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different tree/plant types
the belt on a brigalow in Warrambool
big sj scar R (2)
big sj scar R (1)
beefwood scar HP
beefwood scar moonal
rare pine scar Preist
Whitewood scar Newtons
sj scar R
rare redgum scar
multi supplejack scarred tree R (1)
wild orange I think HP
special Wilga tree scar HP
see thru whitewood CB
sj scarring R
supplejack scar Kraka
unknown pine impact scar?
supplejack scar R
orange pine scar W
orange pine scar TB
old redgum scar near hut well
old pine scar CB
the necktie
multi supplejack scarred tree R (2)
multi supplejack scarred tree R (4)
high redgum scar R
dragon fly wings supplejack HP
closing double supplejack R
belah tree scars SP
unusual whitewood scars SP
whitewood scar SP
lovely belah tree scar
belah spear tree
rosewood scars in Kraka
rosewood scar K
a weird whitewood
spear whitewood - Nardoo
scar on warrior tree/ currant bush
twisted leopardwood TB
myall bark SP
v.scarred rosewood near yards
scar on quinie tree - prob. natural causes
old Whitewood scar
beefwood scar Bonnery
v.rare v.old wilga scar G
Supplejack scar
rosewood directional scar
rosewood coolamon G
deep rosewood scar G
dead pine deglove WB
rosewood stone axe cut climbing scars WG
Belah spear tree Cumbul
ONLY Myall scar Ive seen MW
deep whitewood scar
Brigalow gnarled scar
small unknown scartree N
ringbarked belah ? WHY ?K
redgum branch tear ?CB
another weird rosewood
wobbly old rosewood with axtrax K
RT directional whitewood
RT old scar on rosewood
RT v.tall rosewood strips
multi scarred whitewood K
scarred up Brigalow tree K
close up brigalow scar K
Beefwood scar mid view M
rare Wilga tree scarring M
scarred rosewood in Keero
pine tree scar & burn TB
another pine scar TB
whitewood campfire doubles MR
brigalow axe cuts close
stone axe cuts on brigalow
brigalow scar WB
Rosewood scar Keero
Ironwood shield scar ? R
Ironwood scar top R
Ironwood bottom cut R
Ironwood axe cut Ration
companions - scarred coolibah/rosewoods
companion trees coolibah/rosewoods
old rosewood scar Boonery
neighbors-who was there first? coolibah/rosewood
coolibah engulfs rosewood
yam vines on whitewood B
rosewood scar BonBon
climbing scars beefwood
holey Rosewood in Goorie
unknown tree type N
stone axe unknown tree ?
beefwood ? coolamon R
belah tree axcut Keero
interesting ? Rosewood HP
low beefwood coolie P
very old whitewood scar K
belah coolamon WB
phantom of the forest WB
belah axcut type scar Brig.
Warrior bush scar Brigalow
Rosewood hollow Butlers
brigalow scar cultural WB
belah scar down WB
supplejack shedding bark
whitewood holes Pocket ?
Skittle shaped belah scar
axtrax on whitewood ? BC
big old burnt belah WG
whitewood resource holes
BH scarred/burnt Brigalow
multiscarred supplejack
Budda scar & axtrax close
Wilga/box scar combo K
Supplejack with lichen K
dead supplejack naturally
ngaybaan garland -Shed
rosewood doubles
belah scar & epicorms WG
pine scar goal post P
pine tree axcut scar P
stone axtrax on belah ? W
big fruiting Bambul M
beefwood spear tree M
Kit and rosewood scar K
Beefwood spear scar -M
shallow beefwood scar M
rosewood scar or tear M
Brachychiton Pop. trilobus
beefwood bark HP
cracking ironwood scar P
peeled ironwood coolie P
ironwood standard R
supplejack - for fire lighting
old supplejack coolie R
big supplejack coolie R
big supplejack scar R
Jilda & special wilga scar
beefwood scar - moonal
beefwood axtrax Moonal
pinescar cut with stone axe
Belar scar with axtrax WB
unknown bark WB
unusual box bark WB
rosewood water storeage
leopardwood scar MW
rosewood scars AT in MW
Pine twister in Cumbul
BH S/leaved ironbark scar
Belah (bilaarr) spear tree
pinetree fire scar Cumbul
Budda axcut scarring Kraka
Supplejack scarring CB
redgum coolie cut in 2015
redgum burn scar at well T
Supplejack coolamon C
S/jack attack from within C
S/Jack engulfing scartree C
overgrown Bilaarr scars M
redgum scar Telinebone
r/gum scar axtrax bottom
r/gum scar axtrax top TB
kinked leopardwood HP
Boonery (rosewood) axcut
see thru boonery tree K
multiscarred Eurah Goorie
very old scarred Eurah G
see thru Bumble (bambul)
Pine tree coolamon TB
closed Pine tree scar TB
R ironwood double
ironwood dhan.gayan.gan - hardest timber here
Wilga THRU box tree TB
old fallen ironwood scar P
Wayaarra in Bilaarr/ currant bush in belah
RT lovely supplejack scar
RT ancient s/jack axtrax
BR redgum riverbank
BR closed redgum coolie
Boonery axcut doubles
needlewood fungus G
pine in pine regrowth TB
pine scar steel axe dry sap
whitewood axcut MW
beefwood spear scar WG
NB pine tree axcut
NB Pine tree scar
NB Pine tree burnt coolie
NB Beefwood axcut scar
unknown scar with epicormic shoot
NB horizontal pine tree
NB Pine tree firescar
NB Boonery scar
NB rare Wilga scar
CMT Belah at billabong
NB big Pine tree coolamon
NB Pine tree standard
Mc - not natural no how no way
GY burnt out pine stumps
GY Redgum sanctuary
GY Looloo in sanctuary
GY modified leopardwood
Mc - I wouldnt put my hand in there ..
GY Boonery on the move
hanging Bambul fruit N
big boonery scar WG
supplejack coolamon K
RT boonery nostrils
RT manipulated Belah tree
Allan's medicine tree (milgee)
A extreme boonery scar
GY bent Guri / emu apple/ colane tree
1 of a kind Leopard Ring
ancient boonery-rosewood
bilaarr (belah) spear scar SP
bilaarr (belah) spear scars?
A L/wood branch "Ring"
A leopardwood bridge 2
A leopardwood "Ring" 1
manipulated Capparis mitchellii Avon
Bambul Ring fusion point
G currant bush coolamon
A leopardwood Ring tree
G weirdo Belah scar CMT?
G Belah fire scarring ?
G Belah Rings natural or not?
fallen ironwood scar P
G Boonery/rosewood Ringtree?
A U shaped Leopardwood
A younger Ringtree ?
A upper Ring of double Ringtree
A lower Ring of double Ringtree
A another L/wood R/tree
G old boonery scar+cubby
G plaited whitewood 2
G currant bush axtrax
G leopardwood Ring
G Boonery spiral
G leopardwood Ring
leopardwood Ringtree B
tree rings leopardwood TB
tree rings Boonery TB
Currant bush handles G
L/wood eats budda tree S
G old whitewood scar
L/wood W/wood combo N
Stud - how does this happen?
how does this happen? S
G Colane & wait-awhile 1
deep supplejack scarring
G belah campfire tree
G currant bush ring prob. natural
G Allan & combo l/wood
Whitewood chaos B
A plaited boonery revisit
A boonery on last 3 legs
A one Ring to call them ...
A one ring to rule them all
A aged currant bush Ring
A new leopardwood Ring
whitewood slices for aging
dying currant bush W
giant whitewood ringtree
G Colane/ emu apple black orchid
G massive black orchid
Why did they twist em ??
nice Eurah twister close BC
A 3 ring circus leopardwood
G you gotta be kidding ...Mc revisit
BH silver leaf ironbark debark
Paul Wilson & silver leafed ironbark scar
accidental Boonery Ring ?G
budda twister with coolabah ring
NB w/wood loop da loop
Brook Hill looking east
G Rosewood/Boonery natural Ring?
RT ironwood Ringtree
RT ironwood axcut scars?
Bumble surrounded by supplejack
G belah/bilaarr cut off
BH dunno what this CMT is?
BH supplejack coolamon
G suss old supplejack
G new leopardwood Ring
G beefwood axcut scar
G Boonery Ring natural ?
G accidental Rings
unique Colane/Guri Ring
G manipulated Guri apple
G V.old Boonery axtrax
G Cubby & Boonery Ring
G old Boonery CMT
leopardwood Ring natural?
belah/bimblebox Ring
G remnant redgum
Beefwood Ring natural
beefwood Ring close up
BH Boonery Ringtree
Guri - emu apple with emu feathers
G leopardwood Ring revisit
G Eurah twister
Brigalow (burrii) collar scar
signage on Brigalow shoot
Brigalow coolamon
Brigalow collar revisit
big Bonnery scar-campfire?
Supplejack trunk scar WG
A platted rosewood
A stone or steel who dunnit ?
NL coolabah apple (Angophora melanoxylon)
FW Gumbie Gumbie
FW manipulated boonery
RT Broad-leaf Hopbush
RT Miljee (Acacia oswaldii)
RT stone axcut pine & supplejack saplings
stone axe cut supplejack
RT wilga double scarring at super camp
RT Wild orange/ Bambul tripod
yellow berry bush
yellow berry bush- Denhamia cunninghamii
Broad leaf Hopbush close TB
Jasminum lineare
Native Jasmine/ Desert jasmine
Miljee (Acacia oswaldii) in Antigar
Blackbox (Eucalyptus largiflorens)
Guri/Emu apple (Owenia acidula)
Eurah (Eremophila bignoniiflora)
Emubush (Eremophila longifolia)
bimblebox regrowth
V.big emubush (Eremophila longifolia)
Denhamia cunninghamii - yellow berry bush
Redgum regrowth
young hopbush Dodonaea viscosa
flowering emu bush
flowering broad leaf hopbush
Broad leaf hopbush
Redgum that Ruby is buried under TB
Supplejack over 5 metre circumference
A current bush braid
A boonery ring - natural
A whitewood stand
A boonery sucker rings
A boonery ring 1
A currant bush braid
A manipulated boonery
A boonery ring 2
A current bush braiding
A ancient boonery tree
A manipulated belahs
A crazy boonery east
A crazy boonery west
A currant bush braid east
Boonery mistletoe
A double V boonery trees
A butter bush & manipulated boonery
A boonery branch interconnector
wtf boonery branch connection?
FW Ellangowan poison bush(Eremophila deserti)
Deane's wattle in Ration
Deane's wattle - Acacia deanei
V.old needlewood (Hakea leucoptera)
supplejack/ currant bush combo
scrub cut supplejack
boxtree stump between 2 wilgas
collar scar on supplejack in Ration
supplejack Vs bumble P
GGS strange belah scar
GGS prickly fan-flower Scaevola spinescens
GGS Blackbox
GGS Eremophila longifolia
Butter bush (Pittosporum angustifolium)
GGS Scaevola spinescens - prickly fan-flower
Cassia eremophila - punty bush
GGS culturally modified Wilga tree
A Rowan & whitewood tripod
A Rowan riding the rosewood CMT
M small wilga coolamon
RPS yellow berry bush
BPS Scaevola spinescens in a blackbox
FW daisy mounds
needlewood flowering P
wild poppy/ rough poppy
flowering blackbox
blackbox blossom
unknown native creeper
paper daisies
RPS red flowering fuchsia
flowering Quinine
GGS modified blackbox
flowering Quinine Alstonia constricta
Darling pea (swainsona)
A small rosewood scars with modified coolabah
Mc 3 in 1 currant bush/ budda/ whitewood
loop da loop Myall
Eurah (Eremophila bignoniiflora)
flowering Eurah Goorie
unknown water lily in billabong R
mistletoe along Gingie Rd
very old Rosewood G
Flowering cassia? Punty bush -Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia
Mistletoe (baan) close
Pimelea microcephala shrubs W
Ellangowan poison-bush (Myoporum deserti)
Ellangowan poison-bush berries
flowering needlewood (Hakea leucoptera)
plenty of grass seed in a la nina year
leopardwood flowers
flowering lignum flowering
Shrubby rice-flower (Pimelea microcephala)
manipulated leopardwood
Lambs tails - Ptilotus exaltatus
flowering Miljee (Acacia oswaldii)
Boonery in Bumble cluster
flowering leopardwood (Flindersia maculata)
interspecies tree kissing B
Black orchid in a coolabah in Priest
Solanum quadriloculatum Bush in Tree P
manipulated Rosewood P
Denhamia cuninghamii in Priest
V.old Eurah branch twist K
Eurah (Eremophila bignoniiflora)
intertwined Rosewood close K
Boobialla berries - Myroporum montanum
Big Gumbie gumbie crop
Pine tree BBQ - whats cooking?
Supplejack seeds - Ventilago viminalis
Denhamia cunninghamii in flower
why I love my redgums...
T Boonery/boxtree Ring
T inosculation point
Eucalyptus populnea
wild lime - gayn.gayn - Citrus glauca
delicious squeezed into your water bottle ...
collar scarred brigalow 2 WB
Flax lilly - Dianella sp. (Centennial park)
wild lemon/ myrtle - Psydrax oleifolia
Are these myrtle berries edible?
L extreme pinetree manipulation
upside down leopardwood Boonery
upside down leopardwood closer B
leopardwood seedpods B
Rosewood/ Boonery seedpods
Atalaya hemiglauca seedpods
Lysiana, Amyema, Dendrophthoe species
mistletoe/ snotty gobbles
Pimelea microcephala - special powers
RT Belar (Casuarina cristata) Ringtree
Hakea leucoptera pods
RT magnificent Quinine at sandhill
RT quinine trunk - love this tree
RT Quinine leaves
flowering rosewood
Dianella porracea with flower stalks
mistletoe - baan - snotty gobbles
natural or not? - supplejack scars
Nardoo/ bal
Ironwood? kink
native jasmine /Jasminium lineare
butterbush/ guwiirra/ Pittosporum angustifolium
prickly pear/ bindiyaa/ Opuntia stricta
not TinT but TthruT - rosewood/ box combo
rosewood/ box combo CMT @ sandy camp WG
some sort of common native tomato bush?
inoculated redgums on the banks of the Barwon
flowering gulabaa
Denhamia (syn. Maytenus) cunninghamii
large Santalum lanceolatum
Pine & supplejack battle for light nutrients water
locked in mortal combat - my money's on the supplejack
beautiful coolabah apple at Cumborah
coolabah apple Angophora melanoxylon
leopardwood / whitewood lovers in Boonery
leopardwood / whitewood kiss B
flowering myall in the breeze - Nardoo
Butter bush / Gumbie gumbie berries
dead scarred rosewood I think
the long goodbye - leopardwood at SP yards
beefwood reshoot
leopardwood changes its mind
leopardwood u bend
what eats quinine bark? goats?
leopardwood reshoots
Quinine TinT - cut for radio carbon dating 2020
old budda (Eremophila mitchellii) reshot
The cathedral tree - old dead supplejack still hanging in there
BH supplejack rarely survive big scars ....
MR This Coolabah apple is the biggest Ive ever seen
MR very big Angophora melanoxylon
boobialla - Myroporum montanum
Needlewood flowers & pods (Hakea leucoptera)
supplejack scartree cut for firewood
cypress pine burn scar
Belar (Casuarina cristata) coolamon with axtrax
Thorny saltbush living in a black box
I love this pine twister in Cumbul
pine knots & switch backs
weirdest TinT wilga tree growing out of a leopardwood
dead mistletoe hanging like a giant spider
pollen on the white cypress pines
Callitris glaucophylla
Punty bush - Punty bush -Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia
silver leaved Ironbark (Eucalyptus melanophloia)
axtrax on old currant bush
manipulated currant bush (Apophyllum anomalum)
tree THRU tree - budda & whitewood tied together
strange cultural manipulations - Budda & Whitewood
Quinine grove at living area in Warrambool
Did this pine branch fall in here or was it put there?
mixed thicket - bumble & rosewood
Guri - emu apple - down but not out in Avon
fallen emu apple - Owenia acidula
biggest beefwood (Grevillea striata) ever
tenacious whitewood tripod (Atalaya hemiglauca) Avon
previously unknown TinT host - Ironwood in WB
Unknown tree beside TinT at camp
This is the trunk - chewed by goats?
these are leaves of unknown
2 manipulated bumble (wild orange) trees
needlewood in flower
Yellow berry bush - medicinal
very old redgum at the sanctuary
2 in 1 redgum/ bimblebox combo
think this is a dead supplejack
this redgum has been made this way ...
turf war between box & supplejack
miljee - Acacia oswaldii
beautiful old brigalow tree at old camp
what a crazy life this old boonery has led - cultural or natural ?
old scar on a dead supplejack?
springtime Black wattle flowers
This budda branch has had some serious manipulations - cultural
twisted up rosewood at 2 paddocks camp
leopardwood kiss
beefwood spear tree
manipulated belar tree in Goorie
manipulated belar - unknown intent
budda/ Eremophila mitchellii in flower
belar eats blackbox
emu apple - Owenia acidula
Quinine - Alstonia constricta
very old needlebush -2.6 mts around the base
needlebush >1.5 m circumference horizontal branch
big old supplejack spread out at the top for shade
very sus cypress pine in Priest
I just cant see how this branch 360 is natural? P
campfire scarred pine TB
Nor this weird bend rosewood?
is the S bend from damage or is it cultural?
whitewood - Atalaya hemiglauca
another mad pine branch - not normal no way
bent leopardwood wallangilla
This is a tree around tree not a tree in tree WG
The rosewood has grown around the currant bush
Alectryon oleifolius & Apophyllum anomalum
ironwood/ Acacia excelsa scar
lovely old whitewood in Goorie
stone axe cut scars on rosewood - older than size it's suggests
stone axe cut on rosewood up close
old collar scar on belah tree - unknown reason
old budda/ Eremophila mitchellii scar
Peach bush flowers. Very very important plant here
big old bumble under attack by insects or disease or just old age
big old bumble base - this is a very old tree TB
supplejack scar - timber used as a fire starter among other things TB
supplejack/ Ventilago viminalis scar
old wilga scar at periphery camp 2nd sandhill TB
Wild lime/ Eremocitrus glauca - delicious squeezed in water bottle
wild limes fruiting late Nov. early Dec.
Allo & Celeste at the supplejack Walkabout tree - Ration
Celeste checks out the Nepine/ ngaybaan berries
aka Capparis lasiantha - will ripen this month
stone axe cuts on a culvert camp wilga TB
stone axe cuts on wilga - bark for ceremony perhaps?
bounteous old lime aka Eremocitrus glauca
Wild lime pack plenty of vitamin C
whitewood scarring possibly natural
Cassia eremophila - Punty bush
Russell Fairfax says this is what ancient Tallowood bark looks like
redgum camp with peach bush understory Cumbul
wild lemon/ lemon myrtle aka Psydrax oleifolius
these flowers perfume the paddock in a good year
the flowers are covered in bees & butterflies but rarely set fruit
leopardwood seed pods
flowering Guri aka emu apple
ancient scarred & broken remnant redgum at the old wells
spiral stone axe cut pine tree - why ?
YUMMY wild plum/ Santalum lanceolatum / ngamumbirra
yellow berry bush - Denhamia (syn. Maytenus) cunninghamii.
This old box at the Avon house camp has a few free loaders
this climbing saltbush/ Rhagodia nutans has been here awhile
weird fire distorted black box at Cuddie springs
kit in a giant supplejack - Avon house camp
Myall on the move in Tungra - re-rooted
twisted rosewood - women's stuff
big old rosewood camp - woman's place on Tungra
cypress pine scar T
this rosewood has had a chunk taken out of it with a stone axe T
supplejack scar
Ironwood scar - very hard to cut with a stone axe
Ironwood scarring - special cultural markings
Old dead Nepine in a clump with butter bush aka gumbie gumbie
why do pine branches keep changing direction?
steel axe cut hole in cypress pine
twisting pine scar
twisted budda or rosewood - cant remember
Ironwood axe cut - stone or steel?
rosewood aka Alectryon oleifolius Ringtree Tungra
bent whitewoods bowing to each other in Pocket
very big old Punty bush aka Cassia eremophila
Myall flowers & mistletoe
butter bush aka gumbie gumbie fruit - edible & medicinal
close up of Pittosporum angustifolium fruit
scarred ironwood T5
another ironwood scar but the tree is dead
Dean's wattle (Acacia deanei) the only one I know of? Why?
lone brigalow - Acacia harpophylla
burrii is usually found in clumps
supplejack whitewood & currant bush clump
why do they all grow in the same spot?
belah / bilaarr tree face - Casuarina cristata
leafless cherry twister - relatively common but not often manipulated
Exocarpus aphyllus - fruits eaten & a good source of pollen/honey
dead supplejack with attitude
Wiradjuri redgum? coolamon scarring
Im not familiar with this land but I can spot a CMT a mile away
Firebush (senna pleurocarpa) identified by Jen Silcock
Jen says this is Turpentine - Eremophila sturtii
wilga tree scar
Cypress pine gymnastics
pine branches have this weird habit of changing direction
wilga scarring in Cumbul
Yellow berry bush aka Denhamia cunninghamii
Bimble or Poplar box easily recognised by the shiny leaves
cypress pine campfire scarring
Indigofera australis at the Telinebone wells - used as a dye
Crushed leaves were added to water to kill or stun fish and eels.
© 2012 Australian National Botanic Gardens and Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research
stone axe cut in old dead pine
fish trap coolabah in the Ginghet
The most incredible combo - a wilga growing in a solid ironwood
weird twisted budda tree living in the neighbours paddock
still alive with the twisting live strip maintaining the tree
fire scar on a pine tree
the fire was set here at the base
pinetree scar at Ginghet camp with dichondra carpet
leopardwood in flower
very old rosewood base (Alectryon oleifolius)
manipulated old whitewood (Atalaya hemiglauca)
punty bush - Casssia eremophila - Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia
Nepine/ Wilga/ Rosewood natural clusters - or are they?
looking up at this threesome - natural or not?
whitewood wilga & supplejack entwined
this cypress pine in Cumbul has re-rooted itself
I havent seen cypress pine do this before?
was it helped? I will ask ecologists Jen Silcock & Russell Fairfax
the weird life of native trees just got weirder ..
Miljee (Acacia oswaldii) - bark made into medicinal tea
black wattle seeds. Acacia salicina has many uses here
unknown TinT eucalypt guest - anyone?
old needlewood on its last legs
Butter bush/ Gumbie gumby/ Pittosporum angustifolium
big old rosewood in Goorie
another Goorie rosewood - smaller but probably older
Old Peach bush at an old camp. Note the dichondra surroundings
old dead box & suss looking supplejack - manipulated or not?
ringbarked pine tree - harvesting bark perhaps?
pine stump used for cooking?
you can see it in the foreground at this old camp
biggest Peach bush Ive ever seen - underground water?
when old needlewoods die the parasitic fungus does too
strange tree in Avon - I thought it may be a Carbeen or some Ficus
Tall with half bark half smooth trunk - again climbed up on the buggy ..
pulled down some leaves & smelt them - not eucalyptus but wild plum
the leafless cherry/ballart can parasitize bimble box as well as coolabah
and live on its own! The mirri (Exocarpus sp.)is common & widespread
Gulabaa on the move ...
big needlewood pods this year - Hakea leucoptera
riddle: when is a TinT not a TinT? answer: when its a reshoot like this whitewood
yellow berry bush - cultural as hell. I know it because I know it!
milgee seed pod - also as cultural as hell because Allan Tighe told me
lovely Myall in flower. When I find a myall TinT I will retire ...
black orchid in wild lemon/ brush myrtle - Sparkes warrambool
pine tree scar fire related
Butterbush / Gumbie gumbie fruit split to disperse seed
milgee -medicine tree -Acacia oswaldi
spiny potato bush -Solanum ferocissimum - south of Cuddie
waiting for Jen Silcock to ID this plant - seen before but forgotten
dead leopardwood - manipulated
neeedlewood seed pods aka Hakea leucoptera/
Pine twister with pointers in Telinebone
dunno what sort of tree these sticks are from or how they got them in there?
this small beefwood is at the wells among the remnant redgums
so is this guest rosewood with unusually long leaves
group of 3 scarred eurah along the Mungeroo
Eurah leaves had many medicinal uses - not sure about bark/ wood
double scarring on Eurah (Eremophila bignoniiflora)
prone pine doing just fine thank you very much
very old peach bush trees in the BBB rd X Marra ck paleo channel camp
big old dead scarred wilga south of Cuddie springs
big old Eurah aka yuurraa aka Eremophila bignoniiflora
old rosewood with possible ring on the Marra ck paleo channel
Mulga aka Acacia aneura way further south than it should be
pine tree coolamon - unknown purpose
whitewood rollercoaster branch
Needlewood - Hakea leucoptera -
Supplejack's start as vines. This one has grown up around a currant bush.
young redgum along BBB rd - fish out of water?
this bent & rerooted supplejack formed the frame for housing BBB rd
dead bumble/ wild Orange - you can still see the shrivelled fruit
live needlewood but its a geriatric
3 in 1 - this leopardwood supports thorny saltbush & mistletoe
Thorny saltbush lives a very long time & is fire resistant - say no more.
dying leopardwood
Myall - maayaal - Acacia pendula
wasp galls on myall
wherever you find yellow berry bush you find camps & TinTs
Tar bush - Eremophila glabra at the TCS
Punty bush -Senna artemisioides ssp. filifolia
Bluerod - Stemodia glabella (ID by Jen Silcock)
Currant bush berries are ripening now. One of the nicer bush tucker fruits
possibly a Rutaceae (Philotheca or Phebalium) according to Jen Silcock
possibly a Rutaceae (Philotheca or Phebalium) according to Jen Silcock
belar scar in 2 parts - Ginghet reserve
S bend Myall - a bit small to be culturally manipulated
big Eremophila maculata - spotted fuchsia bushes at G.R
Jen Silcock can I.D any semi-arid zone vegetation I reckon
this Flax lily is living as a guest. Dianella species - leaves for weaving/ fruit for dye
belah coolamon in the Ginghet reserve
Eremophila mitchellii (budda) in flower now - culturally important
this belar tree in the G.R has been rung with a stone axe I think?
this Whitewood has been marked in a culturally significant way
here you can see the 3 vertical cuts close up. I dunno why they did this?
I used to think this belah ringbarking was a mistake ie wrong species
but the cuts are too small/ too random. Trying to find cultural basis
lightning struck leopardwood in Bottle camp
hundreds of spotted fuchsia in the Ginghet reserve
huge belah scar but who killed the tree?
belah ringbarking scar - who dunnit?
2 whitewood trunks - 1 dead 1 alive
live whitewood & dead budda - both have been manipulated
this looks like an ordinary myall tree overburdened with mistletoe
I think the mistletoe has been manually attached to the myall
looks like a 'graft' to me? Now who would do something like that - lol
this massive old pine in the neighbour's sand slice is dead unfortunately.
here is different view -same hat. THIS IS NOT A NATURAL PINE HABIT
here is the big scar - maybe what killed the tree?
leopardwood reshoot not TinT
birraa wood well after I cleaned the mud out from inside
currant bush growing through a supplejack - natural
usual mistletoe found on myall trees
myall mistletoe closer view
myall leaves with myall mistletoe leaves
pine tree scar on the sandslice
very big needlewood living its best life in the sandslice
scarred pine tree stump
big pine twister fallen in the neighbour's sandslice
the adjacent pine not natural either. Somersault with twist ...
old quinine with unusual habit. Normally they grow straight up
these sandslice pine are highly manipulated ..
this one has a child's bouncy branch - god luv em
ancient rosewood in Antigar - still hanging in there ...just
bark removal from this supplejack with a stone axe
this old eurah tree near the WW sand slice has been bent deliberately
Eremophila bignoniiflora had spiritual ceremonial & medicinal uses
Lysiana subfalcata living on Amyema miquellii
tuff mudder budda with deliberate kink - how do they survive?
mad whitewood manipulated beyond belief
this birraa has rerooted & reshot in its journey into the light
beside another whitewood & possibly connected underground?
Myall & mistletoe Amyema quandang - parasite & freeloader
this mistletoe is slowly killing this myall branch
I call these rosewood joysticks - reshooting from the base
looks like stone axe cut stumps & the inside shoot can be moved around
here is the reshoot with remnant bark - Ive seen 2 other rosewood joysticks
more epi-parasitism - same old WW coolabah but different branch
flax lily just finished flowering
big old belah scarring in the dead box swamp Wilga vale
this old coolabah has much mistletoe - Amyema miquelli I think
here is a closer view of this obligate hemiparasite
This little rosewood is also growing in this tree - epiphyte or hemi parasite?
multitrunked rosewood on the dead box swamp Wila vale
more mistletoe
rosewood growing away from the shade from neighbouring tree
more mistletoe
I think this is Capparis loranthifolia - narrow leafed bumble tree
Native mandarine - spiritually significant women's tree
this is an Ironbark I think Eucalyptus melanophloia with nest hollow
non conforming pine at Gali gurrunaa camp - possibly a burial platform?
this wilga has bent over & re-rooted-haven't seen this before - suss
flax lilies among the rubbish at the Wilga vale tip.
2 box with 2 wilga & 2 butterbush trees planted beside them - cultural plantings
Peach bush at Stud paddock camp - thats why I know its a camp
wildflowers in the GNR
belah spear tree near the GNR
belah scartree with prominent axtrax
typical mistletoe attachment on leopardwood
Tree Thru Tree probably natural - GNR
This is the western version of Kurrajong - found all around the ridges
This is the Gali gurranaa carpet herb - dunno its name - also sedge
like dichondra & nutgrass/sedge this herb is a carpet at GG
large native plum - Santalum lanceolatum - root parasite
Leopardwoods have shallow spreading roots not as stable as deep tap roots
this may be why they are seldom found as guests? Not enough root space?
Capparis loranthifolia - women's tree - revisit
here is the bark of this native mandarin tree - definitely not Nepine
this bush grows around Cumborah but I dont know what its called
more black orchid - Telinbone sandhills
this is a very old broken yellow berry bush (Denhamia cunninghamii)
budda twister - possibly caused by poisoning? Stud
definitely cultural budda twister - Nardoo songline. 2 views
lichen trees in Telinebone
dead pine twister in Telinebone with normal live pine
leaning supplejack - natural notches or cultural?
tiny propagule on old wilga ringtree - Telinebone wells
another propagule with a snowflakes chance in hell. Wilgas dont do guests
something is living in this old whitewood - nesting bird perhaps?
TinT & BinT on one tree - only the currant bush guest is considered cultural
biggest beefwood Ive ever seen - manipulated into 3 trunks
manipulated whitewood here as well - not normal
stand of ironwoods - used to make tools & weapons
young needlewood - Hakea leucoptera
Punty bush - similar needle type leaves but green not grey
plaited rosewood - weird & wonderful
flowering fuchsia
'S' bend medicine tree - Acacia oswaldi - very suss
bendy leopardwood - less suss
this big Belah has been hit by lightning
whitewood thru leopardwood - ring making?
whitewood with branch broken off in Avon
the tree is solid but the wood is soft - can be used as flour if desperate
friable internal soil which begs the question - why not guests?
why dont guest trees grow out of whitewoods?
or rosewoods for that matter? Or any old decayed tree ???
Are whitewood trees not accommodating hosts like eucalypts?
wide crotches with internal humous & self-irrigated - why no guests?
Were they never planted here or do they not survive?
this myall isnt holding water atm but I think it used to
Whitewood & leopardwood have a very close relationship?
I wonder if there is any plant matter merging going on?
is this intertwining a totally natural thing?
this old whitewood has fallen but one big root is keeping it alive
I wonder how long it will live for? whitewood are very palatable
in this case the whitewood is enveloping the leopardwood
this whitewood & myall are particularly close
the leopardwood is encroaching on the whitewood
is it just growing around or is it making vascular connections?
pine scar - could be axe cut scar?
supplejack scarring Gingie rd songline
triple views of a mad manipulated leopardwood
currant bush is another species that likes to live up close with other trees
same place, different species manipulated by the same people - 2 views
top & bottom halves of an ironbark - Eucalyptus melanophloia
not normal leopardwood no way
www or gali birraa with unknown axe cuts?
were they making a water well? Unlikely design so what else?
another pair of intimates - usual suspects - white/leopardwood
whitewood scarring - unusual for this species
young & old whitewoods - prob. reshoot. compare the different bark
supplejack spread with a little help from its friends I think
whitewood well making fail? unknown manipulation here
strange 'U' shaped whitewood - another unknown manipulation
If this whitewood-leopardwood combo wasnt living in this place ...
same with this loony leopardwood - but all in one place? No way
again its possible this saltbush arrived here naturally?
but looks like someone has TRANSPLANTED it? whats with all the clay around the roots?
Redgum? If so how did it get here in the Cumborah gravel pit?
spinifex around Cumborah
this is a big old mulga tree with a strange protruding growth
I dont know if the stump is mulga or some other implanted species?
here is why it maybe a TinT - burnt material & fungus at the base - suss
2 views of shallow ironwood scarring - possibly natural
Eremophila debilis - in warrambool & at gali gurranaa camp
ID by Jen Silcock "Good bushtucker - pinky-white fruit is lovely"
Deane's wattle - rare here but widespread in other parts of NSW
enormous leopardwood burl - 2 views
mmm - bit suss?
just good friends - whitewoods & leopardwood
kissing cousins as they say or arranged like that?
trees engulf other trees but do they absorb any nutrients?
more whitewood & leopardwood lovers
Gali guranaa camp carpet at Cumborah unknown species
Cumborah wattle - unknown acacia
whitewood home to native bees signified by ring?
whitewood axcuts - unknown reason
not a water well but this whitewood is occupied
the eremophilas are out - emu bush is the most attractive
and so are the wattles ...
here is a different variety of wattle but I dont know it's name
this is a manipulated eumong (Acacia stenophylla)
quite incredible manipulations on a species Ive rarely seen before
it has been twisted & knotted like they did Gomeroi did with Myalls here
dunno if this was camp construction or the wailwun did it for fun
wild spinach/ warrigal greens/ Tetragonia tetragonoides
broken off rosewood with fungus ears GNR
very old rosewood & dead coolabah or black box GNR
Not TinT just very good friends
I dunno the name of this groundcover but it grows in the Ginghet
old eumong with mistletoe stubs? Wasp galls? GNR
I think this fallen tree is a black wattle surrounded by scrub trees
old needlewood - strong medicinal & the roots used as a water source/ carrier
very strange to see an ironwood bent over & rerooted this way
I think this was the backbone of a shelter with bark sheeting added when needed
black orchid flowering from St George QLD to Gunnedah NSW
Carbeen/ gaabiin one of the most spectacular eucalypts in the semi-arid zone
scarred belah on wailwun country
2 x views of a scarred belah tree - Wailwun
black box buds
black box flowers
this is another belah tree along the warrambool that has been tied
there isnt a ring as such so Im not sure what they wanted to achieve?
a women's place like the other where they tied belar branches together
large clump of flowering mistletoe
Allo's medicine tree (Acacia Oswaldii) & leopardwood flowering
medicine tree flowers close up
what was this? A water trough for prey? When truth is stranger than fiction
opposite views of this remarkable manipulation - what were they thinking?
I dunno the name of this cute little bush living around the ridges
silver leaved Ironbark in bud - good for xmas wreaths?
stunted needlewood I think or possibly Punty bush?
this big old currant bush in coolabah TinT shades some Turkey bush
Turkey bush/ Eremophila deserti/ burrgulbiyan is uncommon here
so is brigalow/ Acacia harpophylla/ burrii. Warrambool paddock
this brigalow is actually a ringtree! The old clever people did this
this belah tree is crazy too. Looks manipulated to me
the upper branches are having a party & there are scars all around the trunk
the whitewood/ Atalaya hemiglauca/ birraa are flowering atm
the winged seedpods are striking. Whitewoods are wind dispersed
the Darling lillies are out too - the bulbs contain plenty of carbs
this pine looks suss but it's broken trunk may have caused excessive branch growth
this big coolabah has grown around the old currant bush
not a TinT but shows how old currant bush are if coolabahs grow 1-2 mm py?
lambs tails (Ptilotus exaltatus var. semilanatus)