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high & fallen
coolamon down HP
down & up TB
fallen steel axe scar TB
fallen slot Bottle Camp
down & out CB
down one HP
fallen Mooroo
look up there
the window
sleeping it off HP
deliberate deep gouges TB
high skinny scar W
high scar or branch tear
high up branch scar Preist
long fallen scar Stud
old campfire scar in Nardoo
big fallen one & coolamon TB
not a natural death TB
ruby & down 1
fallen sandhill scar TB
fallen 1 SP
branch tear probably
very high up scar SP
fallen Coolie Merrywinebah
high galah scar F1
love at first sight W
high up scar 2 MW
high up shallow coolie MW
down & out Warrambool
high up scars TB
recently fallen scar Keero
old resource tree K
fallen coolamon with wood borers P
v.old fallen coolamon M
fallen coolamon Kraka
v.high v.old branch tear scar
fallen standard type N
RT v.old v.high coolamon
RT long thin fallen one
RT fallen standard
RT recently fallen scartree
RT big fallen scartree
RT thin tubular scar
down & out F1
fallen fella Keero
high up coolie - Keero
down & out Wallangilla
strange high up scars ? Keero
big fallen fellow in TB
high up coolie & epicorms
cracked & fallen Brigalow
grounded one telinebone
scar on scar on ground N
huge two part fallen scar WB
high tear or galah scar WB
fallen standard type WB
coolamon down WB
old possum skin stretcher M
old fallen eroded faced coolamon
branch tear scar probably M
fallen fire scarred 1 Myall
coolamon down
double down Keero
big fallen fella Moorie
fallen coolie not sure where
big scar down in Ration
lovely fallen scar in Ration
high resource doubles
V.old high coolamon Kraka
the deceased...BonBon
old underbranch fireplace scar K
fallen shallow coolamon possibly? K
resource extract. V.high
doubles down Brigalow
coolamon down WB
V.old high up coolie WB
big fallen fireplace scar Warrambool
resource extract axcut scar
dead coolamon tree WB
deep fallen scar WB
fallen shallow coolie
big old fire scar down Wallangilla
fallen standard type WG
fallen coolamon P
long high up scar unknown BC
high up cultural scarring WB
high up multiscarring WB
fallen fireplace fella Warrambool
big old fallen scar Preist
very nice high coolamon P
high axcut coolie close K
big fallen scar in Kraka
high old coolamon or branch tear P
fallen standard type WG
fallen fence line casualty P
high hard to cut full faced scar
2 fully scarred faces... fallen
lovely falling fella Preist
praying mantis close up WG
sunken fallen coolie M
fallen midtree galah scar moonal
the no. 9 iron scar Preist
high coolamon in Antigar
what a shame fallen scar
high coolie or branch tear
broken hearted in Bimber
fallen standard scar HP
down & out coolamon HP
coolamon down HP
high branch 3/4 scar HP
big fallen fella HP
unusual fallen fella TB
fallen teardrop coolie TB
lower double down scar TB
upper double down scar
fallen branch coolie P
big fallen scar R
tubular fallen standard R
half up half down Ration
BR fallen coolie
scartree hunting in WB
fallen old coolamon WB
high up facing coolamon WB
high up coolamon G
high fallen coolie C
big fallen fella Cumbul
high halloween type scar
down & out Bottle camp
high canoe scar Moonal
old fireplace scarring
old fallen scartree Kraka
collateral damage
outlandish high 3/4 scar W
possum tree down Kraka
high fire scars I think ? K
shallow high up coolie C
long high strip scar M
high thin branch strip M
high teardrop coolie M
high coolamon in Priest
fallen branch tear scar I think
falling fireplace scarring
V.tall campfire scar Keero
broken scartree Cumbul
axcut scars close up TB
fallen coolamon Goorie
old carved coolamon Goorie
another 1 bites the dust B
coolamon down Brigalow
high shallow gular scarring
down & out Telinebone
fallen standard shape scar
fallen scar in dust haze T
big scar down Telinebone
small fallen coolamon
fallen campfire scar TB
old fallen fella in Preist
big fella down in Cumbul
RT fallen firescar
RT standard down
BR fallen riverbank scar
fallen coolamon Brigalow
special high sharp cuts G
high carved scar revisited
banana scar falling out W
high axcut scar Goorie
FW boat scar on bank
fallen coolamon 1 WG
fallen coolamon 2 WG
small fallen axcut coolamon G
CS fallen campfire tree
CS fallen coolamon
fallen sunken coolamon
NB scartree carcase
NB coolamon down
NB big fallen scar
NB high coolamon
NB fallen scar & crazy dog
NB out for the count
NB scartree down
NB another fallen one
high old broken scar TB
very high coolamon TB
high scar & whitewood TB
fallen fireplace TB
fallen coolamon Goorie
RIP double sided full faced
GY high coolie natural ?
GY coolamon down
GY fallen axcut scar
GY fallen fireplace scar
A very high coolamon
A high cultural signage
fallen standard one N
fallen skinny coolie Nardoo
high coolabah coolamon M
old fallen coolamon
high coolie Merrywinebah
perfect fallen coolamon
old coolamon down WG
fallen campfire coolamon tree
high branch tear I think K
coolamon down Kraka
fallen coolamon Nardoo ?
very high axcut coolamons
high up coolamon Kraka
RT hollow coolie down
RT coolie + axtrax down
wolf face fallen scar Avon
A fallen coolamon
A high axcut coolamon
oldest coolabah coolamon
A old fallen coolamon
G high axtrax sth veiw
G fallen coolamon
face fallen high standard scar C
Cumbul coolamon CB
G high grub searching?
G old high coolamon
Tony cutting whitewood biscuits to be aged at UNSW - still waiting 2 years later
G high gular coolamon?
RT fallen coolabah scar
RT perfect high coolamon
G fallen multiscarred tree
BH fallen giant ...
BH big fallen scartree
very high fireplace burn CB
BH shallow fallen scartree
BH huge broken fella
BH large 3/4 fallen scar
G fallen campfire coolie
G high axcut scars
where the batteries go ..
G fallen coolamon country
G dirt eating multi scarred tree
big fallen scar & coolie WB
big scar down Priest
giant scar down Priest
long dead coolamon tree
big fallen scar v.old G
RT old fallen scartree
RT resource extraction high up
old fallen fella in Priest
FW fallen & burnt
high old coolamon & saltbush
Fallen scartree revisit - Warrambool
fallen big shallow scar S
CS collapsing coolabah coolamon tree
T long fallen shelter scar
L strange long split coolabah with regrowth
high stone axe cut resource hole
L unknown high scarring - borers?
RT high coolamon
KW fallen womera scar
fallen coolamon Wallangilla
scartree used for firewood Cumborah
high horizontal branch coolamon Stud
fallen debarked box bough
BH Allan on fallen coolamon tree
BH big fallen scar
BH big fallen campfire scar
MR very long fallen scar
big fallen face scar & Cubby
big fallen fella in Telinebone
one up one down Telinebone
faceless fallen fella in Cumbul
high scar amidst the wilga TB
down & out in Cumbul
high scar with axcut burls on scar's edge
this fallen tree has been down a long long time
high coolamon i think
high shallow coolamon
fallen coolabah scar
long strip scar on fallen branch
very high scar unknown origin
high coolabah underside campfire burn from long ago
high skinny coolamon
fallen coolamon Stud swamp
fallen scarred tree at culvert camp Telinebone
nice fallen coolamon in Wallangilla
long fallen scar in Avon
fallen or pushed? Horizontal box with 2 upright shoots Tb
fallen axe cut scar with unknown peripheral cuts TB
falling bimble box scarface Culvert camp TB
falling boxtree scarface in profile TB
falling scarface front on view Culvert camp TB
fallen scarface in Warrambool
the faces of many old scars fall out over time
big fella down Telinebone sandhills
old fallen scar at Cuddie
long fella down on Tungra
... and another one bites the dust ...
fallen fella on the paleo river Tungra
fallen scar with axe burls T
long fella down on Tungra
old fallen scar T
R.I.P - hollow boxtrees serve as shelter when they are down as well
coolamon down in Tungra
multiple scars on fallen coolabah branch
this fallen scar tree is hosting small plants already
old fallen scar T5
fallen coolamon tree
Kirsten took this photo of me & Matthew Taylor at the 'Double down'
fallen faceless coolamon
down for the count
this scartree has been down awhile
this big scar has been down awhile
more recently fallen big scar
scorching on that fallen scar - firestick left leaning there?
this long dead scartree has been held up by a neighbour
this old eucalypt has fallen long ago leaving a wooden ring at the base
fallen standard type scar with axe cut add on
big box scar down in Cumbul
high double scars at warrambool camp
not sure if this dead tree was placed in the fork or fell in there?
looks suss from this angle - dont eucalypts ever rot away?
cultivation casualty
this 'treasure' I call the chessboard. Now its check mate
and another one bites the dust ...
fallen faceless coolamon
big reclining scartree - still hanging in there I think
this coolamon is on the opposite side of this tree
This embattled coolabah on Avon looks a lot like a redgum?
It has been highly culturally modified & has survived a ringbarking attempt as well
the cultural burn scar is so high up I had to climb on the buggy to photograph it
2 trees down - probably coolabah & supplejack - entwined in death
natural tear scar above, coolamon below on a big fallen coolabah
very high scar with add on
this scar has been down a long long time ...
as has this old bimblebox scar on the Barwon floodplain
fallen pine tree still living its best life ...
this fallen scar has a strange bulbous donut type top?
And another one bites the dust ...
Blackbox coolamon down on the Mungeroo
very old dead coolamon tree BBB rd camp
another fallen scar tree at the BBB rd X Marra ck. paleochannel camp
high scar with twist BBB rd X Marra ck Paleochannel camp
fallen faceless fella
fallen faceless fella - cant remember where
interesting high shallow scar - who dunnit? Galahs or humans?
deep coolamon tree fallen over awhile ago
unusual pointy ended fallen scar TCS
fallen scartree in the TCS
not fallen but blown apart by lightning with shards smashing nearby tree
coolamon down at the Ginghet reserve
this old scartree has been down a long time - Ginghet reserve
shallow coolamon tree thats been down awhile
very high scar possibly galah or cockatoo related
old fallen coolabah scar at Ginghet waterhole
long scar underneath on fallen trunk
old coolamon almost covered over by sand
this is the 3rd coolamon high up on the dead coolabah triple
big old fallen bimblebox scar in the GNR
high branch scar on a coolabah double - cultural I think
big fallen fella - down a long time
v.high scarring - too symmetrical to be caused by galahs
high convex coolamon - 2 different angles
not fallen but forced down - not dead but alive WW birraa
fallen wailwun scarteee
this dead tree (box I think?) has fallen into the fork of this live box
the live box is just growing around it - keep on keeping on ..
high scarring caused by a campfire set below to protect the coals

fallen fireplace tree - Wilga vale

long wavey fallen fire related scarring Wilga vale
high scarring caused by a campfire set below to protect the coals

fallen scar along the Ginghet

this big scartree has fallen so hard the scarface has broken loose

old fallen scartree at the Wilga vale tip in the GNR

high coolamon in bimblebox/ blackbox swamp at FW yards

double down - Gali gurranaa camp - Cumborah

This fallen scartree is enormous - too little living tree to support the dead wood?

old dead 3/4 scar RIP - Kraka paddock

fallen concave coolamon branch

high cultural scarring - unknown?

fallen box scar - old

the central trunk has had a total debark here & has fallen out

in this instance its the scar face that has fallen

big old fallen scartree GG camp

scar on scar down - such a shame to lose these old guys

halfway scar, niether up nor down really

down & out at Gali gurranaa camp

fallen double scar with mock ring - GG special

total de bark for burial wrap GG camp

the central trunk has been totally de barked & has died & fallen out

this is the hole where it fell out of - burial wrap perhaps?

half up half down scar - mid tree break GG

high Gali gurranaa scarring

dozer felled scartree near powerline

high scar with dead "guest" shrub growing out of it

scarface breaking away from a high scar GG

another big fella bites the dust - GG camp

old scar down at Gali gurranaa camp Cumborah

faceless & legless - poor bugga - GG camp

2 dead scartrees laid to rest? Cleared for powerline actually

fallen dead scartree with the scarface separating sideways

high coolamon at the sanctuary - signage perhaps?

high coolamon on a coolabah along the big warrambool

big fella down - old scarred bimblebox past its use-by date GG camp

old fallen scartree GG camp

been down awhile this one GG camp

dead awhile this one - bleached by many summers GG

half in half out - another fallen scartree at GG camp

big fella down at the GG camp Cumborah

And another one bites the dust ...

the face of the scar has slipped forward while the trunk has fallen backwards

this massive trunk fell & got used for firewood ages ago

fallen branch scar near double dead TinT - WilbyWilby camp