campfire scar CB
Indig. oven
burnt internally - Boonery
burnt branch tear? TB
old fireplace W
possum tree - fire at base to smoke it out
fireplace burns
burnt pine close CB
fire at base to force possum up the trunk
charcoal rub hole? R
possum tree or oven close up
fireplace scar with supplejack
old fire Goorie
old campfire scar close up TB
big campfire scar
deep triangular fireplace burn CB
fireplace hollow burn W
ash protection o/nite fire scar
big campfire scar with internal trunk burns TB
spot burns for charcoal?
old fireplace burn scar grown up tree
unknown redgum burn TB
recently burnt scartree R
oven or possum tree CB
fireplace scarring Nardoo
stunning burnt scar - love it FL
tall fire scar FL
old fireplace charcoal rub tree CB
burnt hollow possum extraction scar SP
patchy burnt fireplace standard
campfire scar K
another possum tree Kraka
complicated campfire burns TB
burnt scar with termite nest
the chimney SP
singed campfire coolamon SP
serpent tree with chimney
fireplace tree MW
inside abcission burn - for charcoal?
burnt hollow possum extraction scar Goorie
old burnt fire standard G
big campfire was here G
spot burn unknown
big old oven perhaps? T
burnt fireplace coolamon G
gnarly old fireplace fella W
nice fireplace burns Wallangilla
deep burnt fireplace tree WG
almost totally burnt out base WG
standard with burns WG
big & burnt Wallagilla
deep spot burn WB
CS big scarred campfire tree
possum tree burnt hollow
Possum tree perhaps Warrambool
charcoal bowl Keero
A - burnt from the inside
old campfire Mooroo
old burnt fire standard
typical possum tree Bimber
RT big burnt fire box scar
RT old scarred fire box
RT fireplace scartree
RT small firebox funnel
RT funnel firebox
RT close up firebox
RT internally burnt
RT burnt firebox scartree
RT smaller firebox chimney
RT big old scarred firebox
RT scartree firebox
RT scarred firebox
RT tall firebox chimney
funny little campfire burn
big concave campfire WG
ancient ashtray - Moonal
old campsite here
smoke chimney Keero
old fireplace TB
lovely burnt one Nardoo
frilly fireplace scar TB
old campfire coolie WB
unusual fireplace scar WB
campfire scar Moonal
big internally burnt tree
campfire scar with axcut
big internally burnt boxtrees with reshoots
big campfire tree K
possum tree perhaps R
lovely standard fireplace SP
spot burn and scorching SP
another possum extraction tree? SP
fire coolamon close A
spot burn in Boonery
closing standard firescarred tree
spotburns unknown reason N
great fire standard type
serpent fire scarring with chimney
old firelpace tree TB
campfire coolamon Goorie
gorgeous burnt one close
long fire scar getting squeezed out
burnt scarring ...old F2
oven ?
beautiful black arrow P
somebody rested their firestick right here
spot burn far
spot burn close P
fireplace tree
campfire scarring WB
coolamon then campfire tree W
tall burnt old scar WB
fireplace scar Warrambool
possum tree probably
deep fireplace scar WB
tall pointy burnt WB
possum tree I think WB
burn rub close up WB
crazy tree burnt side WB
smokestack unknown
burnt out scar arch WB
old fireplace WB
firestick scorching WB
burns & whiteants WB
layers & burns WB
ashtray (joke)
old fireplace scar Kraka
burnt old box scar in Shed
burnt ground coolie Kraka
old burnt gnarled one WG
burnt deep twisted WG
burnt pumpkin revisited P
fireplace scarring close
fireplace scar in Moonal
campfire coolamon
V.old possum tree burns
burnt bottomed standard
lovely burn scar WB
spot burn scar WB
big campfire scarring WB
high charcoal rubs?
old lightening strike scar P
oven scar? R
BR possum, tree
lovely charcoal rub scar F2
campfire burn scar WB
Burns & charcoal rubs WB
old coolie old burns WB
fireplace scar WB
high charcoal rub WB
fireplace scar Warrambool
fire scar & resulting Epi.
old fire scar WB
wonderful campfire scarring WB
nice old fireplace scar WB
charcoal rub Warrambool
magnificent fireplace scar
campfire scar Warrambool
campfire scar WB
classic possum extraction tree
V.old fireplace scar WB
old fireplace triple Antigar
burnt out scar in country
pine tree campfire scar C
perfect fireplace scar CB
fireplace scarring old CB
classic campfire scar CB
excellent possum extraction scar K
big fireplace tree west side
twisted campfire scar W
fire scarring Warrambool
ashes left under protective trees for breakfast fires
Allan with strange burn W
very old campfire scar C
old fireplace scar F2
old camp oven?
campfire tree
fireplace double Goori
charcoal rub from past campfires C
old campfire scar & Epi
half closed campfire scar M
spot burns on fire scar
fireplace scar Merrywinbah
burn scar - very old I think
V.old campfire scarring
big old camp fire scar W
old fireplace scar WG
weird fireplace scarring side 2
weird fireplace scarring side 1
old campfire scar ? M
king of the campfire scars & Kit
old campfire scar Keero
complicated campfire scar
campfire scar & kit-Keero
huge campfire scar in profile
very old fireplace scar B
wave burn charcoal tree G
campfire burn close TB
under branch fire scarring
special charcoal rub tree TB
deep dark campfire scar TB
campfires have scarred this tree for centuries
campfire burn scar & epi
fireplace scar in Priest
old campfire scarring TB
big old fireplace scar TB
big campfire scar TB
fireplace & ashtray scar K
king of the fire scars revisited
RT Y shaped campfire scar
RT fire doubles up & down
RT tall campfire standard
RT fireplace scar very old
RT fireplace scar & epi
BR redgum canoe scar turned oven?
BR campfire scarring
fireplace scar Brigalow
old campfire scar Brigalow
old campfire scarring G
big fireplace scar TB
half closed firescarring - very old TB
pine campfire scar TB
shallow fire scar Telinebone
axtrax on a burn scar G
charcoal rub revisit C
old fireplace scar Cumbul
firestick holding fork G
campfire scarring Goorie
FW battered campfire scar
FW horizontal fire scar
FW large fireplace scar
FW campfire scarring
FW campfire tree full face
campfire tree burnt inside
firestick resting tree G
spot burns + carving G
CS fireplace not so old
CS old campfire scarring
CS twisted campfire scar
CS crazy firescarring
CS fireplace scarring
CS v.old campfire scarring
big fireplace scar revisit G
NB hollow fire scarring
NB big old campfire scar
NB fireplace scarring
NB huge fireplace shelter scar
NB falling face fire scar
NB large fireplace scar
NB extensive fire related dieback
deliberate scorching ? G
NB massive firescarring
NB campfire coolamon
NB see through burn scar
GY coolabah campfire tree
fallen face campfire scar TB
GY coolabah campfire tree
GY ring of fire
GY fireplace scarring
GY campfire scar
A Ring tree close with burn
A internally burnt stump
A strange cultural burning
A old firescarring
charcoal harvesting N
old fireplace scar M
fireplace scar Warrambool
fallen face fireplace scar
campfire scar Warrambool
triangle campfire scar WG
fireplace scar very old WG
A see thru campfire scar
A strange fireplace scars
fireplace tree Wallangilla
fallen face campfire scar
A fireplace scarring
A fire scars on tank bank
A campfire scarring
A campfire scarring
A fireplace scarring
A wild fireplace scarring
A internally burnt tree
A old internally burnt tree
A old fireplace
A layered campfire scarring
A patch burns unknown
A very old fire tree
A unknown patch burns ?
A campfire coolie & Epi.
A big campfire scar
A fireplace scarring
A inside burn chimney
G scar me a river
G campfire scarring
G inside burnt coolabah
G unusual campfire scars
A full tree campfire scar
G campfire scarring
G very old campfire tree
G fire funnel close
G campfire scar
G Y shaped fire scarring
G very old campfire tree
G charcoal rub scar
squeezed out fire scar C
old campfire scar Cumbul
G charcoal rub
G very old fire standard
A fireplace scarring
A campfire scar + axcut
A charcoal rub tree
G fireplace scarring
RT big old campfire scar
RT campfire scarring
RT campfire scarring
RT old fireplace scarring
RT the one that got away
RT old campfire burn scar
RT spot burn /branding scar
RT fireplace standard
RT burl frilled fire formed
G possum tree ?
G beseeching burn scar
G low hoop campfire tree
G old fireplace scarring
G old fireplace scarring
G old fireplace scarring
G big old campfire scar
RT old fireplace scar
BH big internal burn 4
BH possum extraction tree?
RT Allan + big old campfire
BH big fireplace scarring
BH very old fireplace
BH campfire scarring
BH big old fireplace
BH fireplace scarring
BH firescarring + coolie
BH campfire scarring
BH big internally burnt 2
G firestick rest tree fork
G internal burning
G old campfire tree
G old spot burns
CMT branch burn bend M
G forlorn fireplace tree
campfire arch Sth view W
G fireplace multiscarring
G fire scarring with funnel
G old charcoal rub tree
G cuts'n'burns'n'stuff CMT
G fireplace with axcut
G spot burn - charcoal rub?
G V.old campfire scarring
classic possum tree
campfire scar & funnel WB
old burn scar with axcuts
fallen face fireplace scar 2
burnt pine stump- cooking ?
old campfire burn revisit
FW charcoal rub stump
RT burnt thru ring close
burnt pine charcoal rub CB
pine charcoal rub Cumbul
A campfire burn scar
A diamond spot burn far
A diamond spot burn close
A campfire scarring
FW firestick burns
FW campfire scarring
V.old fireplace burn P
whiteanted burn scar in Priest
possible campfire scarring P
Carol-Phil-Allan under the big burnt fella TB
big campfire scarred box & visitors TB
cracker campfire birthday party tree S
A charcoal rub/totem revisit
A old fireplace
A charcoal rub coolabah
A another charcoal rub
CS coolabah camp oven
old campfire scar grown up the tree WB
L big old campfire scarring
L old campfire scars
There was a campfire set here
this scar was probably caused by a campfire
L scarring caused by small campfire
L obviously a fireplace scar
L big old campfire multiscarring
someone set their campfire here long ago
CS campfire concave strip
CS multiscarring prob. caused by campfire
RT firestick stamp scar
Rt interesting burn scar
RT belah tree campfire scar
RT fireplace scar
fire funnel or firestick rest?
CV fireplace scar
CV fallen fireplace tree
old fireplace along the Ginghet
KW campfire burn scar
KW burnt out center tree
KW campfire tree
Barwon river coolabah fireplace
charcoal rub tree in Stud
big campfire tree at Menindee lakes
big patchy burn scar in Warrambool
internally burnt coolabah - for feasts & gatherings A
high up fire scarring
funny face - spot burns
charcoal rub tree at Spillbury
big campfire here
lovely old fireplace tree in Stud
wailwun campfire
typical campfire tree protecting tomorrow's ashes
triangular style fireplace tree
fire scarred & diseased but hanging in there ..
This old campfire tree has a resident goanna I think
burnt out fire scarred tree
BH whiteanted fire scar
MR coolabah apple fireplace in the sandhill
axcut on strange burnt coolamon
campfire burn scar in Cumbul
burnt coolabah where a firestick rested
this coolabah has a burnt centre stump & a guest Currant bush
pointy fireplace scar
charcoal rub scar in Avon
charcoal rub tree in Boonery
very black burn scar in Avon
big long campfire scar
big burnt out stump in Avon - cultural
360 base burn at Avon - grass fire?
complicated inside burn scar at Avon
internally burnt coolabah
'the smoker' - big old directional/ pointer box WG
face fallen old fireplace scar
very old deliberate fire scarring at Goorie camp
Wailwun charcoal rub
wailwun center bole burning - very old
more centre bole burning on wailwun country
burnt blackbox stump Wailwun style
big campfire blackbox
small fireplace blackbox
weird wobbly standard sized - fire related
big campfire tree with epicormic reshoots
Allan with fire scarred trunk on big box tree P
big fireplace or cooking tree in Stud
big burnt bottomed coolabah TB
unusual spot burn coolamon
this wonderful scar was caused by a campfire at the base long ago
underside of camp tree with fireplace scarring - revisit WG
charcoal rub tree
fallen charcoal rub tree in Wallangilla
coolabah burnt from the inside at Avon
firestick holding hole?
surface bark burns around firestick holding hole?
firestick branding - double imprint
inside job - internally burnt coolabah in Avon
campfire standard with crazy epicormic shoots - Psydrax camp TB
pine oven in the Telinebone sandhills
campfire tree 2nd sandhill TB
I think this campfire tree is also a charcoal rub tree TB
a campfire here kept people warm/ protected the coals long before Cook
strange charcoal rub scar at Cuddie springs
somebody had a fireplace blazing here
big Wallangilla campfire scar possibly seen before
i think this is a fireplace scar that became diseased with canker
somebody cooked something here a long time ago
old campfire scarring at Cuddie
and here as well ...
internally burnt coolabah on Avon
charcoal rub or lightning strike?
wobbly edged campfire coolamon T
deep fireplace formed scar T
firestick burns/ brands at the top of a very big scar - interesting T
campfire coolabah Tungra
old fireplace was here scarring T
and here! burnt based coolabah T
another shallow scorched fire tree T
something was cooked inside this internally burnt box tree T
this long underside scar was also caused by a campfire T
there was a a very big campfire here a very long time ago T
fireplace tree T
the campfire here caused that epicormic shoot
interesting dual purpose tree - half scarred half burnt P
same tree from a different angle
patch burnt stump with a gargaloo vine growing out of it
possum extraction tree
big campfire scar T3
fireplace scar with epicormic shoots T3
slanted scarred campfire tree to protect the ashes
big scar caused by a fireplace at the base
campfire standard T4
large campfire related scarring
there was a big fireplace here a very long time ago T4
some gomeroi people had a campfire here too
this burnt scarface is being pushed out of its tree T4
burnt bubble sided fire scarring T4
possum extract tree with unusually high chimney T4
culturally burnt pine beside memorial CMTinT T4
some people camped here a long time ago
possum/ goanna hunting- fire at the base smokes the game up & out
people camped here in the wet a long time ago
cypress pine oven T5
people rubbed charcoal off this burnt stump to use in medicines
there was a fireplace here as well
somebody stayed warm here a long time ago
scartrees burn like this - ie the face goes black
old dead campfire scar
this long scar was caused by a fireplace at the base
lovely long campfire scar
some people built a fire here a long time ago
big dead fire related scar
hard to believe this is a fire place scar - very tall
charcoal rub oven
possum tree - fire used to smoke out the resident possum
a fireplace up against the trunk caused this scar
this is what happens when you leave the "oven" on ...
Wailwun people camped here long ago
also here & all along the Ginghet when it ran ..
they lit a fire here under this big black box to keep their ashes dry
the fireplace here burnt all the way thru the tree
And caused scarring almost up to the top of the tree
this fire was probably set inside an old scar tree on the Ginghet
the fire tree is still alive - pretty neat eh?
someone protected their ashes under this old coolabah
this scarring is also fire related
this tree may have been used as an oven years ago
check out the damage caused to this old coolabah by fire
not bushfire but campfire - the eucalypts here had to be tough to survive
there was a fireplace here too long ago
This scar is fire related too but may have had subsequent "enhancing"
burnt funnel on a blackbox - possum hunting
some one kept their ashes dry here a long time ago
and here - the charcoal has been used. There is also a firestick brand above
people cooked fish feasts in this big box tree on the Ginghet
this burnt boxtree is a songline marker
more charcoal harvesting on the Ginghet
the central box trunk has been burnt out here resulting in huge reshoots
burnt central stump with charcoal rub
somebody cooked something here a long time ago
and here? same tree with 2 different burn sites - ceremonial?
burnt Budda tree - deliberate & precise
more special hollow trunk burns - why did they do this?
here they have blackened the old ground coolamon only
and here they have rubbed away the charcoal
charcoal rub scar
this burnt out stump is an inside job ...
this campfire scar is so old it has almost closed
a fire set at the base of this tree has caused this scar & the epicormic shoots
a charcoal rub tree was de rigueur at most camps
there has been a fireplace at the base of this tree too
someone lit a campfire up against this tree. Someone else cut into the scars with a stone axe
there was another campfire set here many years ago ...
internally burnt coolabah in special area Avon
Its not known why the burnt trees here from the inside
this practice is common here. Its also done with box trees on the neighbours
this burn scarring along the Ginget is symbolic - meaning what?
the top end of a big old campfire burn scar along the Ginghet
this tall strip scar was probably also caused by dieback after campfire at the base
firestick branding unknown reason
internal burns = campfire tree
another campfire tree - this 1 has a nepine vine suckered inside
deliberate firestick burn scar on dead double looped coolabah
fireplace standard in Warrambool
campfire scarred coolamon
exceptional campfire scarring in Wallangilla
charcoal rub tree - these are found around many camps
close up of this culturally burnt tree on the Mungeroo
patch burn from a firestick - leaving a message?
big fire scar created where ashes were protected from bad weather
big burnt scar at Billybingbone rd camp
fireplace scar on the Marra paleochannel
there was a wailwun campfire set here a very long time ago
inside job - big old boxtree burnt from the inside - cultural
big old campfire burn showing all the termite soil inside the tree
charcoal rub tree along the Ginghet
firestick holder or temporary oven?
charcoal was used in different medicinal mixtures
charcoal tree - charcoal used in many medicines & poultices
another charcoal tree at Cumberdoon way/ Gungalman
this scar has scorched patches probably caused by a campfire
Leon under a huge fireplace tree - kept the ashes alight overnight.
this big scar was also caused by a campfire at the base - BBB rd
charcoal rub tree Goorie
this scar was caused by a campfire lit at the base
this faceless coolamon is scorched inside - probably extracting possums
EVERY camp has a charcoal rub tree - for medicinal purposes
internally burnt scar in the TCS
charcoal rub tree on the Spillbury boundary
fire stick holder tree at Spillbury - I guess you would need to rest?
internally burnt stump with very old axtrax
strange trunk edge charcoal rub perhaps?
spot burns in an area full of cultural burning - Ginghet reserve
spot burnt scar - uncommon & intriguing
these 2 internally burnt pines? have a funeral feel - possibly cremation sites?
did the fire cause the tree to twist? How did they prevent the outside from burning?
perhaps the pine tree was already scarred? Special camp place ..
the anthropological origins of this TinT is proven by the patch burn
this scarface has been scorched for some reason
charcoal rub stump near the Ginghet
someone set their campfire up against this tree to protect the ashes
spot burns on an old fire linked coolamon - Ginghet
big burnt out pine oven in the sand slice
old fireplace scar in the sandslice
burnt out box with coolamon - which came first?
2 sides of a charcoal rub stump GNR - charcoal harvesting
this campfire scarred coolabah has put out an epicormic shoot
another fire scar at the base of this coolabah on the neighbours
another charcoal rub tree at the Wilga vale house tank camp GNR
campfire scarring in Wee Wally
complicated fireplace scarring with protruding axe burl
somebody set a fire at the base of this box tree a long time ago ...
and at this old coolabah - 2 pics 2 different angles
old & unusual fire related scar with 2 epicormic shoots I think
very old campfire scarring - dead box swamp
fire set deep within the trunk to protect the ashes/ coals
campfire scar with charcoal rubs or fallen scarface flecks
big scar from a small campfire at the bottom?
lovely campfire scar - terrible photo - Wilga vale
another big campfire scar but this one is long dead
as is this one
and this one - all in the dead box swamp at Wilga vale GNR
This one is scorched but the box tree has recovered
2 views of a pine tree stump used for charcoal at the next camp
more fireplace scarring I think GNR
old fireplace scar in Avon
this campfire nearly killed the tree
charcoal rub tree in Minoru along the Ginghet GNR
charcoal was used when mixing medicinal blends - Allo Tighe
a less dramatic charcoal rub tree in Avon
someone rested their firestick in the fork of this coolabah
here is another view - accidentally killed the small coolabah I think
colours of the bush - deliberately burnt stump GNR
charcoal rub tree
campfire tree Avon
burnt possum tree with resident echidna - still eating whiteants in winter?
someone protected their coals here a very long time ago TB
2 views of a possum tree. Fire set in the base of this coolabah
this is more a cultural burn possibly a firestick resting site
mid tree fire scar - cooktop?
someone built their fire at the base of this box a long time ago
someone laid their fire here too - home hearth or travellers?
this campfire was set much earlier as the scar has grown up with tree
this fire scar was older still because its further up the tree & almost closed
campfire scar on an occupied tree
somebody cooked up a feast in this old coolabah a long time ago
here is the centre oven - cooking up some fish along the Ginghet?
this scar looks fire related as well but is a long way off the ground?
someone definitely set a campfire under this coolabah
this campfire tree is at the GG camp, Cumborah
very old fireplace scarring gali gurranaa
a campfire was set here too, you can still see the charcoal on the scarface
2 views of a classic campfire scar at GG camp Cumborah
old fireplace scar I think Gali gurranaa
this old campfire scarred box is home to some native or feral creature
something calls this fireplace scartree home
the big saddle burl on this coolabah would be fire related
spot burns on a dead coolabah GNR - 2 views
someone has cooked something here a long time ago GNR
and in here more recently. Cooking fish along the Ginghet ...
another spot burn close up - for unknown reasons
someone forgot to turn the oven off ... Ginghet Nature Reserve
this big coolabah has arisen from the ashes of a much older coolabah
here are 2 other views of this phoenix tree - there is another not far away
big fireplace scarring along the Ginghet
charcoal rub coolabah with a difference - GNR
I think the small branch was used to rub away the charcoal on the burnt stump
tall charcoal rub tree along the Ginghet - GNR
campfire tree in the sandhill - double actually
Steve & Trish with Steve & Chris at the big old fire scarred box in TB
the fire set here caused more damage than the old box could cope with
in this case the epicormic shoots have grown to replace the burnt trunk
half this tree has been burnt as well creating a wood wall windbreak
there was a fire set here as well but I dunno if it killed the tree?
this fire scar is a long way up the trunk - spot burns
fireplace tree - half is only scarred but half is dead GG
old fireplace scarring with wilga growing out the front GG
campfire tree on the big warrambool - plenty of food in flood
dead coolabah with campfire scar & Cubby - mustering Avon
campfire scar in Marungle blackbox swamp