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doubles & multiples
old fireplace doubles W
3 scars & a termite mound W
campfire triple CB
closed doubles Kraka
very scarred tree Mooroo
2 similar scars CB
SP belah tree double
so then I said...W
triples Preist
nose picker
welcome home dragonfly wings HP
unusual double CB
scars'n'tears W
campfire scars Kraka
scar on scar HP
old double CB
scar on scar SP
tall double fireplace scars
strange pair of scars Kraka
two up Telinebone
doubles Preist
old coolamons TB
healed doubles near huts
double in Mooroo
double scarring at huts
devils horns with devil dog.HP.
interesting combo TB
unusual whitewood scars SP
belah tree scars SP
belar double SP
belah tree triple
v.old fireplace doubles SP
fallen belah tree double
daily double SP
bits & pieces eastern side
bits & pieces tree - moonal
doubles with rosewood
bits & pieces Merrywinebah
very old dead double G
stone axe cut coolamon doubles
low down doubles G
excellent multiscarring WB
CS standard doubles
CS coolie double
CS stone axe cut coolamon doubles
CS wonderful multi
CS closing double coolies
CS possum skin stretcher/ coolamon double
Fantasia - extreme scarring WB
triple coolamons WB
closed doubles WB
doubles round & pointed
big old double scar G
Whitewood scars Keero
shallow doubles Keero
2 faced scartree-love em C
stone axe cuts
scars & scraps Bimber
deep & shallow doubles M
hacked about Kraka
double 'fave' tree - A
double 'faves' Antigar
patchwork tree side TB
RT inside double
RT directional stripes
RT campfire doubles
RT double fireplace scars
hollowed out campfire WG
very old double F1
Nice old doubles WG
multiscarring Moonal
Multi scarring Moonal
double coolies - possibly ringbarking?
lower scar older than top K
whats happened here ? K
totally scarred one - Keero
deep doubles in TB
wirris or handholds - M
canker scars
excellent old double N
resource extract. holes N
open & closed scars unknown
campfire multiscarring WB
chain of related scars WB
excellent old doubles WB
multis in the Moonal
old & very old coolies WB
dead doubles Keero
coolies all round Boonery
multiscarring in boonery
bits & pieces scarring K
old doubles revisited P
multiscarring in Preist
horizontal branch scars CB
multiscarred old fella SP
doubles SP
complicated multiscars M
Deja vu doubles Moorie
unusual inside doubles R
old double stumps in Priest
old campfire Goorie
double limb holes F
Kraka doubles 1 burnt
fabulous fire scarring K
fireplace multi layered scar
vertical/horizontal doubles
strange doubles Keero
multiscarring & knob K
concave & straight fireplace doubles
old campfire multi scartree TB
dinky doubles Warrambool
scars'n'moss Feedlot 2
delightful doubles WB
tall & red doubles WB
doubles in profile WB
fireplace odd couple coolies WB
de javu doubles WB
old coolie doubles WB
related doubles in Pocket
triple in the Pocket revisit
diff. coolies diff depths WG
multi coolamons BC
multi scarred resource tree
lovely big burnt doubles
deja vu double combo K
delightful doubles P
old doubles with axtrax
directional scars in Preist
3 fireplace scars WG
axcut window doubles WG
horseshoe fireplace doubles WG
axcut doubles Wallangilla
unknown shallow scars W
multiscarring canker?
3 in 1 seen before Moonal
multiscarring variable M
ground coolie doubles
dead coolie doubles F2
doubles old Wallangilla
very old fireplace doubles WG
scar on scar weird multi
excellent old campfire multiscarring
wonderful big multi Kraka
scar & big branch tear WB
very old coolie doubles WB
high double galah scars
resource double WB
standardish fireplace double M
the Didge & wirri hole HP
fire brand double ? HP
old burnt double HP
interesting triple scarring P
the trifecta in Telinebone
multiscarred octopus tree TB
doubles in dapple R
interrupted double scar
BR doubles
BR uneven doubles
doubles 1 open 1 shut R
closing doubles hut pad.
the 3 amigos revisited WB
doubles 1 up 1 cut WB
bits & pieces - love it WB
grinning coolie double WB
double or nothing WB
resource/toe holes ? WB
coolamon triple WB
fireplace doubles WB
multi scarred old fella WB
old doubles in Telinebone
fireplace doubles Wg
strange deep doubles Wg
campfire doubles in Goori sandhills
axe cut low doubles A
unusual inside double CB
pair of lizards in Boonery
campfire shelter doubles
big campfire double Keero
simple fireplace doubles W
3 sisters campfire scarring
Coolie multiples Cumbul
C/fire & coolie double C
strange mid tree doubles
multiscarring Telinebone
nice coolamon double M
fireplace doubles Cumbul
axcut doubles Telinebone
triple scar tree Telinebone
very very old coolamons
triple axcut tree Goorie
opposing coolamons G
more multiscarring B
multiscarring brigalow
campfire doubles TB
nice campfire doubles TB
ancient shallow doubles
lovely old fire scar double
triple coolie scar & bumble
axcut double/total debark
triple coolamon scarring
diff. aged double coolies
coolie double Telinebone
Ugly duck revisited TB
giant double down + dog
diff. age diff. type double
aged fireplace double K
RT bit'n'pieces scarring
RT triple coolamon tree
BR riverside twins
branch tear & coolamon B
dead multiscarred tree - B
favourite doubles Antigar
twin coolamons Goorie
glass cut doubles ? G
FW campfire doubles
multiple scarring ???? G
coolamons & epicormic shoots G
mini totem multiscarred
CMT spiderman doubles G
multi carvings/cuts G
doubles real/ringbarked G
CS very strange multiples
CS fire & coolie multi
CS ringbarked doubles
branch tear doubles ? WG
unknown doubles down
revisit shallow doubles WG
fire doubles Goorie
NB resource double
NB coolamon doubles
NB fireplace double
handholes or canker multiples ? G
doubles to die for Goorie
G great double coolamons
complicated multiscarring
GY 3 coolie signpost
A crazy multiscarring
old dead doubles Moorie
axcuts or branch holes 3
axcuts or branch holes 2
axcuts or branch holes 1 ?
A double axcut eyes
resource axcut doubles
campfire doubles M
diff. direction doubles G
campfire Ubend double
double with dieback east
doubles deep & related
A axcut resource double
spot burn & coolie doubles
occupied double & dog K
unusual campfire double
A big/small axcut doubles
A axcut doubles/ ngaybaan
A concave/convex doubles
A very old axcut doubles
A mismatched doubles
broken faced coolie double
RT connected doubles
RT closing doubles
A axcut doubles
axcut coolamon doubles
very old axcut doubles CB
fire & coolamon doubles
double axcut coolamon CB
A campfire multiscarring
A coolie & axtrax double
G shallow axcut double
G multi fireplace scarring
G dead Belah fire double
G old axcuts doubles
G firescarred/axcut multi
G doubles upper coolamon
G doubles lower coolamon
G weird multiscarring ????
G very old doubles
G very old doubles
old doubles in Cumbul
multiscarring in Kraka
G axcut doubles
G Allan & grub scartree
G Allan & grub double
G grub search multi axcuts
these indentations are not natural !!!
RT doubles
RT midtree multi
RT axcut multiscarring
RT axcut doubles
RT ground axcut double
RT grub search multi
RT firescar in 3 parts
RT scar on scar 4 hardwood
RT very old coolie doubles
RT coolie doubles 1 fire
RT open ended double
RT axcut doubles
BR large coolabah doubles
NB shallow multiscarring
NB old campfire triple
RT V.big doubles
RT very old b/box doubles
unknown cause triple P
BH V.old campfire doubles
BH closed doubles
G double flap type scars
G v.old triple scarring
G coolie from triple scar
G lovely doubles revisit
multiscarred CMT middle
multiscarred CMT lowest
G CMT coolabah gouges
G old triple scarred CMT
triple scar highest coolie
triple scar middle coolie
triple scar lowest coolie
coolamon X 3 merrywinbah
G unknown multiscarring
G shallow multi 1
some up some down multi
double + V.old axtrax
G crazy double with the lot
G wtf tree sculptures 3
G cuts'n'coolies close up
G extended multiscarring
WTF tree sculpture view 1
WTF tree sculpture view 2
G multi cuts with twist
G mangled old multi
G resource search scarring
G ringbark or resource coolamon?
G spot burn burl
G wtf multiscarring close
G triple sharp object gouges
G contorted coolamon
gorgeous doubles & epi's
lovely campfire double P
triple fire scarring Goorie
RT special double place mark
unusual old doubles P
doubles in Warrambool
A multi coolamons
double weirdo with stumps P
GGS multiscarred monster
GGS campfire doubles
Rowan on double sided darling tree WB
faceless doubles in Stud
A multiscarred dead coolabah
T closed doubles
CS double fireplace scarring
CS deep coolamon doubles
T rare Wilga doubles
double doubles in warrambool
foreground double - axcut & coolamon WB
background doubles WB
coolamon doubles in Warrambool
L high axcut doubles distant
high axcut doubles close
L wtf dead doubles
RT nostril double revisit
CS shrunken double scars
Cs excellent opposing doubles
CS multi scarring
RT doubles in the distance
RT close up of old coolamon on double
RT double strip scars unknown purpose
KW old double campfire scars
KW multiscarring with borer scarred faces
KW double wirris?
KW doubles to die for ...
KW doubles to die for closer
RT boundary doubles revisit
complicated multi scarring - some natural
very old double coolamons in Pocket
cultural scarring or disease - Pocket
reverse side looks cultural to me - Wot U fink?
cats eyes - closing coolie doubles
big Warrambool double reshooting
triple scarring Spillbury
campfire doubles SP
memorial scarring for mother & child death
double sided full faced scars with clay oven balls CB
double scars in Telinebone
fire doubles Telinebone
old fireplace doubles in Cumbul
big old twin scars in Priest
This old box tree has deep double sided scars WB
odd shaped doubles in Merrywinebah swamp
more odd doubles in Merrywinebah
multiscarring caused by fire I think
multiscarring - could be fire related
I really dont know what happened here?
big old warrambool doubles
multiscarring in Stud paddock swamp
unknown multi scarring Stud view 1
unknown multiscarring in Stud veiw 2
Wailwun doubles
big fire scarred double with axcuts TB
fallen spot burnt doubles - possibly symbolic?
lower of the doubles - burnt coolamon
higher of doubles - spot burn scar
multiscarring unknown Wallangilla
multiscarring fire related Wallangilla
big campfire here years ago Wallangilla
branch fall & fire double Wallangilla
fat fire double in Wallangilla
old resource doubles in Wallangilla
strange slash type doubles at culvert camp TB
multiple axcuts for climbing or grub search
shallow multiscarring unknown intent
axcut doubles on dead coolabah
coolabah doubles Telinebone boredrain
old coolabah doubles nearly grown over TB
tiny double coolamons - cultural not practical
cultural double scarring beside the special scarred wilga TinT TB
double axe cut scarring Moorie billabong
1 tree 2 deep coolamons - symbolic boxtree at the old wells TB
very old doubles 2nd sandhill TB
high shallow doubles at Cuddie springs
campfire doubles next door
Wallangilla doubles prob. campfire related
doubles next door - symbolic not practical scarring
coolabah doubles Tungra
box trees are tough old buggers - branch tears maybe? T
another broken box tree double still hanging in there T
multiscarring - canker or cuts? T
fabulous full mid tree double scars - 1 broken off - Tungra
high double axe cuts T
unusual dead double scarring T
this closing coolamon has 2 distinct holes each side
why is this so you may ask? This scarring is symbolic
This is a rare full faced double sided scar on Tungra
here is the other side of that tree ..
and this is one of the 2 living sides that keep this tree alive T
this beautiful big twister is next to the double sided scartree
the scar is in 2 parts so Ive classified it as a double - just stunning!
2 strangely scarred and related trees - not attempted ringbarking
double fire scars - inie & outie
interesting double scarring T3
this hollowed out multiscarred boxtree is ancient
manipulated and decayed but hangin in there
l wonder what they used this tree for?
winking doubles T4
unusual mid tree multiscarring
doubles to die for - related scars
big & small double scars on a dead box T4
old coolabah doubles possibly fire related
what a battler - this tree could tell some tales ...
multiscarring on dead box T4
Tungra doubles closed & almost
the world's oldest coolabah has been watching us ...
Allan resurrected the 'Double down' - now painted in sump oil & safe from termites
3 discernable scars on this old duck - 2 this side
1 around the back
closed & closing bimble box doubles
big broken faced double - large part
big broken faced double smaller section
1 boxtree 2 scars - the closed one would probably be older
open & closed scars - possibly not cultural
3 impact scars or closed coolamons - very old boxtree
unusually shaped scars on this double - side 1
unusually shaped scars - side 2
rough pair of coolamons - not necessarily cultural
strange double scarring - symbolic not practical
multiscarred box on the Ginghet
this old dead boxtree has 3 deep coolamons
1 faceless fellow on the northern side
1 facing east
& 1 broken coolamon looking south
there are 3 separate scars on this coolabah - 2 are closed
splendor in the grass - campfire doubles in Warrambool
double holes by the big billabong WB
these 2 plain looking scars are symbolic - beside the only belah TinT
double sided coolamon tree - not a true ringtree
this is the scar on the opposite side making this tree a double
strange doubles on stone axe cut box stump - Ginghet
multiple multi tool scarring - probably symbolic
the Guardian - Feed 1
cultural scarring I think TB
double cypress pine scars - unusual
multi scarred coolabah - unknown
dead doubles - interesting
unusual doubles - the bottom coolamon is burnt
axe cut & coolamon doubles
unknown multiscarring 1
unknown multiscarring 2
double down
multiscarring on a manipulated blackbox
double trunk double scars WB
high double scars - 1 live trunk 1dead
multiscarring probably fire related
I dunno what has caused this scarring most likely a fire lit at the base
crazy swamp scarring - Marra paleo channel s/west of Cuddie springs
heavily manipulated multi scarred reclining box
coolamons & cultural scarring south of Cuddie springs
Too beautiful for words - Telinebone big double scars
doubles to die for Telinebone
fire doubles on a blackbox - Sparkes/ Mungeroo
closed doubles
rough doubles possibly a memorial to a birthing tragedy
ordinary doubles - one dead trunk one live
special cultural multiscarring among the belah rings WB
very old doubles Billybingbone rd
dodgy fence line doubles
double healed coolamons?
double scars down along the Ginghet
multiscarring probably fire related
very strange shallow coolamons - Ive seen this on Gomeroi land too
split scar on big Ginghet coolabah - unknown
scorched doubles along the Ginghet - fire related
stone axe cut doubles
unusual unsymmetrical doubles
TCS doubles - faceless & not. Symbolic perhaps?
same again in the TCS - suspicious ...
Wailwan doubles
2 sides of 1 tree - coolamon doubles - meeting place?
2 coolamons centuries apart - old faceless 1 & more recent shallow 1
doubles in the Ginghet reserve
I dunno the significance of these holes but they look man-made
triple scarred dead coolabah - the other coolamon is higher up
big old doubles on the sandslice -unknown scarring/ healing
multiscarring in the sandslice - looks fire related
doubles are always tricky to photograph so Ive made a collage
no problem if they are on the same side of the tree like this fire related 1
or this strange multiscarred coolabah. Possibly old fire scarring?
the bottom scar is caused by a campfire at the base but not the top
this coolabah in Wee Wally has 3 cultural scars
here is a collage of these scars - special tree I think
dont you just love an old faceless double - WeeWally
or any doubles for that matter? These are low coolamons
here is a closer pic - this is an old coolabah ...
another double scar but this one is fire-related not axe-related
these scars are also caused by a campfire set at the base of the tree
but on the other side of this tree there is a small coolamon & wirri
very nice concave fireplace doubles Wee Wally
double scarring but unknown origin as the base is obscured
doubles of unknown origin - stone axe trunk removal & fire scarring?
fire doubles - old campfire scarring
and here - very big campfire by the looks
out of focus Wee Wally doubles
multi scarring on this dead coolabah - fire related
unusual multiscarring with burn at the base - fire related
multiscarring Avon
double scars between the Bokhara & the Narran
this standard type coolamon is also a double
the possible glyph is scarred on both trunks
old multiscarred box stump - Stud
scars on each side of old box Gali gurranaa camp
2-sided scarred double at Gali gurranaa - 1 is much shallower
huge old 2-sided scartree at GG - 1 scarface is breaking away
Euahlayi doubles at Cumborah
multiscarring at the Culvert camp Telinebone
Wallangilla fire doubles seen before I think
Wallangilla fire triples
possible memorial tree for death in childbirth
very very old living double scarred bimblebox
excellent deep double scars - dam hard to photograph but
weird double at GG - top scar looks like failed ringbarking?
triple treasure at GG camp
kind of double scarring - scars prob. not related
big double-sided scar at GG camp - 2 views
scar on scar forming a tree cave - fascinating! 2 views
back to back double scarring GG camp
shallow doubles unknown
small faceless coolamons probably cultural GG camp
sort of a split double scar along the Ginghet- possibly ringbarking?
big double scarring at Gali gurranaa
typical fire doubles - campfire at the base
2 views of cultural multiscarring near the woman's belah rings
Gali gurranaa double scarring - different aged scars
2 scars & a stone axe branch removal GG camp
old multiscarred coolamon along the Ginghet
double scars along the Ginghet - weird & wonderful
underside scarring on a coolabah branch that has been divided GNR
multiscarred old dead coolabah I think - GNR
these deep coolamons are also on that dead coolabah
doubles - 1 faceless in sandhill along WLG- L.R rd
double black box branch removals with termite nests
dead multiscarred swamp tree (probably old axe cut scars)
Gali gurranaa doubles - many big scars & often more than one per tree
multiscarring close & far views - Gali gurranaa camp
double scarring but prob not related as the faceless one is older
very old triple closed coolamons at GG camp
closer view - only very old bimblebox scars are closed
gorgeous double scartree - not necessarily for practical purposes
plenty of box trees to obtain bark from - why double up?
such care was taken to keep the tree connected & alive
unusual double that is home to a possum or goanna or fox maybe
double scarring from one fireplace at GG camp
low & high scars on a Gargaloo VinT at GG camp.
awesome triple scarring at Gali gurranaa camp
this is another old double sided scar at the Gali gurranaa camp
side 1 is smaller but deeper than side 2
side 2 is your typical big GG scar - common & unexplained
multiple fire scarring in Avon - looks familiar?
multiscarring caused by fire - Avon
Kraka coolabah multiscarring + Cubby