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stunning coolamon with 2 epicormic shoots
assorted coolamons FL (1)
assorted coolamons FL (2)
2015 coolamon near old well
assorted coolamons Ration (1)
brigalow paddock
ancient coolamon or wirri hole
closed shop mooroo
unusual horizontal type of coolamon
protruding convex coolamon
big tree small coolamon - Nardoo
big tree sideways one Stud
dead slot Kraka
dead faceless one HP
deep one TB
deep & old TB
diff shaped coolamons FL (1)
diff shaped coolamons FL (2)
coolamon billabong TB
coolamon with yam
old faceless coolamon HP
coolamons in Preist (2)
coolamons in Preist (1)
could be branch tear FL
coolamons Preist (1)
coolamons Preist (2)
narrow coolamon CB
interesting HP
irregular coolamon
coolamons in Preist (3)
irregular high CB
faceless self draining scar HP
long coolie CB
fat one CB
exact slot CB
flowerpot coolamon TB
ground level coolie W
harlequin Preist
here before CB
hilarious Preist
hollow old 1 - Nardoo
axe cut coolamon Kraka
medium scar preist
more coolamons Preist (2)
very old faceless coolamon
coolamon profile
old coolie W
old dead coolie - Nardoo
mid tree CB
possum skin stretcher?
low one TB
orange coolamon
oversize Coolamon CB
old gnarly
old guy TB
back of ' kennel '
old sunken 1 CB
old'deep' W
old coolamon with axcut burl
slot coolie CB
slot coolie with whiteants W
similar shaped dead coolies FL (3)
small coolamon or wirri scar CB
small limb big scar CB
small irregular TB
pertect scar 2
slot Mooroo
sunset boulevard
sunset slot CB
the pregnant scar
regulation coolie CB
teardrop coolamon TB
teardrop CB
the perfect colamon - Nardoo
uneven one CB
various coolamons Preist (1)
various coolamons Preist (3)
trapezoid type scar HP
with bump Stud
with moss HP
wirri shaped at huts
old scar on chainsaw cut stump
typical coolamon scar HP
v.old coolamons Preist (2)
semi O SP
old coolie SP
old coolie SP
old coolie in Kraka
coolie Nardoo
low down coolamon TB
coolamon in the grass
singed campfire coolamon SP
coolamons in Merrywinbah
sweet coolamon WG
old coolamon and bush potplant
stone axcut coolamon MW
shallow coolamon Preist
coolamon in goorie
ancient coolamon Goorie
coolamon potplant G
hourglass coolie W
pregnant scar & ruby WG
protruding coolie WG
protruding coolie WB
perfect old coolie WB
CS closing coolamon
CS kick out coolie
CS v.old coolamon
flat topped coolie MW
old uneven coolie B
nice twisted coolamon WB
deep twisted coolamon
old but perfect oval coolie
THE ALIEN - profile WB
branch coolamon Keero
old coolamon in Antigar
coolamon in the Moonal
shallow scar/branch tear K
old coolie or branch tear ?
nice coolamon Bimber
coolamon & epicorms P
perfect old coolamon M
old convex coolie Mooroo
old coolamon Mooroo
lovely broad coolamon B
unusual coolamon Bimber
old closing coolie BC
ground coolamon N
old coolamon Nardoo
v.old coolie - Bottle camp
RT old wobbly coolie
RT v. old coolamon
RT -nice old coolamon
RT ground coolie
RT high coolamon
RT 2 level old coolamon
RT strange scar with burn
coolie in Wallangilla
old closing coolie - F1
Very old coolamon WG
another old coolie WG
Old Coolie - Wallangilla
old rung coolamon tree
coolie on multiscarred tree
the 3 faces of eve - view 1
very old coolamon
old coolamon in Keero
coolamon in Keero
fencing scar Telinebone
cute little coolamon
jewel in the crown Goorie
fallen coolie tree Goorie
squarish coolamon - M
coolamon in the Moonal
perfect old coolie Brigalow
small coolie in the moonal
coolamon or old tear N
shallow coolamon N
old coolie & epicorm N
memorial scar Newtons
old ground coolie Newtons
old coolamon in Newtons
old coolamon in Nardoo
very old coolamon Nardoo
old coolie in Boonery
nice coolamon in Boonery
closing coolamon Boonery
symmetrical coolie WB
old fire scar coolie WB
old cracked closing 1 WB
ancient coolamon WB
half shut coolamon WB
regular coolamon WB
coolie with axe cut burl WB
old coolie & epicorm WB
ground campfire coolie? WB
ground fireplace coolie? WB
narrow coolie Moonal
almost closed coolamon M
lateral coolamon WB
coolie or branch tear ? WB
coolamon - ringbarking 1880s WB
old lateral coolie ? WB
old odd branch tear ? K
lovely resource axcut coolamon
old Keero coolamon
resource extraction hole K
old coolamon cultural or ringbarking? R
unusual branch coolie P
rare square coolie P
deep old coolie on box R
old skinny coolamon SP
very old coolamon SP
v.old deep Coolie Antigar
irregular coolamon Moorie
Old faceless coolie in Moorie
small axcut coolies in Newtons
unusual coolamon P
inside coolamon TB
old protruding 1 face on G
old protruding 1 side on G
very old axcut coolamon Goorie
oval coolamon Ration
coolamon & side epicorm
memorial scar & axecut F2
v.old coolie with spot burn
cool coolamon WB
coolie potplant WB
whiteanted coolamon WB
low trunk coolamon WB
axe cuts - stone or steel ?
lovely little coolie WB
sweet sunken coolie close
lovely old coolie WB
deep old coolamon WB
very old coolamon WB
lovely long coolamon WB
cute convex coolamon WB
tadpole coolamon WB
old memorial type WB
Coolamon & burl curls WB
lovely oval coolamon WB
horizontal branch coolie
convex coolamon WB
branch coolamon WB
BH campfire coolie old
burnt low fireplace coolie Pocket ?
v.old coolie & axtrax P ?
very old coolamon Pocket
oval branch coolie Pocket
irregular large coolamon
ground coolie Wallangilla
burnt bottomed coolie WB
Allen T big coolie Brigalow
old coolamon possibly ringbarking
resource extract low P
ground coolie old Pocket
very old coolamon P
old ground coolie Pocket
almost shut slit type coolamon Pocket
old coolamon in Pocket
very old small shallow coolamon
very old campfire coolamon
ancient half rotted coolie
deep rectangular branch tear coolie
sweet old coolie WG
irregular rough coolamon
unusual coolamon & spots
steel axe cut coolamon? P
small fallen face coolie WG
old coolie near Al's house
big long coolamon M
horizontal coolie Feedlot ?
lovely old branch coolie M
faceless old dead coolamon
dead coolie tree WG
low deep coolie/bluebush
coolie with axtrax Antigar
long branch coolie A
perfect protruding coolie
teardrop coolie Antigar
memorial scar ? Kraka
old pinched coolie WB
axe cut coolie WB
shabby old coolie WB
convex coolamon WB
kick out coolie WB
scar on scar coolie WB
smoke hole low coolie TB
healthy coolie tree Bimber
closing coolie in Bimber
funny shaped coolie B
protruding coolie Bimber
ground memorial coolie
closing slit coolie HP
nice deep coolamon HP
big coolie small epi HP
shallow branch coolie HP
low aged coolie HP
sunken face coolie top HP
branch drop coolie HP
old closing coolie HP
deep narrow coolie HP
lovely smooth slot coolie
slot coolie in billabong HP
ground campfire coolamon HP
ancient coolamon HP
impressive deep coolie HP
very old coolamon HP
smile style coolamon HP
nice asymmetrical coolie P
very old standard one HP
RT low irregular fireplace coolie
gorgeous-coolie on fire TB
irresistible coolamon TB
old low coolamon TB
old coolie in Telinebone
old coolamon Telinebone
call it a coolie & move on
excellent elbow coolie P
perfect coolamon P
lovely angled coolie + epi
beautiful big coolie R
excellent egg coolie R
deep inside coolamon R
coolamon with twist R
large rectangular coolie R
protruding coolie front R
shield scar on scar coolamon R
protruding coolie side view
BR narrow coolie
BR another coolie
BR old coolie
BR long coolamon
BR typical river coolamon
coolie + axtrax hut pad.
deep coolie on double WB
odd shaped coolie WB
chiselled resource coolie
irregular coolamon WB
branch coolamon WB
irregular coolamon WB
the looking glass WB
old convex coolie WB
ground coolie - fire ?
elongated coolie WB
old coolamon Telinebone
coolamon old deep G
convex coolamon in CB
closing coolamon Cumbul
BH memorial scar
flat coolamon Antigar
slit coolamon Antigar
low coolamon Telinebone
small axcut coolamon
close coolamon & Epi BC
old coolie in its last years
Coolie in county - BC
wobbly coolie possibly rung?
slit coolamon Cumbul
closing 8 coolamon CB
memorial scar Cumbul
this coolie is closed ! CB
this coolie is calling "time"
funny coolie & epi in K
old standard type Kraka
convex standard type K
closing coolie +axtrax K
stunning old coolamon TB
closed coolamon K
very old coolamon W
coolamons in country W
signpost branch coolie W
campfire coolamon W
Goorie swamp coolie
wobbly old coolamon C
closing coolamon C
old broken coolie tree C
slanted branch coolie F1
old much loved coolamon
shallow teardrop coolie F1
old sunken coolie revisited
very old burn coolamon M
coolamon Merrywinebah
old low coolamon P
old coolamon TB
interesting coolamon P
irregular shallow axcut coolie
Kit & old coolamon P
odd shaped old coolie TB
very old coolamon TB
No. 3 tree's neighbour CB
memorial scar Kraka
ancient coolamon CB
old closing coolamon CB
very nice fat coolamon CB
perfect potbelly coolamon
shallow coolamon B
old faceless coolamon B
coolamon & friends B
very old campfire coolie
old see thru coolamon TB
old coolamon Telinebone
old shallow coolamon T
old fireplace coolamon TB
low coolie - burn scar ?
routine coolamon in Telinebone
old campfire coolamon TB
old coolamon and Epi P
icecream cone scar revisit
very old midtree coolie P
closed coolamon CB
old shrinking coolie CB
broken slot coolamon CB
funny little coolamon TB
deep old sunken coolie K
coolie with epi in profile
campfire coolamon Keero
figure 8 coolamon Keero
classic coolamon Keero
RT very old closing coolie
RT aging coolamon
RT fading old coolamon
RT low coolamon
RT coolamon in profile
RT big campfire coolamon
RT old branch coolamon
RT small standard coolie
RT very old coolamon
RT unusual coolie-shield ?
RT funny little coolamon
RT axcut coolie & add on
BR riverbank coolamon
BR coolamon on coolabah
BR big tree small coolie
BR coolabah coolamon
BR oval coolabah coolie
BR standard oval coolie
BR reclining coolamon
BR concave coolamon
BR coolabah coolamon
the opera singer - Brigalow
double bib coolamon B
profile termites/coolamon
face on termites/coolamon
V.old perfect coolamon B
old dead coolie - Brigalow
dead coolamon - Brigalow
very old sunken coolie TB
very old coolamon TB
campfire coolamon A
new coolie old secrets G
hidden coolamon Goorie
special midtree coolie CB
my fat coolie revisited CB
fading old coolie Goorie
BR coolabah coolamon
wonderful old coolamon T
underside coolamon MW
BR lovely oval coolamon
FW old fireplace coolie
FW midtree face fallen coolamon
FW large coolamon
FW memorial scar ?
convex broken faced coolamon W
old gaping coolamon G
CS possum skin stretcher coolie
CS deep irregular coolie
CS low coolamon
CS shallow coolamon
CA shallow mid tree coolie
CS low coolamon
CS coolamon scar on scar
CS low dead coolamon
CS small coolabah coolie
very old coolamon G
old coolamon Wallangilla
NB slot coolamon
NB unusual coolie & epi
NB semi closed coolamon
NB see thru tree
NB low coolie - fire ?
NB campfire coolamon
NB midtree coolamon
NB old fire coolamon
NB coolie with axtrax
NB branch coolamon
NB branch coolamon
NB small coolamon
NB egg shaped coolamon
NB closed coolie & axcut
NB flat sloped coolamon
NB closing branch coolie
NB irregular coolie
NB cute coolamon
NB regular coolamon
NB low coolamon
NB stump coolamon
NB old coolamon
NB face off burn coolamon
old fireplace coolamon G
NB very old coolamon
shrinking slot coolie G
orange coolamon Goorie
tiny coolamon Goorie
old complicated coolie G
fading old coolamon G
big fat coolamon TB
GY very old coolamon
GY very old low coolamon
GY fried egg coolamon
GY very old coolamon
GY fireplace coolamon
GY slot coolamon
GY old fallen out coolamon
GY low coolie & epicorms
GY closing Box tree coolie
GY sandhill coolamon
old deep coolamon - possibly ringbarking?
A shallow coolamon
A deep coolamon
A protruding convex coolie
A half closed coolamon
shallow coolamon Nardoo
spot burn coolamon N
protruding coolamon W
grinner revisit Warrambool
fried egg type coolamon
old buggered coolamon
old campfire coolamon
old hollow coolamon tree WG
shrunken sunken coolamon
shallow dead coolamon
aged coolamon Wallangilla
very old convex coolamon
old dead coolamon tree
very old mid tree coolie
unusual shaped coolamon
small coolamon Kraka
coolamon in profile Kraka
half face off coolamon WG
fireplace coolamon WG
A deteriorating coolamon
A decaying old coolamon
A small branch coolamon
A big convex branch coolie
A fallen in coolamon
A very aged coolamon
A rectangular axcut? coolamon
A small leaning coolamon tree
RT coolamon with twist
RT coolie + defined axtrax
RT rectangular coolamon
RT closed coolamon low
A nice midtree coolamon
RT axcut coolie+epicormic shoot
A jellybean coolamon
A nice little coolamon
A coolamon in the rain
campfire coolamon CB
A decorated coolamon
A tree curve coolamon
G coolamon on tank bank
G old fire related coolamon
A axcut coolamon
G very old coolamon
G downsizing coolamon
G coolie with center axtrax = ringbarking
G old dead coolamon
G face falling coolamon
G extremely old coolie 1
rescarred coolamon C
nice small tree coolamon C
old fireplace coolamon C
coolamon in Cumbul
coolamon+axtrax C
Coolamon with add on C
lovely low coolamon K
G very old faceless coolie
G convex coolamon
G skinny coolamon
G pretty old coolamon
RT old branch coolamon
RT branch coolamon
RT very very old coolamon
RT very old coolamon
RT protruding coolamon
RT narrow coolamon
RT old fireplace coolie
RT fading old coolamon
RT odd deja vu coolamon
RT very old re-scar coolie
RT this tree winked at me
RT big old coolamon
RT old stone axe coolamon
RT coolie & deep axtrax
G very old coolamon
G broken coolamon tree
G sweet little coolamon
BR closing coolabah coolie
BR shrinking coolamon
BR branch coolamon
BR coolabah coolamon 1
RT perfect low coolamon
G traditional coolamon
BH memorial coolamon
BH memorial coolamon
BH Allan & deep coolamon
G very old coolamon
G very old coolamon
G old dead coolamon
G old coolamon cave in
G typical old coolamon
paddle coolamon Moonal
Aged coolamon Moonal
G ringbark or resource coolamon?
coolamon in a dust storm
deep old coolamon WG
dead coolibah coolamon WG
sunken coolamon WG
RT deep coolamon old boxtree
RT shallow symbolic? coolamon
old coolamon in Priest
KW coolamon collage
deep coolamon Priest
St Andrews cross revisited
hidden coolamon TB
coolamons on billabong TB
digging stick for billabong enlargement
coolabah coolamon TB
V.old V.deep coolamon WB
broken faced coolamon P
GGS blackbox coolamon
GGS old blackbox coolie
GGS v.old blackbox coolie
GGS deep coolamon
GGS fat coolamon
deep coolamon in Goorie
branch coolamon Goorie
A old dead coolabah coolamon
A another dead coolamon tree
G looloo & old coolamon
CS protruding coolie
CS convex coolie with tail
CS concave coolie
CS concave protruding coolie
T midtree coolamon
falling face coolamon WB
L nice old coolamon on the big warrambool
typical convex coolie on the big warrambool
I love these old coolabah coolamons
possum skin bark peg out scar
CS coolamon in profile
RT plain coolamon
RT mad twisted coolabah coolamon at billabong
RT uneven old coolamon
RT coolamon at the warrambool camp
Rt coolamon on tank at warrambool camp
Rt possum skin stretcher
CV very old wailwun coolamon
KW deep time ...
BR teardrop coolamon
recent coolamon Wallangilla
small misshapen coolamon TB
AO's cut coolamon before shaping
shield shaped coolamon in Warrambool
sweet little twisted style of coolamon WB
Cubby & decayed coolamon in Avon
saddle type special purpose coolamon tree
old faceless fellow with axcut scarring behind
i love a decent branch coolamon dont you? SP
unusual shaped coolamon at Spillbury
see thru coolamon Spillbury
small coolamon in Stud
losing face - v.old coolamon
typical protruding coolamon in BonBon
BH old faceless coolamon
BH faceless & distorted coolamon tree
nice branch coolamon in Stud paddock
round coolamon on dead coolabah in Mooroo
peek a boo coolamon TB
some coolamon faces fall out over time others fall in
mossy old shallow coolamon in Cumbul
this coolamon is very old & very sweet CB
cobwebby old coolamon in Cumbul
low falling face coolamon Cumbul
mmm? bit burnt & a bit shallow coolamon in CB
Warrambool - deep coolamon country
sentinel coolamon in Warrambool
funny bumpy coolamon seen before I think WB
small coolamon on a big coolabah
strange teardrop shaped coolamon with deep cut
unsymmetrical coolamon possibly galah related
this coolamon is just about stuffed
strange wrap around ground coolamon
the cutest coolamon in camp
old broken faced coolamon
slit type coolamon
ground coolamon at new camp
faceless coolamons are very old ...
coolamon with twist
old hourglass coolamon
squeezed coolamon on reclining box tree
this is a shield scar from the heartwood
shields need to be hard & solid to withstand blows
Wailwun reclining branch coolamon
flat faced coolamon at new Priest camp
old fading coolamon almost gone
strange branch coolamon for what purpose?
very deep old coolamon at new Priest camp
Allan says this is a memorial scar for the loss of a child
thin oval coolamon & nepine vine
this old faceless coolamon is very old
branch separation coolamon - could be natural
deep old coolamon in Wallangilla
Goorie coolamon
nice oval coolamon - cant remember where?
V.old coolamon near centurion ringtree - size can deceive
very old fallen faced warped coolamon
small axe cut coolamon - symbolic - Psydrax camp
Camp sign in Priest - each camp has different coolamons
classic coolamon with climbing saltbush P
did the axe cut cause the scar or was it chopped on the scarface?
big coolamon on the billabong WB
big protruding coolamon scar in Telinebone
this grounded coolamon signifies the loss of a baby (Allan Tighe)
black box coolamon at cuddie
uneven ground coolamon probably a fireplace
ground coolabah coolamon
suspicious black box coolamon - could be a ringbarking scar
true midtree coolamon at Cuddie
very old convex coolamon at Cuddie
very old faceless closing coolamon T
falling face coolamon possibly fire related
fireplace coolamon with epicormic shoots T
very old coolamon - could be caused by a branch drop T
high symbolic coolamon - message not practical
low small coolamon in stump - child memorial?
very old faceless mid tree coolamon T
funny little coolamon possibly caused by rubbing?
coolamons scars squeeze their faces out as they close T
closing time for this coolamon
the burly old one could be the result of branch drop?
old deep half closed coolamon WB
old coolamon fraying at the edges
v.old almost closed coolamon
big deep low coolamon T3
old coolamon shrinking slowly
old faceless coolamon T3
this coolamon is closed for business!
another Tungra coolamon
big ground touching coolamon T4
this rough coolamon is the same age as the big epicormic shoot
faint coolamon outline on a dieback scar
shrinking coolabah coolamon on SP tank
when coolamons are this old its hard to guess their origins T4
whereas this puckered edged coolamon is 100% cultural
skewiff coolamon T4
this coolamon is for symbolic not practical purposes T4
closing coolamon T4
ground coolamon prob. fire related
this coolamon is very old
mid tree coolamon also very old
low coolamon beside a culturally burnt stump T4
unusual sideways coolamon
giving this coolamon the benefit of the doubt - could be natural
deep old campfire coolamon T5
shallow coolamon in Pocket
contorted low coolamon probably fire related
this one is probably fire related too
as is this campfire coolamon
closed coolamon with old axtrax
now you see me .. that axe cut burl shows how wide this coolamon was
Telinebone coolamon
Goorie coolamon
true elbow type coolamon for deeper bowls
a coolamon of this type would be for carrying stuff - eg. water
very old coolamons lose their faces over time
small axe cut coolamon not for practical purposes
ground level coolamon - possibly memorial
inside coolamon
the face of this coolamon is being squeezed out as the scar closes
old coolamon with decaying face
coolamon with climbing saltbush
another oldie - the face has been squeezed out long ago
this could be a memorial tree for the loss of a mother & child
half hidden coolamon
long standard type coolamon
protruding coolamon with axe holes for resource search
flatter faced coolamon
big ground level coolamon with epicormic shoot
this coolamon has healed over substantially
nice convex style coolamon
convex & concave coolamons made shaping them easier
this looks more like ringbarking but no other examples on NN
as the scar heals the closing sides cause the face to crack/ break
this coolamon face has been forced out or inwards over time
this face has partially fallen but the shallow scar below is young
this coolamon face has broken away vertically
old coolamon & possible dead guest TinT on the Ginghet
interesting layered coolamon Ginghet
slanted orange coolamon at the old wells TB
closing coolabah coolamon at the big warrambool camp
typical convex branch coolamon WB
old coolabah coolamon losing face WB
coolamons were cut on branch elbows or bends for dish shapes
ground coolamon - possibly a child memorial
fading coolamon on dead box
very old faceless coolamon along the Ginghet
Priest coolamon revisited
Priest coolamon in profile
Priest coolamon with neighbouring scartree
closed coolamon - wounds heal
very old broken faced sandhill coolamon
faceless sandhill coolamon - centuries old
Trees were marked like this if both mother & child died (childbirth)
commemorative coolamon RT
unusual split level concave coolabah coolamon
very old faceless coolamon
small coolamon on tall box tree with epicormic shoot
oval coolamon with visible axtrax
long coolamon on live tree
long coolamon on dead tree
old unevenly healed coolamon
deep dead coolamon
shallow dead coolamon
big shallow coolabah coolamon
coolamon on dead split trunk on live box tree
very old coolamon still closing
typical convex shaped coolamon
big old coolabah coolamon Avon
old ground coolamon on the Ginghet
unusually shaped coolamon - could be a branch drop scar?
very deep inside coolamon - possibly water holding
big old coolabah coolamon tree along the Ginghet
coolabah coolamon - very old
much shrunken down coolamon on the floodplains
crooked coolamon possible accidental
another similar sized coolamon that may not be cultural
closed blackbox coolamon - definitely cultural
very old coolamon with various flood marks on the Ginghet flood plain
split level ground scar - Ive seen this type before
perfect water carrying coolamon on Sparkes warrambool
coolamon with prominent healed scar line
big coolamon on big rough barked box
deep plain looking coolamon at the Barwon camp
very large coolamon in profile - new Barwon camp
closing coolamon on the Ginghet floodplains
Ginghet coolamon with a nepine vine suckering out of it
old much deteriorated round coolamon - Ginghet
pine tree coolmon probably caused by a fire at the base
much reduced old coolamon
coolamon at camp south of Cuddie springs
sunken reclining coolamon Coonamble Rd
another faceless old coolamon nearby
coolamon tree on the Walgett - Coonamble rd
long closing coolamon murramanaarr
unusual uneven sided coolamon scar
wailwun coolamon scar - very old
sunken coolamon also on wailwun country
lovely large coolamon most likely for carrying water - wailwun
closed coolamon - wailwun
narrow deep coolamon Marra ck paleochannel
big coolamon cut with steel axe/ tomahawk I think - Mungeroo
less symmetrical coolamon near Sparkes bridge
true water carrying coolamon already shaped for purpose
another blackbox coolamon on the Mungeroo
this saddle type coolamon is much older I think
Not sure about this one - the double axtrax look like ringbarking?
cute blackbox coolamon with twist
cobweb coolamon
small strange shrinking coolamon
typical wailwun coolamon on the Marra paleochannel
unsymmetrical coolamon WB
half hidden coolamon BBB rd
another old one along the BBB rd
too old to tell if this is a memorial coolamon or fire related one
typical wailwun coolamon BBB rd
low coolamon with 3 large epicormic shoots BBB rd
old faceless coolamon
unsymmetrical coolamon with axtrax across the face - ringbark fail?
Where the Ginghet meets BBB rd - there is a coolamon tree just like this here
stone axe cut coolamon in the Pocket
symbolic coolamon - possibly painted back in the day?
faceless ground coolamon - possibly fire related
another ground coolamon - these are usually fire related
big fat scartree on Billybingbone rd
Leon Flick with coolamon cut to make a wooden wailwun bowl
Leon with double sided coolamon tree - more symbolic than practical
black box coolamon near the Barwon
black box coolamon Cuddie springs
small perfect dead - Cuddie springs coolamon
see-thru coolamon tree not Ringtree - Cumberdoon rd
ground coolamon - memorial for baby or caused by fire
very old coolamon in stump TCS
this TCS hollow box has a coolamon on each side - not technically a ringtree
old faceless coolamon TCS
part of the trunk has broken away exposing this old coolamon
ground coolamon fire related - Ginghet reserve
another very old fire related coolamon not far away
unusual ice cream cone coolamon on the Ginghet reserve
concave coolamon - old & faceless G.R
an old coolamon & a double axe cut scar on the same dead tree
small coolamon in Wallangilla
misshapen coolamon Ginghet
small coolamon on a poisoned eucalypt.
shallow unsymetrical coolamon - unknown
this is a wailwun memorial scar for a baby that has died
very deep very old box coolamon in the sand slice
small coolamon + big epicormic shoots = very old scar
this coolamon has also shrunken over time & box trees heal slowly!
the deeper they are the older they are (unless the tree has been dead awhile)
small almost closed box tree coolamon - way older than U think
This coolamon is also closed & bark has grown over the wound
another very old coolamon scar - should be a university course on them
true convex coolamon scar - coolamons used for carrying all sorts of stuff
nice coolamon but bad photo sorry - in the sandslice of course
last man standing type coolamon scar - love them to death
a very old fireplace scar I think - travelling up the trunk over time
this coolamon with axe burl has almost closed
I dunno why this coolamon has grown back so unevenly?
ground coolamon with prominent axtrax above
another closing coolamon in Wee Wally
this closing coolamon is almost identical to the last - same age?
another misshapen coolamon around the WW water catchment
small coolamon or large distorted axe cut scar
branch coolamon or elongated axe cut scar
true faceless coolamon WW
low coolamon half hidden by epicormic shoot
reclining coolamon with face fallen inwards WW
deep slim trench type coolamon - digging tool perhaps?
2 views of a deep coolabah coolamon - water carrier maybe?
2 views of a flatter style coolamon - unknown uses
old faceless coolamons on both sides of the hollow box tree
ground coolamon - possible fire related
big coolamon on a dead coolabah WW
underside coolamon caused by a campfire set under the branch
elongated with age - faceless WW coolamon
kind of a coolamon - fire scarred & rung
strange rub/ burn type coolamon at the W.V tank camp in the GNR
very old faceless coolamon between the Narran & the Bokhara
this one is even older/ deeper & for a different purpose I think
closed coolmon as old as the epicormic shoot on the side
perfect deep/old coolamon between the Narran & the Bokhara
ancient coolamon on dead truck surrounded by epicormic shoots GG
old deep coolamon on blackbox I think GNR
low layered coolamon at Stud camp - infant memorial perhaps?
misshapen coolamon - unknown usage
someone is cutting coolamons near Burren Junction? Ted?
just love these big fat GG coolamons & the yuwaalayaay who cut them
never 1 the same as another - more permanent camps have the best
low coolamon very old - fire related? GG camp
same again but the scar is faceless so might be older GG
another lovely old coolamon - GG camp Cumborah
this coolamon is as old as the epicormic shoot beside it ie VERY
how old is this GG coolamon? Before the whites came?
this one is shallower but the tree also has an Einadia nutans guest
old coolamon in Telinebone
coolamon tree cut for firewood at Cumborah - dickheads
old coolamon at Teline bone camp
murramanaarr coolamon - more CMTs than you can poke a stick at ...
small long coolamon Gingie rd
larger deeper coolamon same location
face less coolamon - very old
very low coolamon with epicormic shoots -cultural not practical
deep & low - much shrunken over time
faceless ground level coolamon scar GG
ground coolamon and de bark - burial wrap? GG
very deep = very old coolamon. Almost grown over
this coolamon will close completely eventually GG
low coolamon on partially debarked box - prob. fire related
low coolamon probably fire related GG
low coolamon definitely fire related
closing coolamon - pretty old GG
ground coolamon - memorial?
old coolamon looks fire related
possibly this one as well - most very low or ground coolamons are
2 views of a big old fireplace coolamon - keep your ashes dry o/nite
this is the remains of a very old coolamon not a ringtree GG
closing mossy coolamon GG
ground coolamon forming a tree tunnel with opposing scar
Not a ringtree but a see thru tree with opposite faceless coolamons
looks like a sandworm from Dune not axcut coolamon from Cumborah
a more conventional type coolamon from cumborah
face fallen ground coolamon - fire related
2 views of lovely saddle type coolamon GG camp
very old concave coolamon - GG camp
2 views of very old very deep coolamon GG
old & dead coolamon - on the ground soon I reckon
face fallen coolamon - shelter for wildlife at GG
when coolamon scars are really old the scarface is squeezed out
old coolamon & epicormic shoot GG
this old faceless coolamon is home to something
dead coolamon tree with weird epicormic shoot like a dalek
horizontal coolamon in the Ginghet
old dead faceless coolamon GNR
coolamon with tail in the GNR
This one is very old because its both faceless & almost closed
funny little twisted faceless coolamon - cut a very long time ago
deep convex coolamon on a dead concave coolabah - with sidekick
rectangular coolamon - possibly for pinning a possum skin out on
coolabah camp tree underside coolamon GNR
detached coolamon possibly an axe cut scar GNR
this almost closed dead coolamon was cut a very long time ago GNR
V.old faceless coolamon with surrounding stone axe cut scars
2 views of the old coolamon on the twisted gnarled one
horizontal coolamon on a camp tree cut after it was bent over
the coolamon scar is very old as is the camp tree GG
deep old coolamon healing slowly GG
this one is very old too & possibly fire related GG
faceless coolamon with tail in significant TinT place GG
this coolamon is relatively shallow because the tree is dead
misshapen low coolamon at GG camp
the face of this coolamon scar has become detached from the trunk
the stone axe cuts along the edge of the face are still visible
typical shrinking coolamon. This process will continue
half faced ground coolamon - looks fire related
old coolabah coolamon along the warrambool
faceless coolamon at Wilby Wilby camp
2 views of a Yuwaalaraay / Euahlayi coolamon - stunning!
jagged sided coolamon Bokhara warrambool
and this awesome one - history on a tree