?

another warrambool coolabah ringtree at the big billabong camp

front & back views of the inosculation point - deliberate for sure

v.old high bimblebox ring tree at WilbyWilby camp indicating water

2 close up views of this unusual ring - good climbers I reckon

this may be a semi formed ring from the wilbywilby camp

yuwaalaraay leopardwood ringtree on the warrambool

close up Bokhara warrambool leopardwood ring

not a true ringtree but as manipulated/ cultural as hell - Cumbul