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handholds, wirris, vines & WWWs
the wirri holes - native bee honey source
V.old wirri for honey extraction
wirri holes to access native bee honey
handholds Kraka
deep one CB
the handholds
self pruning - cladoptosis ?
deep wirri FL
handholds 2 Kraka
handholds or resource holes? TB
wirri with stick for honey extraction
gugumadharraa vine in old scar
Parsonsia eucalyptophylla on whitewood
gargaloo - the black yam
old wirri scar perhaps
whitewood TinT in a wirri tree
Y wirri TB
wirri I reckon Tb
Cladoptosis ?
wirri or small coolamon?
wirri hole or small coolamon?
vines up a box tree
handhold scars ?
wirri hole for honey extraction
perfect wirri hole to access native bees nest
honey extract holes & lizard
wirri hole to source honey
v.old Parsonsia eucalyptophylla vines
vines in scar
gargaloo - gugumadharraa
old wirri TB
possible faded axcut hand/toe holds
wirri eyes Keero
old wirri scars for honey access
handholds or sugarbag ?
old wirri hole Moonal
vine in scar
hand/toeholds for climbing
weird wirris or what ?
tiny wirri for honey access
vines galore Boonery
limb shedding or resource chasing or hand/toe holds?
internal vines Bimber 1
old vines in Bimber 2
vines in Bimber 3
self pruning ( cladoptosis )
lowdown wirri hole N
self pruning for drought?
old wirri hole Feedlot 2
old Wirri hole Feedlot 2
dead gargaloo vine Brig.
hand/toe holds WB
vines and scars WB
wirri or small coolie WB
hand/toe holds or what ?
faded hand/toe holds or grub search
Gugumadharraa yam
handhold axcuts ? WG
dunno what caused these holes
hand/toe holds WB
wirri hole & firestick N
sweet teardrop wirri HP
Wirri +honey/wax residue?
twisted old gargaloo
axe cuts for toe holds? WB
resource/toe holes ? WB
climbing scars ? Goori
multiple handholds ? G
hand/toe hold coolamons
donut scar - old wirri maybe ?
old wirri hole in Kraka
old wirri in Warrambool
fallen sugarbag/handholds
big wirri or small coolie
old sugarbag tree M
wirri hole Merrywinebah
handholds & strange bark
hand/toe holds in Goorie
wirri holes/woodgrain TB
RT handholds suspended
BR hand/foot holds
nepine vines on rosewood
climbing scars? Goorie
wirri scar Wallangilla
CS wirri hole
wirri hole Wallangilla
wirri hole for honey or small coolamon
NB wirri hole - native bees
vines on Coolabah G
NB Nepine ( ngaybaan )
GY Gugumadharraa
wirri hole ( native bees ) N
Capparis lasiantha
native jasmine - old
old wirri hole - native bees
bush banana Marsdenia viridiflora
RT native bee wirri hole
old vines
G wirri scar close
RT hand/toe holds i think
RT naypan climber
RT bottomless wirri scar
RT old dead vines
G infinity wirri hole
G Naypan/Nepine climber
BH V.old wirri scar
BH hand/toe holds
G ngaybaan-Nepine vine
G ngaybaan vine on burn
fireplace tree with young vine
gargaloo vine at old camp
Nepine (Capparis lasiantha)
bush banana I think?
wait-a-while/ nepine vines
yam vines on boonery 2
Nepine-Capparis lasiantha
FW unknown climber- nepine?
Vines in Priest - the rainforest returns..
Marungle hand/toe holds
gaguulmadharraa - Parsonia eucalyptophylla
Vines in Stud at peach bush cluster
T Native jasmine vines
wait awhile vines on an old whitewood
old hand/toe holds Goorie
RT old native bee wirri
CS hand/foot hold scars maybe?
RT old dead gugumadharraa vines
RT distorted wirri with slot to drain honey
ngaybaan/ nepine
KW wirri hole (native bees)
handholds/ footholds in Cumbul
old nepine vine in Stud
Marsdenia viridiflora - bush banana (gaagulu)
aka Marsdenia or Leichardtia Australis
previously unknown vine - Parsonsia lanceolata CB
Parsonsia lanceolata vine close up
Parsonsia eucalyptophylla - poisonous yams
bush banana ( marsdenia viridiflora )
old nepine vine & scar
gargaloo twist
vines growing out of a coolabah
These indentations are caused by vines
Parsonsia eucalyptophylla found around old camps
Native or Desert jasmine - perfumed flowers
dead vines propably Nepine
nepine - Capparis lasiantha
gargaloo vines on a redgum at camp
McD unknown vine at billabong
gargaloo growing inside a boxtree
bush banana - Marsdenia viridiflora
native jasmine in box tree crotch
handholds or canker scars?
climbing scars?
gargaloo vines embedded in ironwood
Parsonsia eucalyptophylla in Acacia excelsa
Nepine vine getting ready for a bumper crop
nepine - capparis lasiantha
2 sided wirri hole - native bees nest
native jasmine/ Jasminum lineare vine growing in boxtree crotch
old gargaloo vine
native bee entrance/ exit s from hives aka wirri holes
old native jasmine vine in Avon
wild jasmine smelling divine atm
somebody climbed this ironwood making hand/ toe holds
.. with a stone axe. The higher they went the closer the cuts
Nepine vine growing out of a box tree scar T
Old dead Nepine in a clump with butter bush aka gumbie gumbie
native jasmine - graceful & fragrant - always around camps
wirri hole Tungra
wild jasmine aka desert jasmine
someone climbed this tree a long time ago
gargaloo old & new (Parsonsia eucalyptophylla)
gaagulu (Marsdenia viridiflora) - seedpods & tubers eaten
gugumadharraa - Parsonsia eucalyptophylla not edible
this is a Supplejack - starts out as a robust vine
this looks like a wirri - old native bee resource hole
gargaloo vine on old scar tree
very old Nepine aka Capparis lasiantha
Probably the oldest Nepine Ive ever seen
wirri hole - native bees
coolabah handholds in Warrambool
gaagulu vine aka bush banana ( Marsdenia viridiflora )
more gaagulu in the sanctuary & Cubby for perspective
gargaloo vine planted in a box tree at the well camp in Stud
a close up of the gargaloo/ box junction
old vines on blackbox down the Ginghet
hand & foot holds on a fallen box tree along the Ginghet
a different view of the hand/ foot holds
Desert or Native jasmine - camp scents
the biggest/ oldest nepine vine Jen & I have ever seen
here is the base of the nepine - like monstrous spider
very old native jasmine on a quinine tree T23
this jasmine vine has been strangling this quinine for a long time
this is a VinT (vine in tree) - native jasmine in box
we dont count these VinTs as TinTs but I suspect this 1 is cultural
old gargaloo up a dead pine tree in Avon
up up & away - hand/foot holds along the Ginghet
gaagulu - Marsdenia viridiflora was an important food.
gargaloo vine another campsite give away
wirri hole - native bees nest
Nepine thru Pine at the Marra ck paleochannel
the pine has been split so the nepine (Capparis lasiantha) can grow thru
wirri - native bee hole
gargaloo VinT (Vine in Tree)
this nepine vine is very old - my hat rests on the dead tree its growing on
wirri coolamon - native bees
Nepine in dead eucalypt - possibly planted there
old nepine vine Cumberdoon way
old gargaloo vine on a classic coolamon tree
wirrii hole for native bees
old wirrii hole - native bees dont get varroa mite - YAY
gargaloo vine growing around & thru the box tree like it was butter?
Supplejacks start out as vines & like a semi-arid zone strangler fig.
this stray branch has a blunt burnt end so its a pointer/ directional tree
native jasmine growing inside old boxtree. Note the stone axe cut epicormic shoots
I think these are old shallow hand/foot holds on this fallen log
this big old coolabah in Antigar has many different scars
but this one is a wirri hole - the entrance to a native bee hive
gargaloo vine in the sand slice
pine tree covered in native jasmine & smelling delicious
native jasmine in flower
gargaloo vine in an old scar on the neighbours sandslice
old gargaloo vine GNR
these are wirri holes where native bees live. Their honey was harvested regularly
gnarly old fella with wirri hole & closed coolamon - dot'n'dash
rosewood & supplejack entwined - supplejack has a vine habit initially
Nepine on box - very old
Gargaloo vine makes a comeback 6 years after it disappeared
Marsdenia viridiflora vine aka gaagulu - edible pods & tubers
Old nepine growing on leopardwood near the GNR
VinT (Vines in Trees) - gargaloo in box at Stud camp
another old gargaloo VinT (Parsonsia eucalyptophylla) Stud camp
VinT on coolamon scartreee at Stud camp - why so many VinTs?
This vine is Parsonsia lanceolata _ thankyou Sandra Winsor for the ID
GG - Ive only seen it once at Gingie but its since died off - will be back I suspect
Amyema quandang I think
the only Myall Ive every seen sporting a Lysiana subfalcata mistletoe
I reckon it was grafted on & glued there - mistletoe bird didnt do this!
banana mistletoe - flowering & fruiting
I ate all these mistletoe berries while mustering - bush tucker is good
looks like nepine but isnt - narrow leaf bumble tree
this gargaloo vine has been planted in this boxtree - patch of VinTs in Stud
gargaloo on wilga perhaps?
nepine vine growing thru an old rosewood - ring creation
ringtree creation 101; thread vine thru tree, wait 50 years or more
Marsdenia viridiflora (bush banana) on leopardwood tree
bush banana - edible pod visible also has edible tubers (giban)
nepine vine growing up thru dead whitewood - protection
Whitewood Water Wells (WWWs) are often this bent shape
WWW in Merrywinebone - classic removal of 1 trunk type
still water retaining 4 weeks after last rainfall - probably not in summer
Will be putting all WWWs in this archive from now on ..
Gingie rd songline WWW - I need to plot these WWW asap
water may drain in from the front & back of this songline WWW
still holding water 1 month after rain like all these WWWs
this WWW has more branches than usual?
whatever the design features this whitewood is still holding water
this WWW is more like Ive come to expect
1 trunk has been removed and the tree tilts slightly
Theres water in them there whitewoods - who'd have thunk it?
classic WWW - this whitewood holds the most water
there's a lip for drinking out of as well - found along the songline too I think
these wells need cleaning out .. any volunteers?
this WWW also has a prototype branch ring
the water is harder to access - might have closed over time?
this songline WWW is a better design but its dying unfortunately
will still hold water for awhile until it eventually rots away
you can often see a brownish stain on the WWWs
still brackish water in this one but the whitewood is closing up
sometimes there are more than one drainage holes
and sometimes you can still see the old axe marks on the trunk
some WWWs have separate water inlets & access points
some also have prototype rings and water wells
some WWWs are low down on the trunk
possibly not only for human usage? Game traps?
some low WWWs look
also look like a ringtree
from the reverse side - is this deliberate or branch tear?
like the TinTs - guess i will have to work this out myself too
This WWW has charcoal inside not water ??
Did they light a small fire inside to seal the well?
Will anyone help test this charcoal? I expect deafening silence ..
WWW but I cant remember where I saw this one
still holding water 5 weeks after rain - useful!
I think this WWW is along the Gingie rd songline
also think I can see internal stone axe marks but didnt have my specs
there is the water in the well 5 weeks after rain - important 4 travellers
WWW of separate inlet & outlet design in Shed paddock
this gali - birraa is holding water 2 days after 25 ml
more typical inward drainage design same area
plenty of water in this one but its only just rained & its cold
another inward draining style WWW - same place
deep water storage in this gali-birraa (whitewood water well)
these single small hole types dont hold much water
possibly used to lure prey but expect they would dry out quickly
another small hole small capacity WWW - enlarged over time perhaps?
the water would rot the soft heartwood & the 'well' could be enhanced?
wirri hole with nepine vine growing out of it. How did they do that?
another low wirri hole - native bees nest
dead vine in burnt out scar - possibly gargaloo?
Parsonsia lanceolata- anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial
nepine growing in box crotch - cultural plantings GG camp
this box trunk has fallen/ broken but I think these used to be hand/footholds
Im going to try & get some seed off this Parsonsia lanceolata
when an old tree falls the hangers-oners go with it prob. nepine
Jasminum lineare twinning around the leopardwood/ whitewood 'kiss'
or even held together with a vine like the wild/ desert jasmine
2 different www's both dry but I think they used to hold water
whitewood water wells - holding water 3 weeks after rain
this one is still holding water as well ... Boonery
This one is holding water 3 weeks after rain
so is this one - Indig arboreal engineering
dual WWWs - both holding water 3 weeks after rain
this is the www on the left after 3 dry weeks
here is the well on the right - side by side gali birraa
this gali birraa / WWW is dry - I think they needed maintenance?
some WWWs have a overflow water stain on the trunk
these twin WWWs are dead & empty but I think they used to hold water
modified belah trees can also hold water!
another empty gali birraa - no maintenance
this nepine? vine is so old that the whitewood scar has closed over it
wild jasmine VinT - guest or naturally occurring?
a close up view - talking about vines & bushes in trees next blog
native jasmine VinT in chainsaw cut hollow box - who when why?
this Gali birraa is still holding water in that bent trunk
another name for the Gali birraa is "Goolahgool" Thanks Sandra Winsor
from Katie Langloh Parker - 'Australian Legendary Tales' & 'The Euahlayi Tribe'
the Goolahgool were box or iron bark according to Langloh Parker
here they are nearly always whitewood with a rare bimblebox & belah
I think this is bush banana/ native potato vine - 2 views of a rare VinT
QLD VinT (Nepine/ngaybaan/ Capparis lasiantha) in Bimble box/ Poplar box
this vine in tree at the sanctuary looks like wild jasmine
but the leaves are slightly different - does anyone know?
this threesome is very old - box, rosewood & nepine
possibly the old box used to contain both the rosewood & nepine vine
nepine vine aka ngaybaan aka Capparis lasiantha
2 views of a WWW aka gali-birraa aka goolahgool
another one - with long suffering perspective kelpie called 'Cubby'
this old box has been dead awhile but it still houses a vine
looks like a peach bush but too few leaves to call
this old scartree also houses a vine - nepine aka Capparis lasiantha
we call this 'wait-awhile' because the spines grab your clothes
this nepine is also living in a hollow box - the jury is still out on VinTs
this might be a dead vine inside this old box tree scar
this supplejack (juvenile form) has grown up inside the scarred box
not a VinT as it grows from the ground not inside the box tree GG
this www or goolahgool is flowering is heart out too
wild jasmine in full flower & smelling divine
gargaloo vines at Marungle swamp - like an orchard